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Gaga MUST go political


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25 minutes ago, Twitter said:

However, it would be nice to see her walk during the protest.

She suffers from a chronic disease and has a compromised immune system. So I don’t think that’s a good idea considering how violent it is out there. 

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I think it’s best for her to limit speaking out directly, and rather focus on uplifting Black voices and donating and whatnot. As a privileged white woman, it wouldn’t look good if she tried to overstep and start leading the conversation, instead it’s important to listen and uplift the voices of people who are affected directly by the systemic racism seen in this country. I’m sure she knows that also, given her post yesterday and how she talked about her privilege. Also, Chromatica is ultimately about GAGA, so twisting that and trying to take stories about herself and pull a political metaphor out of them could come off wrong, and possibly condescending or self-serving as people could see it as her using tragedies and movements for promotional fodder. All in all, like I said her best position would be to donate / listen & uplift, and I think her post yesterday was a step in the right direction. Hopefully she shares some helpful articles / links / resources in the coming days and uses her platform to retweet and share messages from those directly effected. 

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I agree she could do more, but I also think she’s the most activist artist of the past decade.

I mean Born This Way came out six years before she performed it at the Super Bowl and it was STILL insane to me that she basically acknowledged trans rights with it in her halftime show. She was very very ahead of her time at the beginning of her career for LGBTQ rights.

I guess the COVID-19 show was less activism and more philanthropy but it’d be cool if she could do a similar fundraising thing for BLM similar to that.

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Little Monsters tortureeeeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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1 minute ago, Helix said:

I think it’s best for her to limit speaking out directly, and rather focus on uplifting Black voices and donating and whatnot. As a privileged white woman, it wouldn’t look good if she tried to overstep and start leading the conversation, instead it’s important to listen and uplift the voices of people who are affected directly by the systemic racism seen in this country. I’m sure she knows that also, given her post yesterday and how she talked about her privilege. Also, Chromatica is ultimately about GAGA, so twisting that and trying to take stories about herself and pull a political metaphor out of them could come off wrong, and possibly condescending or self-serving as people could see it as her using tragedies and movements for promotional fodder. All in all, like I said her best position would be to donate / listen & uplift, and I think her post yesterday was a step in the right direction. Hopefully she shares some helpful articles / links / resources in the coming days and uses her platform to retweet and share messages from those directly effected. 

100% agree with this. It would come off as a "white savior" complex, and that's not her.

She is already doing the work. She is listening and trying. And also very much agree that Chromatica is about her, as it should be. It's her experience. She cannot speak about an experience that isnt hers; that is inauthentic.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I too hope she shares more resources/links on her large platform in the next few days. When a famous person does something like that, it makes a huge difference. There are a lot of younger people and kids who are not experienced in being political/donating and seeing their idol be active in doing so encourages them to be better and to make the jump.

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Gaga has been quite political her entire career.

And she doesn’t needs to be involved in this mess, she has done enough, it would be nice for her to continue supporting on love and kindness towards this issue, but not to join the rage.

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Please no... She even doesn't have time to interact with us :messga:

My name isn't Alice
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No and I hope she doens't attend those protests because them have become a circus full of clowns.

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49 minutes ago, Twitter said:

I’m Black and wouldn’t like Gaga to do that. However, it would be nice to see her walk during the protest.

TBH there are people I didn't expect to be walking in protest that walked. I'm kinda shocked Gaga hasn't.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." -Martin Luther King Jr.
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She said her peace on Saturday. It was beautifully well written and thought out... if she were to do anything else it would be awesome to know she made a donation to one of the many funds out there. And maybe she has! We don’t necessarily need to know what she is doing behind closed doors. For all we know she could be on the phone with politicians or local activists asking what she can do to help given her circumstances, asking how can she be a better ally? Again... we don’t know. And she doesn’t need to tell us. 

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Yeah , but she somehow always been her empathy is beyond , she's an activist always been there to preach what she stand for , in a non violent way and wise but woke enough to express her feelings she has never been silent when things go wrong we know that she cares , she has probably been donating money too , but getting seriously involved in something as politics i doubt she carry the shoulders strong enough for this , we all know that her mental state is fragile and politics is a ruthless environment i doubt it will do any good to her ,she would end up being lynched in the media and by all those who don't love her , so i don't think she need to do this she is already well present and do all she can against towards injustice that are currently happening she's aware that she is priviliged, and i bet she will keep doing more in the next days , but really we need to stop expecting her to be the lord and savior of everything , she's already doing and giving more than most artist .

I'll keep looking for Wonderland
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So, just a clarifying question:

Are we about to sit here less than a month after Gaga raised tens of millions of dollars for COVID relief & say that Gaga needs to do more in the realm of public service????????

She spoke up about the issue, and has been a vocal ally for the black community for years. We need to remember that Gaga is a HUMAN BEING, not some omnipotent being that can do 1899394848 things at once. 

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54 minutes ago, lucastecala said:

I don't want her to be candidate, just for her to address directly political topics with her art in a lasting way, like Beyoncé with Lemonade, and Madonna in various moments along her career. 

This. I think a lot of you all are misinterpreting the OP saying that Gaga should become a politician. That was not the point. 

Gaga has never NOT been political with her music, and a time like this, Gaga should rise to the occasion again and utilize her platform as an artist and musician in the best way possible to make a stand in a way that is unequivocally MEANT to be political. And knowing her, I'm sure she will. She's always led by example, and I hope she continues to do so with her artistry. :heart:

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God no. I'm sure Gaga is putting work in behind the scenes just as she did when the pandemic began. 

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