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Did Gaga ever even say she was bisexual?


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Please stop labeling other people's sexuality, even when they are celebrities.

Bisexuality is a difficult label to give yourself, let alone others. I myself struggled with it too.

Bisexuality means you are sexually attracted to both men and women. I doesn't mean you have to prove how much you like either. It also doesn't mean you have to actually have had sex with either to know you would.

Gaga isn't the type (she's a romantic) and not in the position to just sleep with groupies, male or female when she feels like it or meet someone for a casual time, or order an escort. (They did hire a few girls in Brazil for the Cake video) That is more taboo and not as easy and common for a woman to do, especially someone as famous as Gaga.

Also she doesn't have to define her sexuality if she doesn't want to. I find all those labels hard to connect with myself, someone who would be labeled either Bisexual, Pansexual or queer. So I stopped giving a f.

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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Didn’t know you guys were friends with these artist and know every single intimate detail of their lives. 

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Sexuality is a spectrum. It took me a while to accept this but this is how it is for me. I know for a fact that a part of me is gay, 100% no doubt. But the thing is.. I’ve also had girlfriends in the past, I only stopped seeing girls when I started seeing guys. And occasionally, like really rarely, a very beautiful girl will make me question my sexuality. I am repulsed by the thought of vaginas most of the time, and will probably never have sex so a woman, but it’s never enough to dismiss the fact that I could still be attracted to some very exceptional ones. 

Even to this day I am not sure what my sexuality is so I just go by gay/ no label/ it’s a spectrum. I’ve read several comments by GGD members attacking those who go by no labels as homophobic/ self-hating gays. The thing is.. you are sure of your sexual orientation but some of us are still struggling to understand it. :oprah:

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She said she's bisexual, then she said she was an ally and then she said she's bisexual again :bear:

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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I hate conversations about this, almost everytime someone is making biphobic comments about not having a gf

Gaga IS bisexual

She said she's bi, She said it another time and another time.

She said she likes p00sy and she even wrote some songs about it.

And people still don't get it... :huntyga:

red wine, cheap perfume and a filthy pout
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24 minutes ago, Red said:

She said she's bisexual, then she said she was an ally and then she said she's bisexual again :bear:

She once said she's not fully a part of the GAY community because she's not a gay woman, but she's an ally.

That doesn't mean she's straight, bi and gay are different things too.

red wine, cheap perfume and a filthy pout
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7 hours ago, Justin Woodpond said:

Bowie never said he was bisexual. He didn’t even allude to it.

He insisted he was bisexual and talked about it in several interviews.

He later said it was the biggest mistake he ever made and backtracked on what he had said.

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Mother of Puppies

I remember seeing an interview where she said that she´s a "straight woman" ... I just don´t remember the interview... have to look for it.

Maybe she has changed her mind throughout the years... opinions and sexualities can also change over the years

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1 hour ago, Red said:

She said she's bisexual, then she said she was an ally and then she said she's bisexual again :bear:

I consider myself an ally to my community. I perform in a queer group of club kids at major events and festivals. When I meet people who are gay, trans or wherever they fall on the spectrum, I listen to their stories and learn from it. But I know I haven't struggled like they did or still do.

Me being a bisexual/pan/queer woman with white skin have never been discriminated against for my race, sexuality or (barely for my) gender. I think Gaga feels similar. I just want everyone in the world to have those same basic human rights that I get to enjoy so they can live and love to their full potential. That is what makes me an ally.

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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1 minute ago, Marjol said:

I consider myself an ally to my community. I perform in a queer group of club kids at major events and festivals. When I meet people who are gay, trans or wherever they fall on the spectrum, I listen to their stories and learn from it. But I know I haven't struggled like they did or still do.

Me being a bisexual/pan/queer woman with white skin have never been discriminated against for my race, sexuality or (barely for my) gender. I think Gaga feels similar. I just want everyone in the world to have those same basic human rights that I get to enjoy so they can live and love to their full potential. That is what makes me an ally.

Good for you but I'm literally just saying what Gaga herself said, I'm not forcing labels into anyone :bear: 

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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32 minutes ago, androiduser said:

He insisted he was bisexual and talked about it in several interviews.

He later said it was the biggest mistake he ever made and backtracked on what he had said.

I guess someone should check the real story. These seems to be a discrepancy between Bowie the man and Bowie the performer/character 

Bowie declared himself gay in an interview with Michael Watts for a 1972 issue of Melody Maker, coinciding with his campaign for stardom as Ziggy Stardust. 

According to Bowie biographer David Buckley, "If Ziggy confused both his creator and his audience, a big part of that confusion centred on the topic of sexuality." It was good publicity.

In a September 1976 interview with Playboy, Bowie said, "It's true—I am a bisexual. But I can't deny that I've used that fact very well”.

In a 1983 interview with Rolling Stone, Bowie said his public declaration of bisexuality was "the biggest mistake I ever made" and "I was always a closet heterosexual."

On other occasions, he said his interest in homosexual and bisexual culture had been more a product of the times and the situation in which he found himself than his own feelings. He just latched onto what was considered left field.

Buckley later wrote that Bowie "mined sexual intrigue for its ability to shock", and was probably "never gay, nor even consistently actively bisexual", instead experimenting "out of a sense of curiosity and a genuine allegiance with the 'transgressional”.

Iman, his wife declared that he was indeed straight, but the characters he created were ambiguous and fluid, and sometimes Bowie mixed up who he was portraying.

Was Bowie bisexual? Depends on who’s asking and who’s answering 

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