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Charts Discussion - RAIN ON ME - Keep streaming/buying!


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Genuine Guy 09

Pleaaaaaaase increase on today's midday she is literally just thousands away from being #3 on global 

Pray I Hope GIF

Stare at the Chartster in the mirror they talk to me too. #StreamFunTonight
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B*tch is coming for another 100M grossing tour if she’s doing it in 2021 with more than 6 dates (Japan etc)

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I seriously don’t get the GGD hate on twitter like: STREAMING PARTY OMG YOU DO NOTHING OMG


Like bitch, I could throw a streaming party on my small account and? 
GGD is expending money on making cards and sending them to people who are promoting, streaming etc. stfu. 

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My radio prediction is that we jumped to top 30 and will have results in 12 :derpga:

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5 minutes ago, nathantj594 said:

*downloads Soviet anthem on beemp3 :laughga:

the soviet anthem lowkey slaps :vegas: not even joking

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19 minutes ago, HasBeyn said:


Can I ask, Why ROM gets so big substractions but Blinding light or Rockstar doesnt?

I mean how can a song that has 6M+ on midday end up below BL or RS on official chart, when they do 1M less on midday...(Lets say ROM does 5.8M today and BL and RS 5.1M on midday...with this trend on official chart ROM would end up #2 or#3...)


Lmaoooo there's ZERO chance of doing 20k bundles

It's because ROM is getting a lot of spam streams from fans. There are a lot of streaming parties for this song from 3 different fanbases. 


Older songs are stable because they have already gathered a stable amount of audience/listener. 


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Just now, KatieJudasGaga4 said:

Love this


No choice but to stan, kids.

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Don't wanna get you sad guys but no Gaga at SMAP x SMAP this time around... :toofunny:

another shot before we kiss the other side
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Just now, malazam said:

Don't wanna get you sad guys but no Gaga at SMAP x SMAP this time around... :toofunny:

I'm still glad she can perform at Sukkiri

Maybe perform Sour Candy and ROM

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Matteo Remondi

Missing SPOTIFY, YOUTUBE for Tue, APPLE STRM for Mon, Tue. 


1    RAIN ON ME (42.98k)

2    R***STAR (33.98k)


No Apple streams for two days

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4 hours ago, malazam said:

Sorry for being off topic but anyone else misses skipping class? Or is it just me? :ladyhaha:

I stopped attending online classes too. I have finals coming but no interest in any School work at all

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