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Katy Perry - 'Smile' Discussion


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Not this Katy Cat saying Gaga's career is dying because she collaborated with BlackPink and Ariana :billie: He even said Katy doesn't need features to be successful :billie:

Love it when you call me legs, in the morning buy me eggs 🥚
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Rumor: Insiders say Teary Eyes is going to become a single in September :flower:


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3 hours ago, COOOK said:

What are your first impressions, the ones who already heard it?

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I haven't heard it yet, I'm waiting till the 28th :flower:

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2 hours ago, andrew23 said:

You’re so ridiculous :billie:

Am i Ridiculous because i told my opinion? Common girl, back to school in order to learn the meaning of "telling my opinion" ! :billie:

I will fly on a challenger across the sky like a phoenix..
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Why does this thread exist? Aren’t “wE jUST A GAga foRUm? WhY we In OtHEr poP stAr’s BUSiNEss¿??”

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For me it's her best album after Teenage Dream. PeriodT. 

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It did leak in good quality. I just listened to the full album and it’s such a nice record. I enjoyed it.

“Only love” lyric is so sad though. It’s beautiful 😢

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Just came here to say I loved it :heart: so many great songs. Teary Eyes, Cry About it Later, Champagne Problems and Tucked are the highlights of the album in my opinion

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I'm going to wait till release to give a full track-by-track review but I enjoy the album.

That said, it's not one of the top pop releases of the year. The reviews that called it 'safe' are pretty spot on. Outside of NRO, massive Katy-style stadium-shaking pop anthems are in short supply.


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I just heard cry about it later and teary eyes and I really liked it. yeah it could be on Witness (my fav from her) 

kindest regards
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I was listening to Not The End Of The World and the melody at the end was so familiar... And then it hit me - it's the same one from the chorus of this :enigma:


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6 minutes ago, insight said:

What Makes a Woman is so magical and soul ravishing. I need the acoustic version.

There you go! :flower:


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