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Gaga Wishes TFM a Happy Bday, Hints at ARTPOP as well


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tired of hypes, I want new music :crossed: ( not trash like cake and all that) I mean decent music

Cake puts liberace to shame though. :crossed:


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tired of hypes, I want new music :crossed: ( not trash like cake and all that) I mean decent music

You mean you only want DECENT music? gorl

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This fan base sometimes :toofloppy:

Basically, but I only ever hear fans talk like this on GGD.

tired of hypes, I want new music :crossed: ( not trash like cake and all that) I mean decent music

I am tired of all the hype too, maybe we all need to stay away from the forums until something ACTUALLY happens because it makes the wait from album to album so much more painful and pro-longed. I'm waiting for the #1 hits and I really don't care what other fans think because I miss freaking out every time I heard her music on the radio! Does anybody else miss her SLAYING all of the crap artists out there right now? She needs to save pop music again!

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if she knows the gender of the baby...she must be 5 months (usually the month you can tell the gender) or more into her pregnancy! watch out, the baby might be born soon :derpga:

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I don't think she means to say that ARTPOP is going to be TFM 2.0 or anything. She was just responding to the trending topic.

It could've easily been The Fame or Born This Way's "little sister" if the hashtag had been about either of those.

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