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Why is Dope in ARTPOP


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For me Dope’s spot was a wasted opportunity for Onion Girl or TEA or Brooklyn Nights which lost its spot to Mary Jane Holland. The placement of the song probably confused so many people in the process of listening to a dance album

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Dope is an essential ARTPOP song. The message and the emotions behind it are very important for the album and I think it would be lacking without it. 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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Cyber Babylon
5 minutes ago, alsemanche said:

Dope is an essential ARTPOP song. The message and the emotions behind it are very important for the album and I think it would be lacking without it. 

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A Very Gaga Holida

What? Brooklyn Night has nothing to do on ARTPOP. Dope is one of the most important songs on the album. It's when the fantasy disappears and reality suddenly shows

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I think it’s meant to represent the come down after all the drugs sang about in Mary Jane Holland. I personally love Dope and think it’s good on ARTPOP but I know loads of others disagree 

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A Very Gaga Holida

To comment again, I'd say that Brooklyn Night's production fits perfectly with ARTPOP, but the song itself (the melody, her delievery) sounds very Born This Way, with Joanne lyrics. Not that it would matter, cause Yoü And I has nothing to do on Born This Way either, but imo Dope remains the best choice

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In the “context” of the album and whatever we wanna decide the concept is and how it fits. 

I don’t understand why I Wanna Be With U was turned into Dope and put on the album 

this is the reason why I’m personally finding myself asking why Dope is there, especially when the first version is superior 

please enlighten me to death
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It depends on whether you believe the rumours that there was an ARTPOP 1.0 - I think it’s accepted that she had an album ready for the first quarter of 2013 but her label forced her to rethink some elements. 

‘I wanna be with you’ was first tweeted about in February 2013, which makes me believe that she wrote and included that song because she was asked to. Obviously that song then became Dope which I much prefer as it 10000% less cheesy. 



Not the bore worms!
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Celloo Deng
14 minutes ago, JoeMo said:

I think it’s meant to represent the come down after all the drugs sang about in Mary Jane Holland. I personally love Dope and think it’s good on ARTPOP but I know loads of others disagree 

Exactly this! Dope is placed straight after MJH to show the contrast of the high and the comedown. It fits perfectly in the album. 

i try to live in black & white but i'm so blue
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Sneaky Oliver
13 minutes ago, Blastertoyo said:

In the “context” of the album and whatever we wanna decide the concept is and how it fits. 

I don’t understand why I Wanna Be With U was turned into Dope and put on the album 

this is the reason why I’m personally finding myself asking why Dope is there, especially when the first version is superior 

Are you kidding me? IWBWYs lyrics are cringy next to Dope’s. Dope is a fully realized song with a very poetic lyrical content that represents the moment when the aura vanishes and there’s left just the girl who was hiding behind it who’s very hurt and alone 

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Nathaniel Nox

Important or not - I hate Dope. Can't listen to this song. And it's sad because I LOVED I Wanna be with U. I listened to Brooklyn Nights 10 times more than Dope.

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