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Lana SKULL drags fan


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It’s so infuriating how everybody loves to jump on the Hate Train. As soon as it becomes popular to attack/cancel someone, suddenly everything they do is under a microscope and questioned. I’m glad Lana is sticking up for herself. It’s hilarious how people are suddenly painting her as a “Republican, white, Trump supporter” When this is the same woman who openly said she’s using witchcraft against him. LFL is such a political album, about LOVE. She also denounced him, and his supporters HOW MANY TIMES? 

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36 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Good on her. People are too quick to make assumptions based on appearances and other superficial factors. Just because Lana chooses to look feminine, embrace traditional femininity and her music harks back to a retro style does not mean she's Republican and on the contrary, has proved numerous times how anti-Trump she is. How people can fly in the face of all that just because "they have a feeling" speaks to such a narcissistic entitlement that I simply cannot stomach. And what kind of fan is she to call out her fave like this? Probably the only time I validate being rude to a fan. You don't need fakes like that in your fandom.

I think telling someone to go f**k themselves in response is pretty conclusive. Denying something is about a whole lot more than just saying a simple "no." Evidence is the most damning thing. There's all the evidence that Lana's anti-Trump and none that she's pro-Trump, so if people are still convinced that she's hiding something, they need to take a good look at themselves.

They why doesn't she just say so...it's a very simple thing to just tweet to them... "Hey...I'm not a Republican and I'm not a Trump supporter"... :smh:

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1 minute ago, TimisaMonster said:

They why doesn't she just say so...it's a very simple thing to just tweet to them... "Hey...I'm not a Republican and I'm not a Trump supporter"... :smh:

She knows they won't believe her, though. If they don't in the face of all the evidence, how will a simple statement like that do it? Some people just need a short sharp shake to snap them back to reality. Being sworn at is the only way to make some people listen and realise that they just accused someone of something serious. You've got to be unapologetic and show you're not to be messed with. It's the only way to make certain that this person never says it again. If more of us just stood up for ourselves like Lana did from the get go, no one would ever get bullied.

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15 minutes ago, TimisaMonster said:

They why doesn't she just say so...it's a very simple thing to just tweet to them... "Hey...I'm not a Republican and I'm not a Trump supporter"... :smh:

she doesn’t need to?!? how long have you been keeping up with lana...? she’s denounced him so many times 😂😂😂

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15 minutes ago, ThomasDelGaga said:

she doesn’t need to?!? how long have you been keeping up with lana...? she’s denounced him so many times 😂😂😂

I don't... :lana:

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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Robo Ga
9 hours ago, Kulture Kiari said:

No ma'am. I watched that whole livestream, and if you didnt watch the whole livestream, then dont comment on what you think she is choosing. 

She was dissing trump the whole time, saying why would trump stop counting votes. If that is even legal? She was even telling news reporters, siding with Trump, to shut the heck up. 

Thank you for clearing this up! I thought the sis was a true Little trumpster for a sec 

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13 hours ago, FfFfFfFF said:

Some things never change









Add So Legit to this :bear:

"Every night, a million hearts are breaking, but at least I know tonight I'm not the only one"
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Bella Goth

i love how this b!tch keep doing what she want to do, not faking or doing what people telling her what to do or behave. keep doing you girl

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Jose P
55 minutes ago, ***** said:

She’s definitely having her Katy Perry Witness era and Gaga ARTPOP era where she’s just being hated for no reason. She’ll hopefully come out of this unharmed as long as she handles the hate well. 

Lana has always been very hated and criticized. She’s actually less criticized rn in comparison to when she first started out.

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latina twilight

Where did this "Lana is republican" thing came from anyway? :mark:

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I was more pressed that we have to wait for muthafuuckin march for chemtrails over the country club... lana is definitely not Republican... I mean that cop she dated  probably was but really didn't last long after he was exposed so I mean... 🤷‍♂️ idk. I think lana is like me and just hates political parties and wants it abolished. I get free hippie vibes from her where she's like maybe likes some conservative old fashioned things but is hippie enough to know clearly what rights matters most before old school morals. She's a free spirit and I don't see why she's getting so much hate. That whole mask thing was tone deaf but I would probably have done something more laxed if I'd been tested, you don't always have the right frame of mind with **** you aren't used to having to think about plus americans are ****ed up I live in Wisconsin where hardly anyone wears masks and definitely doesn't respect personal boundaries I understand the concern with that whole situation with her but I mean people tend to overreact and cancel culture needs to calm down just a smidge. We are so quick to crucify someone over the slightest ****up. I'm not saying don't go after hardcore ****, some people definitely deserve to be canceled but some people don't I mean the slightest rumor and we're getting out the pitchforks and torches without obtaining real proof. Like I wanna see receipts before I return a package 🤣

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Sneaky Oliver
18 hours ago, TimisaMonster said:

The way she isn't denying anything tho...:awkney:

well if you followed her on social media, you would have known what she actually is. She has spoken publicly against Trump MANY times before. Don't be a lazy hater :awkney: 

I’m on my Legacy Act era
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