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"The Exorcist" Reboot Reportedly in the Works


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Morgan Creek also has a series adaptation of David Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers expected to release, however, Deadline reports “Current Morgan Creek projects include Stay Tuned at AMC, with a planned theatrical reboot of The Exorcist in the works for 2021.” The Exorcist franchise has seen a multitude of sequels, including a film reboot in 2006 and a television adaptation in 2016. A year prior to that, Morgan Creek promised audiences it would never remake the film, however, the announcement proves the studio has backpedaled.

The Exorcist‘s release date of 2021 has given some pause due to the fact that the world of Hollywood is very much still in suspended animation due to COVID-19. There’s no telling when production on films will officially return, but it is unlikely it will happen soon enough for a film to get off the ground by next year. The reboot may bode well for the horror classic, as Dario Argento’s Suspiria was successfully remade recently alongside classics like John Carpenter’s Halloween for theaters and Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho for television.

This also comes after Morgan Creek tweeted in 2015 that they would never remake this film.






I don't know how to feel about this as I am a huge fan of the original film. Remakes of such iconic and classic films are usually sacrilege most of the time. However, "The Exorcist" TV show was really great! I went in expecting it to be subpar but it was incredibly well written with that great plot twist mid-season. However who knows how a film would play out. What are your thoughts?





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hope they don't mess it up!

"By FaR ThE MoSt IrRiTatInG PoSteR oN "ChRoMaTiCa" DisCusSion.
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nahh, part of the "magic" of this movie is how awfully authentic it is, a remake will just add CGI and ruin it.

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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I hope its still scary. I feel like remakes are way too polished and pretty and takes the true essence away from the film.

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2 minutes ago, River said:

nahh, part of the "magic" of this movie is how awfully authentic it is, a remake will just add CGI and ruin it.

This. Unnecessary imho, the first one is horrifying enough.

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After two flop sequels and one flop prequel, is there really a demand for it? Also, The Exorcist was a success cause it was a pioneer, its plot now is really nothing special.

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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They tried to modernize it at least with the TV series. Aside from the twist, it was nothing special tbh. The Exorcist is almost entirely practical and is lauded for how impactful it was for its time. Storywise it's really not all that impressive. Its the visual effects and tone that earned it it's place for the time. 2020 audiences are way too desensitized for The Exorcist-style horror or thrill imo. Leave it be.

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I wish they would stop with all the remakes :saladga: you could just make a film inspired by the Exorcist instead?

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I watched this movie alone with a friend when I was 12 in my dad's huge scary home and I felt SICK because of how scared I was lmao... But it was such a great movie tbh from what I remember.
Now the problem with remakes is that they take away the rawness of the original and it's usually not as good

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11 minutes ago, Suuus said:

Whats next the poltergeist 

They already remade it not too lone ago. A couple of years ago I think?

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It’s already been remade hundreds of times just with a different title. The original is iconic from the special effects to the soundtrack, films like this shouldn’t be remade. :haroon:

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The Exorcist and The Exorcist III are fantastic horror movies, and the original couldn't be more iconic. Surely there are worthy original scripts that could benefit from this budget.

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