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Ally Brooke: ''I'm 27 and I'm still a virgin''

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6 hours ago, uo111 said:

No one really cares but people who do this high key judge people who choose to have sex and I can’t staaaaand that ****. You literally only do this to feel morally superior, which is so dumb cause sex has nothing to do with morality.

This, i cant stand judgemental prudes..

Its fine if they want to stay virgins but leave the fk us alone 🤙

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9 hours ago, Bonkers said:

I find it comes from an old, outdated, judgemental place.   

I'm not saying other people don't have the right to find it admirable, or that my opinion is the ultimately correct one, but I find people like that are trying to live a fantasy that isn't that good once you get it. :huntyga:

People need to realize we're all different, with different desires and needs, different sexualities, different attractions. Some people love sex and have a lot of it, some people love sex but are picky about who they wanna have it with, some people are indifferent about sex and wanna wait for one person to have sex with their whole lives, some people don't like sex and don't wanna have sex ever in their lives. You say you think it might come from an old judgemental place but you are judgemental yourself by saying it which is ironic. Please understand that sex is as personal as religion. Some want to believe in it, some don't, some believe in a specific one, some don't. It's a lifestyle, it's a choice, it's their lives. No one is better than any one for being sexually active or for not being sexually active at all, whatever age you are. Sex has been this aspect of your bodies where it holds way too much importance in the media, in movies they teach you as a teen that if you're 18 and a virgin you should be ashamed, if you wait for marriage you're a prude and traditionnal, if you hate sex as an asexual there's something wrong with you, but weirdly if you're a woman and you have sex a lot you're a slut, if you're a man and if you have sex a lot (without cheating left and right) you're a player and a ****boy. Sex is sex, it's not that big of a deal. And if the person wants to wait after marriage even if there's a risk she or he finds out they have no sexual chemistry, you can always work on it, but it's really no one's business

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Real question guys, but are we losing virginity when we're masturbating or it just when we had sex with someone??


Thank you

Little little
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Daylight Jokers

Actually, if she's Filipino and she announces that in my country, people will applaud her.

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5 minutes ago, gstring said:

Real question guys, but are we losing virginity when we're masturbating or it just when we had sex with someone??

sex with someone

I had a hole in the pocket of my favourite coat And my love for @Juanlittlem dropped into the lining
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9 hours ago, Archduchess said:

Yes, I think sex is like breathing and if you’re not doing it, there’s something wrong

Asexuals are laughing at you

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Keep your stupid mockery to yourselves, GGD. This is nothing to be ashamed of, and honestly quite refreshing to see someone who does not sleep around. Given how much you love to preach about tolerance, yall sure do lack in that area.

Too many people here with moral superiority complex.
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9 hours ago, Sunny said:

Also some of y'all keep forgetting that there are people who aren't attracted to anyone physically and don't enjoy sex.

Thank you!!!! As someone on the spectrum of asexuality, people need to realize sex is not like "breathing" for many people in this world. Some don't enjoy it and that's fine :heart:


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Good for her! So glad she's taking control over her own body and not feeling pressured to do anything. queen

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4 hours ago, selenalavigne said:

i see a lot of non-virgins mocking her in this comment section and you're judging her for something she didn't even say.

Sex is amazing but I can totally see why people don't bother. heck i haven't f***ed since March and i ain't missing it that bad. got my hands :vegas:

ALSO... i would have screwed not that many people without Grindr and stuff. i'm only 20 but like different people just don't put themselves in situations with friends or acquaintances that would open up the possibilities of sex. priorities matter whatever they may be.

kuddos to you Ally. 


4 hours ago, Bobina said:

And you judge her for not having sex? You're the one trying to be morally superior here. 

Nope, I’m judging her for thinking that being “pure for marriage” is worth sharing in a book. Literally no one cares that she is a virgin, but she clearly wants people to know.

It’s like saying I judge people who make a lot of money because I find it annoying when they rub it in people’s face.


Also, can we talk about how if a woman made a book about her sexual exploits, ben shaprio would read passages from it slut shaming her? 

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Sarah H
23 minutes ago, Pharamon said:

The virginshaming on this website, gurl... i should be surprised but im not

It's pathetic how childish people can be about this subject. Some people need to grow up.

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