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Zach Campbell: This is the problem with the “chromatica” era

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xoxo Craig

Guys... its NOT just promo. We aren't annoyed or criticising Gaga over promotion. Its all the content. Virtual concerts, performances from home, award show performances, interviews, Chromatica TV, other versions of the Chromatica songs.... y'know, interactive things with fans... where is it? Yes, nobody is disputing that Chromatica is a bomb ass album. But there is nothing interesting about an artist who just releases music and then leaves the room for months. Its what separates Gaga from the rest. She gives more than music, and has done since '08. Is it too much to ask for a beautiful online concert or performances of the Chromatica tracks, with piano segments and iconic choreography/fashion, and her A-List vocals? 

Banners, posters, spotify playlist, and any other promotional material is all cool... but its not even close to being as interesting as a performance

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xoxo Craig

Also, you would have expected that an artist and an ENTERTAINer like Gaga would have put out a lot of content during the pandemic. The world had a pretty rough and dark year because of Covid. Chromatica is healing, but it really is an entertainers job to try perk up the spirits of people again through their art medium. An album wasn't enough imo

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I believe we will never really know what happened but the thing that I hate about her promotion strategy is to talk about the album from time to time. If they clearly have no interest in it, they should stop giving the fans false expectations. If they said Gaga has moved on from Chromatica, I think, us, could move on as well. 

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5 hours ago, alsemanche said:

Because it's always people trashing him and Ajay for overreacting but when that British white dude does it (can't remember his name) everyone is like HE'S SO FUNNY AND GENIUNE!!!! and it happens all the time with other reactor. All Youtube reactors overreact, that's literally their jobs and how they get views, but somehow people only seem to get annoyed when it's Ajay or Zach doing it. At least that's the pattern I've been noticing.

Idk but for me is not just him who overreacts but literally most of them

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7 hours ago, retrosexual123 said:

Gaga is obviously still depressed and chilling at home... that whole thing of Chromatica and the music healing her was all bullshit.

it’s so obvious that she’s lost it... she can’t find the love, the passion, the hunger she had earlier in her career to be Lady Gaga... as a result of trauma probably... a bit like when Britney stopped being herself in 2007 and has never dance the same way again... 

they loose that fire... maybe it’s complacency because ‘they’ve made it’... or just a result of trauma that she’s not healed properly from.

oh Gaga... I wish you the best... but she can do promo x1000 but if her heart’s not in it, we’ll know... like we can tell it isn’t now.

also if that’s the case... just retire... don’t keep selling LG TVs, makeup, politics, perfumes and oreos to us... it’s a bit disrespectful I think...

music not the bling? 

This post is a little ridiculous. She released an epic incredible video for 911 a couple of months ago, and had a spectacular vma showcase with her looks and the performance. To say she’s done because the promo isn’t there is ridiculous. I understand 100 that promo is scarce for this album, but you cannot say she has dome nothing.

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Who cares about the promo. If it is there, good. Otherwise, it is not a measure of artistry. And there is a valid reason why. Gag, who is known with health issues maybe so scared to go outside? A possible Covid infection will trigger her chronic illness. Promo vs. physical pain. Choose.

Only problem with Chromatica is the question of artistic evolution. If you wanna digest Dance-Gaga it is a bright and successful album. If you ask for more, or if you think Gaga could do much better, then.... I do feel like Chromatica happened because she wanted to increase her streaming numbers with a pure pop album that is easy to digest. Maybe she is slightly annoyed that her best work, Born This Way, is not recognized by critics and absent from decade-end lists while albums like Anti is praised to heavens. Well, there is no need to act offensively. I am reading a lot of positive comments about her future acting projects but to me she is that glam avant-garde pop artist waiting to explore her true potential. Shallow is an eternal hit now but still when is her ultimate artful declaration is going to expressed is the question in my head. And such album would be a futuristic one, sleek, cold, emotional, moving... Both projects, A Star is Born and Chromatica (and of course Joanne), are looking backwards. And I do not see her surrounded by inspiring musicians. Bloodpop just helped Rina to release a bad song, first in her short but effective career. I would rather see Gaga working with someone who knows what Art-Pop is and infusing Roxy Music/Bowie/Kate Bush/Bjork kind of dark aristocracy into Gaga's palette with fresh tones. Don't kill me but 1000 Doves and Plastic Doll are sort of embarrassing for Gaga's artistic vision. They feel like b-sides, not album tracks. Her psyche is also quite sensitive for such bad decisions. I want to see her not worrying about a thing but her musical experiences. I am sure that moment will arrive and she will release another bold piece of work like Born This Way -but this time with more innovation and communication. 

