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Cardi B sued for defamation by group she called “Racist MAGA Supporters”


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1 minute ago, Esteban said:

Ok.. So there isn't aggravated sentence if there is racism and racism isn't considered as a particular case of hate speech, so the only alternatives are associations or violence 

In the US, hate speech is considered threatening language that is deemed to have the goal of creating violence 

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1 minute ago, gumzy3000 said:

Who are the Nazis? The ones wearing MAGA hats? 

If you are a Trump supporter you are racist, it's logical, it's not about putting people in categories. If I supported a candidate and they make a speech making fun of handicapped people, I would draw the line there but apparently for some it doesn't matter. Then I wouldve drawn the line when he made sexist remarks, or loves Epstein, defends him and Ghislaine Maxwell, but apparently it's not enough. Or the lack of support towards the families of americans shot by the police who happen to be black, no speech about loving each other, no speech to talk about the struggle of their past, the history, MLK, Malcolm X, no speech, instead he goes to talk to businessowners. I would draw the line there but for some it's fine. Anti-abortion, anti gay, etc etc and if you keep accepting and accepting over and over again of course it's logical for people to think and conclude that you abide and accept his ideas and philosophy of life in matter of politics. That is just common sense. 

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2 minutes ago, little ghost said:

there's no excuse for acting as devil's advocate for ku klux kids when you go carpet bombing the protest threads with "yeah they are protesting wrong tho"

if that's not complicity idk what is

and i don't have to mention names do i

GGD seems to increasingly turn a blind eye to this type of hate speech, for some reason. But it's sending a horrible message and is really disappointing. We should have zero tolerance for those defending the most hateful and dangerous  groups of people on the planet right now. Not here. Do better, mods.

i don't remember ARTPOP
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7 minutes ago, brizoda said:

People here think that only Trump supporters are racist, there is a lot of Democrats supporters that are racist too (but they keep the mouth shut in public)

Yes of course. Doesn't change that Trump supporters are racist so I dont understand ur point 

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4 minutes ago, Doot said:

It doesn't require someone locking up people in gas chambers to adequately compare something to the Holocaust. 

The Holocaust was at the end of the 1930s and beginning of 1940s. This is a light version of it in many ways, just in a modern setting. 

Um no. Sorry, I still think its a terrible comparison to make 

trolly troll troll
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6 minutes ago, brizoda said:

People here think that only Trump supporters are racist, there is a lot of Democrats supporters that are racist too (but they keep the mouth shut in public)

NO ONE thinks that. And what are you actually saying? That the Republican racists shouldn’t be called out for shamelessly doing so because the racist Democrats aren’t doing it publicly? 

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Mr Ricky

"move your vehicle out of here", tbh. Saying something imperative  would get me on my nerves. Can't one just ask nicely. 

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5 minutes ago, brizoda said:

People here think that only Trump supporters are racist, there is a lot of Democrats supporters that are racist too (but they keep the mouth shut in public)

Here's the thing, there's a difference between your average democrat who's racist and your average republican trump supporter who's racist - the former will most likely just be ignorant on some issues relating to race - their biggest qualm will be 'well how come white people can't wear braids'... the latter (republican trump supporters) are racist in a way that they want black people to die... or at least they want poor black people to die...

So yeah, when that's the bar, sorry but being nice to everyone isn't gonna cut it - at some point you'll have to push back...

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Just now, gumzy3000 said:

Um no. Sorry, I still think its a terrible comparison to make 

The horrible ideology behind the two situations are very much the same. I'm not sure how you don't see that - or why you're choosing not to. You're gaslighting those who are trying to bring attention to the severity of what's currently happening by comparing it to a likewise atrocious event. What's not to get?

i don't remember ARTPOP
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11 minutes ago, brizoda said:

People here think that only Trump supporters are racist, there is a lot of Democrats supporters that are racist too (but they keep the mouth shut in public)

All Trump supporters are racist, but not all racists are Trump supporters. 

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52 minutes ago, CautiousLurker said:

I said that because I've seen him make comments like that before, that allude to some sort of 'threat' that is disguised by progressives - I'm always skeptical of people who do that repeatedly... Even if he misspoke, the insinuation in his statement is that feminism being appropriated by people for political gain is somehow on feminism, and that is just not the case... 

I dont view progressives as a threat, I am a progressive myself. Maybe im not your typical white American progressive considering im from the Middle East, but im still a progressive and support them. So your accusation of me always attacking progressives is weird. I also did not blame or criticize feminism in any of my posts, even after I explained myself, you still accuse me of it.

45 minutes ago, CautiousLurker said:

To an extent, sure... but why bring in feminism then? As I mentioned in one of my replies, feminism being appropriated is not on feminism... There was no reason for you bring it into the conversation in which it very much looks like you're equating the two... If you want to make arguments about how certain leaders in the US can perform fascism, just do that...

But I did not bring in feminism, or said its on feminism, I simply said politicians use feminism to justify their crimes and fascism. Get it? Please dont let me explain myself again when its clear what I meant. You just dont like what I said and dont like me, so you want to nitpick something I did not say.

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Just now, HeavyMetalLover said:

The horrible ideology behind the two situations are very much the same. I'm not sure how you don't see that - or why you're choosing not to. You're gaslighting those who are trying to bring attention to the severity of what's currently happening by comparing it to a likewise atrocious event. What's not to get?

this tbh. 

The US is literally holding immigrants and children in wire cages, forcing sterilization of immigrant women, and now Tr*mp is threatening a non-peaceful transfer of power. 

I'm sorry but if you support any of that, you deserve to be called out in public. 

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5 minutes ago, gumzy3000 said:

Um no. Sorry, I still think its a terrible comparison to make 

Perhaps that's the comparison people need to start making in order for the rest of the country to start taking it seriously. 

This is no different than the people who argue against the riots. 

"Why can't they all be peaceful? Why can't they just March? Why do they have to destroy things?"

Because doing everything else never got anything done so perhaps the extremes are what's necessary. 

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Just now, MJHolland said:

now Tr*mp is threatening a non-peaceful transfer of power. 

Something off is going to happen for these election. Fraud is coming 

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29 minutes ago, PartySick said:

Just report posts, don't tag please :sweat:

I disagree. I think wearing political merch and advertising what you believe opens the door to you and your beliefs being criticized and/or challenged.

Don't want to be called out for wearing a MAGA hat? Don't wear a MAGA hat :gayhat:

I meant that its ridiculous to physicaly attack someone for just wearing a maga hat 

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