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Whats GGDs Reaction to these Gaga Songs


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I was wondering what was GGDs reaction to Poker Face and Bad Romance when it first came it out? :zilla:



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Poker Face was something else and surprising when I first heard and saw the video. I could tell she was something different and special.

Bad Romance totally flipped me and changed my life, I instantly LOVED Lady Gaga from the first moment I heard the song. Then the video pushed me over the edge and I was forever chained to Lady Gaga and her masterpiece. There's no going back.

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Did Gagadaily even exist when Poker Face was released? :bear: 

We loved Bad Romance tho.

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I thought Poker Face was cool, but I wasn't in LOVE with it. Then when it became a smash hit, I started to appreciate the excellence :legend:

Bad Romance was an instant favorite from the first listen. It sounded terrific (it still does). Just undeniably a legendary song :party:

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I wasn't a fan of Gaga when Poker Face came out and I have to admit I disliked it at the beginning. I found the end of the song very repetitive and annoying. Thank God it sounds perfect live.

Bad Romance is and always was a miracle of music.

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GGD wasn't born yet when PF came out afaik


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I remember people preferring the demo of Bad Romance since it leaked in advance and people got used to it. But I'm pretty sure that opinion isn't as popular now.

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3 minutes ago, nickkoko said:

I remember people preferring the demo of Bad Romance since it leaked in advance and people got used to it. But I'm pretty sure that opinion isn't as popular now.

I do prefer some aspects of the demo, like the "oh oh oh" in the middle of the chorus and also she kinda sings the demo with more emotion? Idk it's hard to explain. I feel sad listening to the demo, it gives me sad vibes.

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Lorde Von Kok

Wow, I just rewatched the whole video of Bad Romance in like 10 years. It feels CRAZY. At that time, it was soo shocking and never done before. She was the STAR and the talk of the town, of the whole planet at that. I remember when it was #1 most viewed video of all time, great  times :bradley: 

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25 minutes ago, nickkoko said:

I remember people preferring the demo of Bad Romance since it leaked in advance and people got used to it. But I'm pretty sure that opinion isn't as popular now.

I remember seeing that around here too, when I first found this place, but I did not agree, honestly.

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Biggest Bitch

Everyone loved Poker Face, when it came out. Same with Bad Romance, but Poker Face was bigger. 

Anyway I think Poker Face is her biggest global hit, not Bad Romance. :trollga:

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