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Some of you are making such a big deal out of a show that is suppose to be messy and is suppose to not be taken seriously and its just for fun. Also why would someone watch a show that they hate....

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I see a lot of people try to defend her messy acting and poor vocals but we know this just ain't it. She just probably was in a very bad vocal shape that day and it shows. We've seen her messy ARTPOP era and artRave performances and she killed them vocally and made them convincing. Here she's just struggling and that's sad.

I get the concept of ENIGMA and her looks in the show just don't look flattering on her. Plus we've grown tired of her performing the same songs again and again without ever changing the live arrangments (like she actually changed the vocal melodies in an amazing way during the Joanne World Tour; I wish she would do that again).

Like I will always stan Gaga but that show was just bad and she can do better than that.

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Tbh the enigma thing is so annoying i had to skip half the show, nothing like the interludes she used to have that made us crave for more

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As a huge Gaga fan who has met her a couple times and will forever Stan and remember the impact Gaga has had on my life...

This is cringe. The costumes are not flattering except for a couple of exceptions. The story and digital parts of the show are dumb and forced. Gaga used to sound like she was getting the audience pumped when she told us to put our hands up and stand up but now she sounds like she's begging and exhausted and it was only the start of the show. 

Also as much as I love that Gaga dances, she is dancing too much. And it's not that I don't want her to dance but because she's trying to do too much it comes across as sloppy and half-assed. Her vocals suffer and her vocals suffer.

In my personal opinion, Gaga needs to pull back on the dancing and use her gift for stage presence more. If we look at Gaga's best performances she usually isn't doing a lot of dancing because she doesn't need to due to her amazing stage presence. Let the dancers do most of the dancing. 

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Positives: Scheisse mech is cool, mirror outfit is cool, I like her hair at the start(would be cool to see her change the colour ala BTWB), Bad Romance outfit is awesome

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You guys are truly downright hateful and mean. 

This woman can never win with you. You guys all constantly drag Beyonce for being boring, emotionless, repetitive, etc. But that's exactly what you want...a new costume, a new backdrop, a new prop, with the same material. You do realize we'll be getting completely new tours, music, costumes, themes, etc. in the future right? And with the leak of Stupid Love, it's clearly going to be full of bops.

Gaga exists in tremendous pain 24/7. The fact that she's even able to do this show, fly in from the ceiling, sing live, dance (tho sometimes sloppily) is incredible. And she gave it her all in a brand new (completely ****ED and poorly planned) location and still killed it. 

I've been to Vegas twice and seen Enigma 4 times, and just got back from Miami where I had a ****ing great time jumping around and screaming along to everything, taking in her words of encouragement, kindness and love. If you can really discredit all of the positives from this show because you think she's fat, or can't dance, or sing, or isn't cool, or is trying too hard....you need to reassess your fan status. Not one person at Meridien was dragging her after the show, and everyone that I talked to had a great time, as always at a Gaga show. 

So y'all can continue to sit behind your screens and ridicule this woman and this show that you haven't even experienced, but just know that there are thousands of other people (some of which are barely even fans) who have been touched by this show live, appreciated Gaga and enjoyed themselves immensely. 

Stay mad. :pawsup:


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1 hour ago, JohnnyVersace said:

You guys are truly downright hateful and mean. 

This woman can never win with you. You guys all constantly drag Beyonce for being boring, emotionless, repetitive, etc. But that's exactly what you want...a new costume, a new backdrop, a new prop, with the same material. You do realize we'll be getting completely new tours, music, costumes, themes, etc. in the future right? And with the leak of Stupid Love, it's clearly going to be full of bops.

Gaga exists in tremendous pain 24/7. The fact that she's even able to do this show, fly in from the ceiling, sing live, dance (tho sometimes sloppily) is incredible. And she gave it her all in a brand new (completely ****ED and poorly planned) location and still killed it. 

I've been to Vegas twice and seen Enigma 4 times, and just got back from Miami where I had a ****ing great time jumping around and screaming along to everything, taking in her words of encouragement, kindness and love. If you can really discredit all of the positives from this show because you think she's fat, or can't dance, or sing, or isn't cool, or is trying too hard....you need to reassess your fan status. Not one person at Meridien was dragging her after the show, and everyone that I talked to had a great time, as always at a Gaga show. 

