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What is your Chromatica ranking?


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1. Sine From Above

2. Babylon

3. Alice

4. Enigma

5. 911

6. Sour Candy

7. Fun Tonight

8. Rain On Me

9. Replay

10. 1000 Doves

11. Free Woman

12. Stupid Love

13. Plastic Doll

I am authistic, so don't be offended if I make a mess sometimes.
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Varo Yan

1. Sine from above

2. Alice

3. Fun tonight 

4. Babylon

5. Sour Candy

6. Stupid Love

7. 911

8. Replay 

9. Rain On Me

10. Free Woman

11. Enigma

12. Plastic Doll

13. 1000 Doves

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1. Babylon

2. Rain on Me

3. Plastic Doll

4. Enigma

5. Free Woman 

6. 911

7. Stupid Love

8. Sour Candy

9. Sine From Above

10. Alice

11. Replay

12. Fun Tonight

13. 1000 Doves


P.S. Love Me Right would fit somewhere between Stupid Love & Sour Candy 

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I love all the songs, but this is my personal preference:

1. Free Woman

2. Replay

3. Enigma

4. Rain On Me

5. Stupid Love

6. Babylon

7. Plastic Doll

8. 1000 Doves

9. Alice

10. Sine From Above

11. 911

12. Fun Tonight

13. Sour Candy

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My Name Isnt Alice
1 hour ago, Cello said:

1. Rain On Me

2. 911

3. Replay 

4. Stupid Love 

5. Love Me Right 

6. Fun Tonight 

7. Babylon 

8. Plastic Doll 

9. Sine From Above 

10. Free Woman 

11. 1000 Doves 

12. Enigma 

13. Alice 

14. Sour Candy 


We need to talk:triggered:

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It’s too hard so I’ll rank them in tiers 


Alice, Rain On Me, Free Woman, Enigma, Replay, Babylon


Stupid Love, 911, Sour Candy


Fun Tonight, Plastic Doll


Sine From Above, 1000 Doves, Love Me Right


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1. Replay

2. Babylon

3. 911

4. Alice

5. Enigma

6. Sour Candy

7. Stupid Love

8. Rain On Me

9. Sine From Above

10. Plastic Doll

11. Free Woman

12. Fun Tonight

13. 1000 Doves

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1. Rain On Me

2. Sour Candy

3. Babylon 

4. Enigma 

5. Replay

6. Fun Tonight 

7. Stupid Love 

8. Sine From Above 

9. Plastic Doll

10. Free Woman 

11. 911

12. 1000 Doves

13. Alice :reductive:

Everything could be everything (it could mean anything)
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PxA limited

I will not include the interludes. Overall it is a great album.

14. Love Me Right. I heard this song only once :laughga:

13. 1000 Doves (a lot of pleading in the beginning makes me cringe. And the piano version is far better)

12. Fun Tonight (although the pre-chorus has great vocals, I prefer it a little lighter, and the song gives me the vibe of Gaga struggling with the situation she was in so...:ohno:)

11. Free Woman (I wish she kept the demo, it was better. Personally doesn't affect me since Im not a woman, but anyway a cute song)

10. Stupid Love (The single did its job getting inside my head after a few months. It was a disappointment for the first one, very repetitive and the lyrics are stupid, sorry. For a long time it was the worst song from the album for me.) :creepflop:

9. Plastic Doll (far more intelligent lyrics than Stupid Love lol)

8. 911 (liked this song from beginning, but the masterpiece video moved it higher on my list :heart:)

7. Replay  (genius level lyrics, amazing song :shocked:)

6. Sine From Above (this one gives me goosebumps, no need for explaining)

5. Alice (since i hated Stupid Love, hearing Alice when I put on Chromatica for the first time, lifted a huge weight lol)

4. Sour Candy (the most fun)

3. Enigma (literally a masterpiece, those vocals, i cant. Not for a constant repeat since it is very strong, but THE SONG)

2. Babylon (from the name of the song, to its meaning, melodies, lyrics, so crazy. Totally Gaga and I hope we get a heaveeen video)

1. Rain on Me. (the best one on the album. I wish I liked a solo one better than the collab, but what can we do :smh::spin::heart:)

Rain On Me GIF by Lady Gaga



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Celloo Deng
56 minutes ago, My Name Isnt Alice said:

We need to talk:triggered:


i try to live in black & white but i'm so blue
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Rain On Me

C2 -> 911



C3 -> Sine From Above

C1 -> Alice

Fun Tonight 


Stupid Love

Sour Candy

Plastic Doll

Free Woman

1000 Doves

Love Me Right

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The Child

1. Rain On Me

2. Stupid Love

3. Alice

4. Babylon

5. Sine From Above

6. 911

7. Sour Candy

9. Replay

10. Enigma

11. 1000 Doves

12. Free Woman

11. Fun Tonight

13. Plastic Doll

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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1. Sine From Above

2. Babylon

3. Fun Tonight

4. Rain On Me

5. Alice

6. Sour Candy

7. Replay

8. Enigma

9. 911

10. Stupid Love

11. Free Woman

12. 1000 Doves

13. Plastic Doll


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Healed My Heart

1.  Rain On Me, 911, Replay

2. Stupid Love, Sine From Above

3. Alice, Fun Tonight, Sour Candy

4. Free Woman, Plastic Doll, 1000 Doves

5. Enigma, Babylon, Love Me Right

Ariana Grande Rain On Me GIF by Lady Gaga

She/her 💗💜💙
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