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Forbes posts video about Kylie Jenner's "lies"


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I wonder if Kylie is the only one lying about her numbers. There must be other celebs trying to embellish their wealth as well. I mean if you are being presented as one of the Top100 richest people in Hollywood it automatically guarantees you power and securing credits to invest in things that make you stay relevant or in the spotlight... I hope Forbes or other journalists do some investigation. 

fan-tas-tique, chic, freak, slaaaay
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Honestly im not surprised.....a billion is alot of money.....I except rihanna who has multiple businesses and has been in the industry for so long to hold the title first   :laughga:

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The trademarked Kylie won :billie:

who will love me when the night is over
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4 hours ago, venusinmyhead said:

I wonder if Kylie is the only one lying about her numbers. There must be other celebs trying to embellish their wealth as well. I mean if you are being presented as one of the Top100 richest people in Hollywood it automatically guarantees you power and securing credits to invest in things that make you stay relevant or in the spotlight... I hope Forbes or other journalists do some investigation. 

If you read the original article, Forbes describes how they have their own team of account analysts that vet these claims, and when Kyle's team first gave them these numbers years ago their analysts said there was basically a 0% chance they were true, so instead they published a much lower number which Kylie's team bitched at them about. But then a while later a different media outlet published the fake Kylie numbers and said that they had independently verified them to be true (whoops), so the whole media followed suit and Forbes basically had no choice but to change their tune and "admit" that Kylie was soon to be a billionaire. Turns out their original analysts were right and the other media outlet just didn't do as good of a job at vetting. According to the Forbes article, the only other celebrity that has gone through such great lengths to so obviously lie about their net worth was Donald Trump (which there are articles from a few years ago about the extent to which he lied to Forbes if you're interested), whose lies were so obvious that their analysts had to do their own meticulous accounting of his properties to come up with a number that wasn't completely bogus.

Tldr: they do vet, and the vetting process did reveal these claims to be fake even all those years ago, and based on that accurate vetting process it would seem that fraud to this degree is extremely rare among celebrities, being basically exclusive to the Kardashians and Donald Trump.

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