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The Man - Taylor Swift


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7 minutes ago, Spock said:

don't think it's a rule. people just come in at the last second and create new threads for already existing topics while the original ones gets buried, and it didn't use to be like that :neyde:

maybe the mods can clarify because tbh it's really frustrating (no shade to anyone though)

they used to merge new threads with the original thread, which is why I was confused as to why was mine locked :neyde:

9 minutes ago, Aarghya said:


I saw the premier video, and posted in a separate thread although I didn't know there was another thread. 


it's alright I'm confused by the mods hsjdshdjdj 

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It’s pretty okay. I did not find anything super special about it. The social commentary was also pretty basic. It’s a good message but nothing I did not hear before :hor:

p.s - she makes a good looking man :wtf:

trolly troll troll
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It's not my cup of tea.. Sorry Tay but you have such a better videography than this. 

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Loved the video, but reflecting on it - I always find it a little unsettling how pop stars kind of judge all men by the same, stereotypical standard. 

There's something really hypocritical about a person bringing down another person when they're very outspoken about not bringing people down - especially based on an innate trait like gener.

It's always a little harmful to men who AREN'T the way that pop stars / the media portray men to be. 

Taylor has a lot of gay fans (as do all pop stars), and what about men with mental health issues and insecurities?

To have a video that basically says - yeah, this is what men are - is a little, idk, unsettling in SOME ways. 

I know it's just a fun video, and I really enjoyed it. And I totally understand (and hate) that women have been portrayed in a horrible light in the media, too, but I guess I just don't like the principle of 'when they go low, we'll go lower' - do you know what I mean?

I genuinely think that portraying men in this way is harmful and wrong when, around the world, it is actually men who are dying the most of suicide and mental health problems. And obviously one video isn't going to cause any trouble; but it's part of a wider narrative that's forming around how men are 'wrong' and not part of the 'woke' world anymore.

Drag me! 


subtext / fantasy
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Taylor makes a hot guy. Saw the mr. Americana pic on twitter before watching and thought it was Jake gyllenhaal :laughga:

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@brownie I would like to see Taylor do a video about issues actually effecting women all over the world. None of the issues addressed in the video help women, it only helps Taylor get woke points. This is Buzzfeed pop white feminism that like to talk about none issues like man spreading in subway!

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Honestly maybe this is just an American thing, but a lot of these specific 'double standards' aren't really all that big in my country, which is VERY conservative.

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8 minutes ago, OMonster said:

Loved the video, but reflecting on it - I always find it a little unsettling how pop stars kind of judge all men by the same, stereotypical standard. 

There's something really hypocritical about a person bringing down another person when they're very outspoken about not bringing people down - especially based on an innate trait like gener.

It's always a little harmful to men who AREN'T the way that pop stars / the media portray men to be. 

Taylor has a lot of gay fans (as do all pop stars), and what about men with mental health issues and insecurities?

To have a video that basically says - yeah, this is what men are - is a little, idk, unsettling in SOME ways. 

I know it's just a fun video, and I really enjoyed it. And I totally understand (and hate) that women have been portrayed in a horrible light in the media, too, but I guess I just don't like the principle of 'when they go low, we'll go lower' - do you know what I mean?

I genuinely think that portraying men in this way is harmful and wrong when, around the world, it is actually men who are dying the most of suicide and mental health problems. And obviously one video isn't going to cause any trouble; but it's part of a wider narrative that's forming around how men are 'wrong' and not part of the 'woke' world anymore.

Drag me! 


I don't think there's any doubt (or hardness in understanding that) she is referring to a SPECIFIC kind of men. She's obviously NOT speaking about good guys, about all men that you spoke about (those who have issues etc) etc etc etc. She's talking to a SPECIFIC category, men of power and MOST OF THEM (not ALL OF THEM) are the exact way that she portrayis in this video. I think we're definitely gone too far about this eternal and everlisting issue of: STEREOTYPES. Do u think she hates men? She's engaged with a boy.. she simply picked the good guy as a partner, but ofc she experienced, personally and professionally, the bad guys's company. That's all...

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Did she edit tho? :ally:

Jk, she did a good job. However, I think Jo Calderone is a better man :trollga:

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