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Katy Perry Getting Backlash From Fans For Her Recent Tweet


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It's worth noting that not every conservative or Trump supporter is evil. Some people just vote conservative for economic reasons, for example. Or they've just learned that way from their parents or something. Sure, I think that's pretty poor reasoning to base your political ideology on but it's a reality. I like to think that the ones in Katy's family are of this demographic. I'm sure if anyone in her family was outwardly hateful, she wouldn't associate with them. As long as someone's political leanings aren't extreme, we should focus more on being civil to one another and just avoiding political talk if we feel it's going to end in disaster. We rarely talk about politics in my family and we're all on the same side (at least I think we are). You don't have to be privileged to want to avoid talking politics. And less people would be drawn to extremist ideologies if their views were listened to without being shut down and shut out. When that happens, these people tend to run to extremist groups who offer them understanding and community that they can't get anywhere else. That's how good people get brainwashed. Cast out the truly bad apples but make time for your conservative but well-meaning family member. For some people, family is all they have and they don't have a choice. Some of us live with our families and definitely don't have a choice.

I feel Katy's intentions were so good here and she got woefully misunderstood. People are on high alert right now with politics and ready to pounce on celebrities for saying the wrong thing.

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Yeah so Biden's "uniting the country" and being a "president to serve all (democrats + republicans)" has got to mean being an enabler now by this logic. Uhhhhh... no???? People don't pick their battles well and it's harming the movement. If Katy's situation doesn't apply to you, then by all means, cut off ties to your family. It will mean something if your relationship with your 'conservative' family is salvageable. No need to polarize people who have different tolerances for political leanings of family members. By this slippery slope, Biden should just flush Trumplets (or whatever they're called) out of the system.

If anything, keeping family and friends who have different opinion is a BATTLE on itself which can only be fought by constant education over a longer period of time. Ripping off ties does not serve them at all when you know you know better and you can help them make better decisions next time.

Being attacked by homophobic conservative family members is another issue that outweighs her suggestion!! Nobody said make peace with a family that has been voting AGAINST you from the day you realized you were gay! If you somehow have family from different races and some of them are racist, it's a different battle that warrants indifference or retaliation. You probably won't care to call them except to rub it to their faces.

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some people in this thread talking about what's TONE DEAF while being tone deaf altogether.

the worst assumption many people make is people vote trump solely for the social justice dimension of his campaign. it's a ****ing democracy you have and closing doors to trump supporters  regardless of their motivation for their vote (or lack of education, morals) perpetuates the divide. people vote on issues and while it's beyond unfortunate that people buy the entire package Trump offers, not all of them are raging evangelists or KKK. not all of them are beyond salvaging.

katy's tweet was not an invitation to make peace with homophobia, racism, and xenophobia. it echoes Biden's 'working together' and 'healing' message. "giving a chance" may not work for your particular family but it's a worthwhile 

if i were american, i'd be democrat all the way (and i do have family members in US from two different sides). i am not an american but i follow your politics closely as it makes some striking parallels to my country's politics (Philippines) for the past 4 years . we've never been as divided as we are today. yet the best opportunity to start healing is when given a fresh start. ours is deprived that opportunity for 2 more years. when the infection goes, so can we heal.

and yes it's acceptable for you to give up on your family if that's what you like. no it's not acceptable to encourage others to stop embracing any person who voted for Trump. that's the antithesis of healing. it's injury. it's salt in the wound. it deprives them of the opportunity to learn or change their ways. it's further division that won't help your cause on your next battles.

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5 hours ago, reelcool said:

this topic isn't as black and white as people think

Ppl make everything black and white cuz they see everything within the boundaries of their narrow opinion


A lot of things can have a lot of factors and variables at play and politics is complicated


Some things can be bluntly black or white but a lot of things are a lot more grey than that. Ppl like to oversimplify everything based on their views tho

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