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Katy Perry Getting Backlash From Fans For Her Recent Tweet


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I get where she's coming from, and I think her heart's in the right place. She shouldn't get dragged over this. If Gaga had tweeted about reaching out to her dad, would you drag her? Or praise her for being the bigger person and caring about her family?

But I get that this is a very, VERY touchy subject. A lot of families are divided over this election, and while I agree that we should all be able to put our differences aside, I think a lot of people are just too hurt and upset and are not ready to forget, much less forgive, which is understandable. This election turned out to be a full-on battle between good and evil.

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3 hours ago, ItWasntLaauv said:

As politically incorrect as this sounds though, there are a chunk of his supporters that would benefit from some people on the democratic/Biden side leaving a window open for them. If we close off completely to every person who may have supported Trump because of his toxic charisma, they’re going to keep supporting him and hateful people like him. They’re going to go where they feel love and community, which ironically might be a hate group for them.

This a million times^^^^^

The MAGA crowd is 70 MILLION voters strong now. I do not want to go to war with 70 million voters every two years. No way.

Many Trump supporters simply wanted Trump to break the system. Mislead or not, they feel it doesn't work for them for one reason or another. I think it's worth the effort to try and reach those people. To reason with them. But we need to be the adults there and build bridges for them to cross.

Worst case scenario? We just turn them back into Republicans and make them ditch the nationalist label. Either way, we need to also volunteer our time to turn out young, female, and POC voters to beat them at the polls.

Let's also not forget that rising stars on the left have a fantastic point that progressive policies, in one form or another, enjoy majority support even among the GOP electorate. ESPECIALLY healthcare. A majority of Republican voters support not only the protections provided by the ACA, they also support a public option.

Even here in Florida, we may have given Trump our EC votes in 2016 and 2020 but we also voted to reinstate the voting rights of felons, raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, and we shot down a bs GOP bill that would have made passing amendments harder because we'd have to vote for it twice. I know there was several other things too.

The support it there, we just need to reach them and prove to them that we want the same things most of them want and that we don't need to tear something down to build something better on top of it.

So, I think part of our responsibility now is to let the red hats work through their feelings and then we should speak to them. We will get through to some of them. I've seen it happen a few times just in my family alone.

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16 minutes ago, LaLuna said:

But I get that this is a very, VERY touchy subject. A lot of families are divided over this election

My grandma has a friend in Virginia that she calls every day. She supported/s Hillary/Biden but her husband supports Trump.

According to her, they fought over Trump literally every single day for the past four years :toofunny: but they're still happily married.

I'm sure at some point I'll make the effort to reach out to some of my still-MAGA family and friends.

We just all need to contribute to lowering the temperature here imo. Cool it down. Get back to arguing ideas rather than being warring tribes.

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2 hours ago, pedrohemg said:

He's the best person I ever met, and I repeat, I'd never mess with our friendship. But one thing you guys don't understand, and I think you'll never will is the fact most people didn't vote for Trump because he's racist, homophobic, etc.  Trump actually has a lot of gay and black people supporters. And I will say more, most people didn't vote for Biden because he's gay friendly or because Trump doesn't like muslims. That's not their main concern.


Then you need to go out and meet more people lol. I vaguely remember you were Trump supporter too.

And if they can put all those evil things aside, they aren’t good people because they actively support oppression of others. “That’s not their main concern” imagine saying that. 

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5 minutes ago, lego said:


Then you need to go out and meet more people lol. I vaguely remember you were Trump supporter too.

And if they can put all those evil things aside, they aren’t good people because they actively support oppression of others. “That’s not their main concern” imagine saying that. 

I remember back in 2015/16, a lot of members here were proudly proclaiming their support of trump. When given evidence of his racism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, and transphobia, a lot of them were very “well that stuff doesn’t directly affect me, so I don’t care” and it just really goes to show how selfish and self-centered some people can be 

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TWICE on hatius
46 minutes ago, Xoxo Adriana said:

everyone making up false narratives and meanings to her tweet, when it’s really just an innocent tweet spreading positivity. i’m literally losing brain cells reading these replies calling her homophobic and racist when she literally isn’t.

jesus christ shut up

The problem with that tweet is not about her being racist or bigoted. She is far from it.

But the problem is she encourages sympathy for those are. F*ck no. Trump stands much more than politics, it's about the abuse of power violates our human rights. Those people who are allowing such corruption should never be given a chance when they have not earned it. They should make that phone call, not us.

Also, remember that trump is just a symptom where it reveal what many his supporters have always wanted to do. Giving them sympathy is useless and cruel to real victims here.

Please ignore the spelling in username. I am a Beyonce stan afterall.
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4 hours ago, 27monster27 said:

This is probably why Lady Gaga has been silent about this issue. :rip:

Don't jinx it :rip: Knowing Gaga's "I want to spread kindness to the point of annoyance is my rebellion in life" personality, it wouldn't be strange for her to tweet something like this :messga:

In I fly on wings of winter.
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Xoxo Adriana
23 minutes ago, TWICE said:

The problem with that tweet is not about her being racist or bigoted. She is far from it.

But the problem is she encourages sympathy for those are. F*ck no. Trump stands much more than politics, it's about the abuse of power violates our human rights. Those people who are allowing such corruption should never be given a chance when they have not earned it. They should make that phone call, not us.

Also, remember that trump is just a symptom where it reveal what many his supporters have always wanted to do. Giving them sympathy is useless and cruel to real victims here.

she’s literally saying be the bigger person. you’re reaching ma’am.

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TWICE on hatius
5 minutes ago, Xoxo Adriana said:

she’s literally saying be the bigger person. you’re reaching ma’am.

Sympathize with racist, rapist, homophobic, xenophobic enablers is not a way to be a bigger person.

Edit: also goodness goes along with ignorance means destruction.

Please ignore the spelling in username. I am a Beyonce stan afterall.
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Xoxo Adriana
15 minutes ago, TWICE said:

Sympathize with racist, rapist, homophobic, xenophobic enablers is not a way to be a bigger person.

Edit: also goodness goes along with ignorance means destruction.

as much as i despise donald duck just as much as everyone else, labelling someone who votes for trump a “rapist” is rock bottom delusion. sorry.

i see where you’re coming from that family members voting for trump may have different views, but that doesn’t mean they’re terrible people (at least in some circumstances). if they support racism and homophobia of course they are, but not ALL trump supporters are this way. a minority of them vote/support him as he’s good with economy,  he’s a businessman. he’s definitely not good at all with social justice issues....something a president needs to be good at both with.

katy’s tweet should be taken with common sense. if you do not want to reach out to your trump supporter family, then don’t. but don’t let politics ruin your relationship with them either. she purely said she has a close relationship with them despite them voting trump, katy has been vocal about coming from a heavily conservative and religious family. that should be katy’s decision and nobody else’s.

the part we should be focusing on is that she has never shared the same views as them, and has been very vocal about her support for biden and democrats in general, so i really don’t think people should be going off at her.

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8 minutes ago, Rock Jock said:

twitter is the cancer of the internet 

My edit: Social Media is the cancer of society. Not an exaggeration. 

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