So y'all can continue to sit behind your screens and ridicule this woman and this show that you haven't even experienced, but just know that there are thousands of other people (some of which are barely even fans) who have been touched by this show live, appreciated Gaga and enjoyed themselves immensely. 

Stay mad. :pawsup:


THANK YOU. :legend:

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12 hours ago, RudzXinc said:

LMAO. So we have to like everything now?

It's call an opinion.

Because it looks down graded back to The Fame Level of production. Even The Fame Ball have some props which pretty cool. Especially the opening. If you know what I was talking about.

Like you said, she had enormous budget for this show. But why does it look low budget?

In Enigma case. The Sheisse part is the highlight and she cut it out, that's unfortunate.

Some of you get annoyed with people dislike enigma. The fans that praises everything annoys me as well. Just because we're fans. Doesn't mean we have to like everything she does. When it's not up to the standard we know she can create, of course we are disappointed. 

No you don't have to like everything just don't be an ass about disliking stuff. Maybe think "is it something I would say to their face?" People will say some vile **** on here and hide behind the internet. That's weak in my "OPINION".

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12 hours ago, RudzXinc said:

LMAO. So we have to like everything now?

It's call an opinion.

Because it looks down graded back to The Fame Level of production. Even The Fame Ball have some props which pretty cool. Especially the opening. If you know what I was talking about.

Like you said, she had enormous budget for this show. But why does it look low budget?

In Enigma case. The Sheisse part is the highlight and she cut it out, that's unfortunate.

Some of you get annoyed with people dislike enigma. The fans that praises everything annoys me as well. Just because we're fans. Doesn't mean we have to like everything she does. When it's not up to the standard we know she can create, of course we are disappointed. 

No we are annoyed with the rude way some of you voice your opinion thats all

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5 hours ago, chipz said:

I see a lot of people try to defend her messy acting and poor vocals but we know this just ain't it. She just probably was in a very bad vocal shape that day and it shows. We've seen her messy ARTPOP era and artRave performances and she killed them vocally and made them convincing. Here she's just struggling and that's sad.

I get the concept of ENIGMA and her looks in the show just don't look flattering on her. Plus we've grown tired of her performing the same songs again and again without ever changing the live arrangments (like she actually changed the vocal melodies in an amazing way during the Joanne World Tour; I wish she would do that again).

Like I will always stan Gaga but that show was just bad and she can do better than that.

Are you gunna ignore the fact that gaga slayed milion reasons because she did

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Honestly seeing something live is a different experience. I could have a great time watching any show live due to the dynamic and intimate nature of being there. But it was televised and that is a different experience that needs to be catered to. 

It is not hateful to disagree with some choices that Gaga has made. I love her to bits but just like in my own life it's important to take constructive criticism. The worst thing for someone is to be surrounded by "yes men". You can't grow and improve if no-one is challenging you. This is a fundamental truth of life.

There are good elements in the show but in general it is not to the calibre that Gaga is at. 

Finally, no-one is discrediting the positives. As in all areas of life people rarely talk about the things they like because they liked them. The things we don't like are the things we talk about ie Paparazzi, News, Social Media, etc...

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23 hours ago, AndyVenom said:


In my personal opinion, Gaga needs to pull back on the dancing and use her gift for stage presence more. If we look at Gaga's best performances she usually isn't doing a lot of dancing because she doesn't need to due to her amazing stage presence. Let the dancers do most of the dancing. 

She needs to FIRE Richy. He is terrible at what he does.

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20 hours ago, ZwRaven said:

No you don't have to like everything just don't be an ass about disliking stuff. Maybe think "is it something I would say to their face?" People will say some vile **** on here and hide behind the internet. That's weak in my "OPINION".

How is saying that someone doesnt like a wig, a costume or the vocals is being an ass? Some of yall are so sensitive that you take it personally  when someone says he/she doesnt like something and jump on him saying that nobody asked about his opinion. Relax, take it easy, Lady Gaga is  not your mother or your sister. She is a pop star and there will always be people that like and sometimes dislike something she does.  If you take it so personally- just ignore and move one. But dont take away someone's right to say his opinion. In fact, the 'negativity' haters here are worse and ruder than the fans who dont like stuff and say it.

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