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Barbie discusses racism

BUtterfield 8

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Chromatica Island

I collect Barbies, I stan her!

Any/All Pronouns, Genderfluid🏳‍⚧
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Xoxo Adriana

when a plasticdoll.mp3 is more woke than people


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Dude,this had me in tears. 

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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I love this. 
I also think it's strange they're referring to themselves as people and not dolls. WHAT ARE YOU BARBIE

✧ ✧ ✧
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I'm shocked at these vlogs that this channel keeps putting out. Amazing.
Look at the expression of compassion Barbie has as she listens. High quality!!

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