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Is 911 cultural appropriation?


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What do we think about the cultural references (primarily Armenian and Indian) being used to tell her story? I don't think I see it as appropriation but I'm neither Armenian nor Indian so I can't really speak on it. I know Eastern philosophies are more widespread and some people from different countries have different views on what is appropriation and what's not. It doesn't seem that she's using anything in a harmful way but I know it can be a problem when a white individual uses someone else's culture for gain or for THEIR narrative. But also Gaga is smart as f*ck and the director is Indian and it was his concept. It's genius but also scary.


I know this can be a touchy subject on here and I'm not claiming it is or isn't. I'm just intrigued. Love that we have this stunning mainly BIPOC cast but I can also see the perspective of them being used as accessories. I'd love to hear a statement from the director and gain some more insight on the choice to use this kind of imagery. I did see someone Armenian-Indian on Twitter saying they felt deeply offended. I'm sure this is far from her intention but impact outweighs intention and as a POC I do have to wonder if a white artist in the US's idea for "connecting to humanity" is not necessarily the most informed -but again, she's smart as hell and I bet her and the director probably had conversations about all of this and I'd love some insight on this conversation.

Let's not get messy or rude or tell people what they think is offensive or not. People are allowed to be offended or "sensitive." I would like to hear primarily from my peers in the BIPOC community and just have genuine conversation, sharing thoughts. <3 

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It's really not. Its references and inspirations are very clear and it doesn't read as appropriation at all. It's a very well made tribute and takes a lot of its inspiration of The Color of Pomegranates (an Armenian movie). 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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Lol not this embarassing scheisse again.

Language appropriation, someone call the SJW police.

Too many people here with moral superiority complex.
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I was worried at first sight, honestly. But I think it leans toward appreciation/cultural referencing rather than appropriation. 

Been a long time but I'm back in town, and this time I'm not leaving without you
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Please leave artists alone.

Art is not isolated no man's island.

Cultural appropriation is a natural response to human mind's creativity. With your thinking, Rome copied from Athens copied from Egypt so on and so forth. 

And she is already making it very clear for negative nellies like you that her mind picks images up in the moment of pain and one of these images is the poster of an Armenian movie. A direct citation. 



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after i finished the video I KNEW someone was going to make this thread, but there where so many references that i dont know exactly wich culture or all of them? such a difficult subject. 

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pop ate my heart

The video makes clear references and is deeply inspired by surrealist pieces of art of other cultures. it's basically what she and many many other prolific visual artists (Bowie, Madonna, Björk, and a big etc.) have been doing since forever. cultural appropiation is a verrrry different think.

am i-e-i-e-i-e-i-e-i-e-i-p-plastic
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I don't think it is cultural appropriation, but it is worth asking ourselves this question and showing sensibility.

Y'all are clowns. "Oh no! Someone has a nuanced take and worries about important issues! Burn her!" :madge:

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