I want Aristo-Ga to shut down all the noise of stan twitter gay music criticism and do her **** with freedom and bravery. 

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Ok this was honestly the first well though-out, kind, critical opinion of the era and points were definitely made. 

To her defense and as Zach said, the videos and VMA performance have all been truly great. Her best since ARTPOP no doubt. But what's missing is definitely the love/commitment. I think Gaga has been in a place mentally in 2020 prioritizing the world, not the album or the fans. Perhaps she feels like she's holding us all over w the videos, and planning more next year (I hope).

But the issue is that we really know nothing about "Chromatica" from Gaga herself. What is this planet? What are these tribes? Is there a bigger story? And for such a fantastic album, it's unfair to not give it the Born This Way treatment. 

I honestly think there will still be more videos, and the tour will be crazy, she's just not mentally invested atm to be "Gaga."

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I completely agree with him. I've Gaga fan since the beginning of Her career, I've always supported her, but I just don't recognize Gaga lately, and I don't need to talk about the pandemic and stuff. I just don't feel that era, it just doesn't exist for me, even though this album is amazing. Where is at least the usual communication with fans? Where is it? Yes, some fans only think about themselves, but all fans are different and this is normal. We have nothing but ads for you-know-what.

Buy and stream “Chromatica”
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Jose P
12 hours ago, SHALLOW said:

I haven't seen her really passionate this year and thought this era and album were really a downgrade for her but remember that only 2 years ago things were different. It's probably just temporary, the talent is still there.

This. Are people forgetting how happy and passionate she was about the ASIB project? Not only the movie but also the music she created for it. It’s much deeper than just saying “oh she lost it she doesn’t care for music anymore retire”

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On 12/4/2020 at 10:52 PM, Jose P said:

This. Are people forgetting how happy and passionate she was about the ASIB project? Not only the movie but also the music she created for it. It’s much deeper than just saying “oh she lost it she doesn’t care for music anymore retire”

I honestly think she just postponed the Era while all this stuff was going on. Do you remember the hate she got on posts about it

"So theres *insert one of this years awful things* and you're promoting your album? wow." Etc. A new video does not mean a new re start of it like everyones saying its started and stopped over and over, I think the post from Nicola was quite telling, and it obviously wasnt about the bloody Oreos. They wouldnt have ditched every single plan they had, it makes sense to leave it a bit, theres no time limit for the 'Journey' Yano? Like who made the rules it has to be done in this kind of single roll out time period, people expect different things from Gaga away from most of this site, promotion this year would have backfired on her.


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On 12/4/2020 at 3:15 PM, Hyoha said:

Obnoxious wide-mouthed idiot

Did you at least heard what he said? Because he made several points. Stop being so damn rude. 

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On 12/3/2020 at 9:53 PM, Indyl said:

why are pop stans so obsessed with promo

you literally never see this in the rap/hip hop/indie communities. they know how to actually enjoy the music

We're f*ggots, we need to be served, mister!

I am authistic, so don't be offended if I make a mess sometimes.
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43 minutes ago, Kadikaado said:

We're f*ggots, we need to served, mister!

haha best reply yet!! you right 😂 totally get it

(all these other bitches comin for me like omg plz log off and go for a walk, goddamn :enigma:)

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