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What is your Chromatica ranking?


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01. CIII + Sine From Above ~ 11
02. CI + Alice   
03. Enigma
04. Rain On Me
05. Plastic Doll
06. Sour Candy
07. CII + 911
08. Replay
09. Babylon
10. Free Woman
11. Stupid Love
12. 1000 Doves
13. Fun Tonight ~ 9

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Sine From Above 




Rain On Me


Stupid Love 

Plastic Doll 

Fun Tonight 

Free Woman 

1000 Doves 

Sour Candy

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1. Rain On Me

2. Free Woman

3. Stupid Love

4. Alice

5. 911

6. Enigma

7. Replay

8. 1000 Doves

9. Sine From Above

10. Sour Candy

11. Plastic Doll

12. Fun Tonight

13. Love Me Right

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1.  CII+911
2. Replay
3. Babylon
4. Sour Candy
5. CI+Alice
6. Rain on me
7.  CIII+Sine
8. Enigma
9. Stupid Love
10. 1000 Doves
11.  Free Woman
12. Fun Tonight
13. Plastic Doll

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9 hours ago, Kimmo said:

1.  Plastic Doll :pray:

2. Sour Candy
3. Rain On Me
4. Alice
5. Stupid Love
6. Love Me Right
7. Enigma
8. Free Woman
9. 911   
10. Replay

And I don’t know the other ones...:huntyga:



Act III (SFA, 1000, Babylon) sweetie I am so sorry 

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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chromatic puzea
9 hours ago, Emigrante said:

1. Alice



4.free woman

5.sour candy

6. Fun tonight

7.sine from above



10.stupid love

11.rain on me

12. 1000 doves

13. Plastic doll

14. Love me right



Something like this

I was about to say taste 'til you put love me right last

hard to even fathom which parts you should believe
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1 minute ago, chromatic puzea said:

I was about to say taste 'til you put love me right last

well I like it anyway, but I listen to it the least. 

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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1. Love Me Right

2. 911

3. Rain On Me

4. 1000 Doves

5. Alice

6. Stupid Love

7. Free Woman

8. Babylon

9. Plastic Doll

10. Enigma

11. Replay/Sour Candy

12. Sine From Above




13. Fun Tonight

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chromatic puzea

1. Alice

2. Sine From Above

3. Sour Candy

4. Fun Tonight

5. Stupid Love

6. Replay

7. Rain On Me

8. Free Woman

9. Love Me Right

10. 911

11. Engima

12. Babylon

13. 1000 Doves

14. Plastic Doll

hard to even fathom which parts you should believe
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Big Reputation

1. Chromatica III/Sine from above

2. Rain On Me

3. Plastic Doll

4. Sour candy

5. fun tonight

6. Chromatica I/Alice

7. Stupid Love

8. 1000 doves

9. Replay

10. Chromatica II/911

11. Free woman

12. enigma

13. Babylon

When it’s dark outside you’re always the light
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tyler k

1. Replay

2. Alice

3. Sine From Above

4. 911

5. Fun Tonight

6. Plastic Doll

7. Rain On Me

8. Enigma

9. Stupid Love

10. Babylon

11. Free Woman

12. 1000 Doves

13. Love Me Right

14. Chromatica I/II/III


mmmy name ~isn't~ aliceee
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Jose P

Sine From Above




Rain On Me


Sour Candy

1000 Doves

Stupid Love 


Fun Tonight

Plastic Doll

Free Woman

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1. Sour Candy

2. Alice

3. Replay

4. 911

5. Rain On Me

6. Fun Tonight

7. 1000 Doves

8. Enigma

9. Stupid Love

10. Plastic Doll

11. Free Woman

12. Babylon

13. Sine from Above

14. Love Me Right


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holy scheisse

Best: rain on me, free woman, fun tonight, 911, replay

Good: stupid love, enigma, sour candy, plastic doll

Meh: alice, sine from above, 1000 doves, babylon

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