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Honest Vocal Coach reacts to 911 video premiere

Cherry Blues

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Cherry Blues

Since i like this lady very much look how excited she was for 911 and how she like me also wondered what happend in the video lol She is shookd 😅 


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I wish all those Youtubers watched the video at least twice, the first time watching is just confusing, the second time is where you really get blown away :grr:

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Cherry Blues
1 hour ago, Mathjus said:

Shes so lovely, i love her Accent and she really likes gaga. 

I lover her british accent


1 hour ago, Steven said:

She's so gagged and shook at the end :billie:



I have the view she is shook all the time ^^

Lol the billie eilish meme is funny 

1 hour ago, Lucas said:

I wish all those Youtubers watched the video at least twice, the first time watching is just confusing, the second time is where you really get blown away :grr:

I think people even must look the video on repeat to see everything. 

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1 hour ago, Lucas said:

I wish all those Youtubers watched the video at least twice, the first time watching is just confusing, the second time is where you really get blown away :grr:

I'm sure many of them only pertend to be viewing it the first time anyway :toofunny:

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