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Does Gaga need collabs to be successful now?


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So in yesterday's thread that I made, I asked if ROM would've been as successful without Ariana, the answer was a resounding NO. And now I'm noticing how a lot of the positive reactions to Sour Candy seem to come from BLACKPINK fans. SL didn't generate nearly as much buzz as ROM and Sour Candy have. So what does this mean? That Gaga has to make collabs to be successful now? Or was SL just not it and other songs will fare better? (I haven't listened to the rest of Chromatica yet btw). What do you think?

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When she's going for a pure pop song I think yes...
Otherwise, Million Reasons and ASIB soundtracks were hits without collabls (I know ASIB has Bradley but he's not a musician)

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She would be successful regardless. However, she might not have been 'viral' otherwise. Specially with a track like Sour Candy 

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No? Stupid Love debuted at #5 despite the fact of being leaked like a month before.

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Stupid Love might have died after its first week in the US but it did cute in areas like the UK and Canada. Idk. If she wants SMASH pop hits, collabs might be her only way. However, she proved with Million Reasons she can survive herself by going for a more HAC sound. It depends on what direction she goes next. I assume this is her last pop album for quite some time. 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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This is a tricky question.

I think Gaga presently might need the collabs in order to be mainstream powerful successful. But I think that's more because she's technically been absent from the pop scene for almost 7 years.

Had Gaga released like 3 solid pop albums after ARTPOP (ARTPOP 2, LG5, X) then no, she'd not need any collabs. But I think her taking such a long break from pop music is what makes these collabs necessary in order to boost her profile more.

But even her low points still bring in decent numbers. Like Joanne and C2C, despite not selling as well as per previous albums, still went Platinum.

So TL;DR I think Chromatica will benefit from these collabs because it'll boost Gaga as if she didn't take such a long break from pop music.

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2 minutes ago, PopFanatic said:

So TL;DR I think Chromatica will benefit from these collabs because it'll boost Gaga as if she didn't take such a long break from pop music.


I know she took a break from pop music, but she hasn't taken a break from being relevant (e.g. ASIB), so the whole pop hiatus thing IMO doesn't apply to her here

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I mean BP only got first song tops 52+ countries with this song so it proves gaga power too :triggered: even ROM also 50 50 with ariana :ohwell:

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Whining again. Earlier when she used to do 0 collabs yall begged her to do some. Now she's doing it and yall still aint satisfied. Homophobia should be legal sometimes i think. Gays can never be happy. 

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Lord Temptation

I honestly think that a large part of the Great Gaga Backlash (when it was cool to hate or mock her,  approximately 2011-2017) was because of how she refused to do collabs with any of her contemporaries. The music business and the media called her pretentious and arrogant and were lining her up for ridicule but Gaga was defiant and wanted to prove that she is an artist with her own unique vision and she wanted to make a bold statement about her artistry.

Now that everyone realises that she was none of those things they blasphemously accused her of, I feel that the industry will support her no matter what direction she chooses. She is above all else, an artist.

Whether or not that translates into “hits” is another matter. If she had decided to release ARUTW, a solo, that song would’ve slayed the world. Same as some of the better tracks on Chromatica such as Alice, Plastic Doll, Replay and 1000 Doves - why Stupid Love was chosen is beyond me.

So it all boils down to whether her label wants a hit and chooses the best songs and also whether Gaga herself feels like releasing a surefire hit or something more personal and idiosyncratic.

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Does she NEED collabs?  No.  A killer pop banger could succeed on its own merits.  Do the collabs help?  Hugely.  They guarantee huge initial attention and give radio programmers confidence in playing her songs.  Once she has a few smash hits under her recent belt again, it's a lot easier to keep radio playing her music (and GP streaming).  She just has to keep releasing killer music on repeat, and she can keep killing.  

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5 minutes ago, aussypat said:


I know she took a break from pop music, but she hasn't taken a break from being relevant (e.g. ASIB), so the whole pop hiatus thing IMO doesn't apply to her here

All the soccer mom fans she gained from ASIB arent really gonna stan for a Dance album. This album is for her fans/Europe and Asia. I think it might even underperform in US. 

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