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Poll: Born This Way / Chromatica


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  1. 1. Which one takes you there?

    • Born This Way
    • Chromatica

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Which of these albums do you most enjoy as a listening experience, from beginning to end?
Not the best... not your favorite... but which one takes you there?
Born This Way or Chromatica?

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Chromatica is a lot more cohesive, but Born This Way will always be my favorite album of all time. :woohoo:

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numb the flame

I love Born This Way but at times it feels like it's dragging on as the songs are three minutes or longer. That said I still love BTW but as of right now Chromatica takes the cake for me. 

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Born this way has HIGH highs and LOW lows :awkney:

Chromatica is pretty much consistent with quality apart from 10000 rats song:billie:

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Born this way was like a roller coaster. I enjoyed some while meh at some initially.


So Chromatica but BTW remains the better album

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Jose P

BTW is more chaotic and messy while Chromatica is more controlled and cohesive. But BTW is still superior, and remains her best album ever. That album is an experience to listen to.

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BTW is superior but it has 4-5 skips for me so I'd say Chroamtica is a more enjoyable listening experience 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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yes and

Chromatica is better than ARTPOP and Joanne, but not better than BTW 

Did you think I'd show up in a limousine? No
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Born in Chromatica

Chromatica is the better album, very cohesive and tells a great story, but Born This Way does have stronger individual tracks + singles. 

FaShIoN iS mY pAsSiOn!
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2 minutes ago, Born in Chromatica said:

Chromatica is the better album, very cohesive and tells a great story, but Born This Way does have stronger individual tracks + singles. 


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Born This Way has her best songs but some of her worst too. Chromatica is a great experience from beginning to end.

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