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Billie Eillish having to defend herself against body shamers...


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is unacceptable. Tired of people thinking women have to be a certain size, a certain type of beauty or else they are "unhealthy" or ugly. This young woman wears a bikini to have a swim during vacation and people call it provocative. Then she wears a tank top and joggers and people call her a "mid 30s mom body".

Im just sharing this because I know we are all humans and we all have judgemental thoughts running through our heads when we see bodies that our brain was wired by society to be outside of the beauty standard of whatever country you are from. But I urge any of you, and I've told myself that a long time ago, to keep these thoughts to yourself, and that includes on this forum or social media. Pointing it out because Gaga having a bit of a tummy, which is normal and pretty by the way, many comments say "is she pregnant?", or Lana gaining a bit of weight and dying her hair blonde being called "a Karen". Let's stop with this mess, and Im not saying I'm a saint either and it's a whole process but bodies come in many forms. Just because someone looks overweight, it doesn't mean they are unhealthy sometimes the body holds more fat than others and it's fine and you can still be beautiful.

I find it very very sad that a young girl like Billie who's in the spotlight has to defend herself from these awful comments, when since the beginning of her career she has said she wanted to wear loose clothes to avoid this. Well, apparently there's no avoiding it, people think that women bodies have to be a certain way. I personally believe also that women do not have the responsibility to be "pretty", it's over, get that belief out of your head. Women do not have to be pretty, just like men have never really had the pressure to look pretty. I won't name names because apparently it's forbidden, but think hard about it, many DJs or a certain singer from the UK has been able to not look their best (in terms of beauty standards) and yet no one has ever really SHAMED them. Interesting isn't it?

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2 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

Its not healthy to be overweight and we should be able to talk about weight more freely without putting someone down negatively. 

Are you her doctor? If not, how does it affect you?

headspin, happiness, DE̤̣A̢̯͔̘T͏͙̗̟̫H̗̙͡ͅ
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1 minute ago, xoxo Craig said:

I don’t agree with body shaming, but I do think we've become too soft about talking about weight. When I saw that picture, I didn't actually recognise her and it took me a minute to realise it was her. Its not healthy to be overweight and we should be able to talk about weight more freely without putting someone down negatively. 

Billie is not overweight. And by the way if someone is overweight will you come up to them and say "Hey I think you look unhealthy." Obesity is different but even then it's not ur business as a stranger to post comments about that body. I don't know for example the health of Lizzo, you don't know if she's completely healthy but is just overweight, and she loves her body she loves herself, why make any comments about it, why not mind ur business 

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4 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

I don’t agree with body shaming, but I do think we've become too soft about talking about weight. When I saw that picture, I didn't actually recognise her and it took me a minute to realise it was her. Its not healthy to be overweight and we should be able to talk about weight more freely without putting someone down negatively. 

How do you know that she's overweight and why would it matter? 

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xoxo Craig
1 minute ago, gag said:

Are you her doctor? If not, how does it affect you?

I said what I said. Its not healthy to be overweight

End Racism Now
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Just now, xoxo Craig said:

I said what I said. Its not healthy to be overweight

Billie is not overweight, she has a normal body, that's the whole point of this thread, people think normal women bodies are top models or Kardashians. Guess what, all of us have a tummy, and some have larger breasts, or bigger arms, doesn't mean you are overweight

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6 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

I don’t agree with body shaming, but I do think we've become too soft about talking about weight. When I saw that picture, I didn't actually recognise her and it took me a minute to realise it was her. Its not healthy to be overweight and we should be able to talk about weight more freely without putting someone down negatively. 

But unless someone comes up to you and says “ hey, can you give me your opinion on if my weight is too high” you should have no opinion :oops:

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5 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

Its not healthy to be overweight and we should be able to talk about weight more freely without putting someone down negatively. 


This is exactly her point ...

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xoxo Craig
Just now, KanyeWest said:

Billie is not overweight, she has a normal body, that's the whole point of this thread, people think normal women bodies are top models or Kardashians. Guess what, all of us have a tummy, and some have larger breasts, or bigger arms, doesn't mean you are overweight

If people truly believe that Kim K has a natural body, they are delusional. 

End Racism Now
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Ladey Gaygay
6 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

I don’t agree with body shaming, but I do think we've become too soft about talking about weight. When I saw that picture, I didn't actually recognise her and it took me a minute to realise it was her. Its not healthy to be overweight and we should be able to talk about weight more freely without putting someone down negatively. 

she isnt ovrweight tho...thats literally an average body size at a weird angle

I can't believe we have grown ass men talking about billies weight like she's fat

shame on you craig

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Just now, xoxo Craig said:

If people truly believe that Kim K has a natural body, they are delusional. 

I think you are delusional as well to see Billie and think woah overweight

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1 minute ago, Ladey Gaygay said:

I can't believe we have grown ass men talking about billies weight like she's fat

And by the way even if she was fat, she has the right to be fat without body shamers commenting on it. I barely see any huge trolls on a certain DJ's IG page....

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10 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

I said what I said. Its not healthy to be overweight

where is she overweighted?

"You b*tch!" ~ Rat Boy
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Dr Fudge

I think this obsession society has with telling people that they’re overweight or underweight needs to go. People aren’t stupid. They know the health issues associated with obesity or anorexia. Let people live their own lives and make decisions for themselves.


Btw, this isn’t a commentary on Billie’s body. 

Been a cuff touple, a puff bupple, a tough couple of years.
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