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Madonna on Gaga: "Good Voice!"

Guest theFuture

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:cryga: can't wait til' the day the two groups of fans make peace tbqmfh.

Have we even made peace with the fans of Britney Spears yet?

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Why do Little Monsters have to make everything into shade, even if someone says something nice? Madonna has flat out called Gaga out in the past, so she would have again if she wanted to and she didn't, so stop reaching. She damn well knows everyone was here for that question and I love how she played into it. Everyone would have done the same, they didn't use this question in the episode promo for nothing. It gets them viewers and a lot of people were anticipating this question. Madonna seemed really nice, sincere and fun on Ellen and it actually showed another side of her. A side I like. Stop giving Gaga and her fanbase a bad name and just take the high road, especially when the people you are shading and criticizing have done so as well.

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Morphine Prince

The fact that people have fights and say things like "I hate Madonna" when she says something POSITIVE about Gaga is the reason this fanbase will NEVER be taken seriously.

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lol you can tell she enjoyed eeeeevery little second of that attention when she was thinking about what to say about gaga.

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Alien Tulip

I dont see how "Good voice" and "beautiful rilke tattoo" is shade. I thought they were compliments :shrug:

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Ray of Light

Madonna has always liked Gaga. Sure, a few shades here and there, but she's always liked Gaga :awesome:

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This argument seems rather irrelevant to me and does not contribute anything to this topic.

Even though I created this thread, this will be my last post in here as it has turned into an exemplary case of Little Monster immaturity. There are of course exceptions and this people hopefully feel spoken to with this.

To anyone thinks that Madonna did again plan this vicious slap in Gaga's face: you are wrong. She got asked people's names, answered instinctually without having time to prepare and if you seriously think that Madonna discussing Beyoncé's and Gaga's voice was "shade" or anything of that crap for which people have found these really fancy but immature and ridiculous names for, you are not only paranoid, but also heavily delusional and far from having reached a healthy grade of responsible and conscious thinking. I said it and I mean it.

Bye, thread.

Oh yes......this website is supposed to be respectful. That's what pop forums are all about generally right? Respectful attitudes? Bull****. Save your piousness for real life. You're choosing to be apart of an online pop music forum. There's hardly any real level of respect and common courtesy on the internet period.

Considering you seem to know everything about little monsters regarding Madonna i'd suggest you not personally make a thread relating to Madonna then. You seem to get a holier-than-thou attitude about it even though you know theres going to be comments you dislike. Its like making a Gaga related thread on a Madonna forum and getting mad when they start talking ****....its like duh.

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