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Inez's Message to Little Monsters: Stop Leaking Our Photos


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What I don't get is that a photoshoot from one photographer leaks, and arguments like this happen, but say for example somebody like Dima for example leaks a photo (no offence to Dima, I completely appreciate everything), everybody is literally worshipping Dima.

What makes the Inez shoot more important than Cosmo or anything else?

Certainly not everybody is worshipping (or acknowledging Dima for leaking photos. The Inez shoot isn't any more or less important than the Cosmo one, that's not what anyone is saying. Inez made a statement, that's what sparked this conversation.

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This is probably gonna be my last post in this thread as I'm truly feeling bewhildered at how many of you don't seem to respect the artist.

Photography is an artform. It is not just 'ponting a camera at something and pressing a button'.

The art of it is capturing the image that the artist (the photographer) wants. Some people will spend all day trying to get the exact image that they have in their head. Some others take pictures constantly in the hopes of getting something good, much like Terry Richardson. The point is, if a photographer (or sometimes, subject) deems a photo to be unfit, than it is unfit for release.

It saddens me how many of you seem to disregard photography as a legitimate artform.

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I'm not disrespecting their work at all. It's just that... the photos are a ****ing year old or something... it's not like they're going to use them or anything. so why not just get the **** over it?

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It isn't my opinion that a photoshoot with a big pop star and a famous photographer is big buisness, it's a fact.

Big money is involved, much time and effort goes into planning such a shoot, a team has to be assembled, people's pay-checks have to be payed, people work for hours. Who are you to call somebody's work "just some photos" and think you're justified in doing so? That's immature, the view point of a kid who just wants the final product and doesn't care how he gets it.

lol okay so you are judging me for my opinion on one thing? chill down.

i'm done with this arguing i think you are wrong and you think that i am wrong ok bye

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Free Monster

did you even read her statement? no, alot of colour outtakes from the shoot leaked. Inez and Gaga intended the black and white images to be the only ones released.

I read that, that's why I was asking if that's the only one that leaked because that's the only one that was on the page so i was confused as to why she would say many leaked but there's only one on the page.

you come off awfully rude.

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Art is supposed to be seen, but you're only supposed to be seeing what the artist wants you to see.

Has the artist posted the images in places accessible to Gaga's fans? If so, then it's her own fault it has happened.

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is that how people here normally respond to each other?

person A: i wish X didn't happen.

person B: get the **** over it. who do you think you are? you need to sit down. that is HIS-TORY my friend and you're deluded! LOL AT YOU! WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY? IRRELEVANT! SOMETHING ABOUT TEA!

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do you really think it works like that?

Of course not. But like.. it's too late to ask fans to stop because they arent. There's millions of them! She should be happy her art is being celebrated, even though it's not how she intended it to be seen.

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two sentences on tumblr. two sentences on tumblr.


Photo: Monsters please stop “leaking” unauthorized images from the Yoü and I shoots.together with @ladygaga... http://t.co/eXjq6Wph

— Inez and Vinoodh (@inezandvinoodh) October 17, 2012

before you know it inez and whatever will have Gaga berating "so-called little monsters" and taking it to court or something

they're known for overreacting

hot messes

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I mean, come on. I would understand they b---hing about it around the video release date, but You and I is an old video now, nobody cares about it's artistic vision anymore, let us see more photos of the damn thing just for fun

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Photography is an artform with more misses than hits. If a photo doesn't become the image that the artists wanted it to be than they shouldn't have to have it released. Some photographers will spend all day trying to get a photo to be exactly what they want, that is the art of it. Anything they deem unfit should remain unfit of release.

I know.. I've done heaps of photography. There's like 1 successful shot out of 1000 most of the time. lol.

Agreed with your post - there's nothing she can do it about it now though. I feel for her. Even though part of me thinks she should be happy the fanbase appreciates and is celebrating her work.

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