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Harry: If you knew what I knew.... I will always protect my family.


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16 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

The only truly credible part of what you're saying is that DM (I think?) one about her being straight outta Compton. Very poorly advised and shameful, agreed. Remember that this was back when they were just dating and nobody knew who she was so there was likely less of a filter there. You'll notice they stopped saying all that stuff once he got serious with her and it all became glowing, however. But you've literally included something from dailystormer which is "an alt-right, Neo-Nazi, white supremacist and Holocaust denier site" that advocates for the genocide of Jews. Of course such a publication will be racist, so that one's irrelevant. And as for that little exchange, which I can't even read, is that even from a newspaper? My point is, unless you're seeing blatant racism on mainstream tabloids, you're just reaching for a sign of hatred here. All the press I've seen of her from the average publication is reporting on what is literally in front of them (what she's wearing/saying/doing) and/or highly favourable. There was a massive campaign when they got engaged to treat her as the second coming, the press wanted us to love her. It was only when the public didn't match up to the press's narrative that they started to reflect how we felt and were more critical towards her.

I get all that but despite it all, he was always close to his family. He liked being a part of them and seemed to enjoy the freedom of being royal but not in immediate succession to the throne, so he could cut loose more than William could. There's a reason why William never dated umpteen girls or wore a Nazi outfit to a Halloween party or got caught playing naked billiards in Vegas with a mystery girl in the background. He was under far more restriction than Harry because he's second in line and has to be kept on the straight and narrow. With every new heir that William's produced, Harry's been pushed further and further away from the throne and has never had any issue with that. He never stood a chance of ruling one day so abdicating would make no difference. He'd be as well staying in, seeing as he's lived his entire life in privilege and would struggle to survive in the big bad world with no real life skills or how to deal with the common people. Point is, he seemed fine with this cushy existence until Meghan came along, a civilian woman who's lived a life of LA celebrity and lived her life just as she pleases with no restriction up until now. It doesn't take much to see who could've pushed him to make this decision. I knew when they got married that she would start missing that LA sunshine and celebrity culture. You don't leave all that for cold, rainy Britain and a completely different culture and not miss it. I knew she'd be itching to get back ASAP, I just didn't think she'd try to do it this soon.

He is. She, on the other hand, screams fake. She's too smiley, too simpering, too try-hard. Remember, she's an actress. You'll notice the look she gives Harry is the same one she gives to just about anyone, including the men in her acting roles that she pretended she was in love with. You'll notice if you look at any interviews with her pre-Harry that she was a very different person. Check out the clips of her on the Craig Ferguson show. Flirty, bubbly, vivacious, laughing knowingly at every innuendo (even a really obscure dirty one). So different from the softly spoken delicate flower she was in that engagement interview. It's like two different people. Once you've watched the two personalities back to back, it's clear which one's real and which one's an act. It's like the former stripper who pretends to be a good girl when she meets her boyfriend's parents for the first time so they can accept her. I think playing a conservative role as a royal was too much for a former LA party girl with a fondness for mini-dresses and sexy modelling shoots. Let's make it quite clear - Harry is not the kinda guy a girl like this normally goes for. He's so different to her, why would she even be attracted to him? Harry does nothing for me, looks or personality. What does an LA party girl see in him other than his money and connections?

I know stuff from insiders. I can't tell you who they are, obviously. But I can tell you that celebrity gossip magazines never used to have the inside track on what was going on in the royal household, it was too tight-knit, too heavily guarded. But since Meghan came on the scene, there's been tip off after tip off, which is why we found news about Harry and Meghan's plans in the forms of rumours for weeks before it actually happens. She's the one leaking the details and telling her friends to tell their side of things to the press to make her look good and hired her own PR firm because she wants 3 stories about her in the press everyday. That's what's actually going on, taken from someone who deals with these tip offs.

Where were they showing signs of racism? Her family are just telling it like it is when she was around. I always say believe the family and those closest to someone because they'll know who they really her. Her family have known her all her life - they'll have seen the good, the bad and the ugly, the side the cameras haven't seen. Narcissists always have a long line of people trailing in their wake warning a new spouse about them but they usually get dismissed as jealous, bitter and crazy. Because the narcissist has made their victim believe that they're the only one who understands them and the rest of the world is mean. And the victim has fallen hook, line and sinker and won't hear a word against their beloved, even when there's evidence to the contrary. The DM have reported nothing but truths about her. It's only because it's negative that you think it's abusive. What fake scandals have they created?

It was Meghan (who also dispatched her friends) who was selling stories to the press. We never heard a bad word against William and Kate throughout their entire courtship but then Meghan comes along and we get stories about William supposedly cheating and Kate having a feud with some aristocrat. Those stories disappeared so fast however because it was obvious that they were BS. It's no coincidence that this stuff only came out when Meghan came on the scene. Whenever any royal did something, there was always a Meghan article to follow, overshadowing what they did. You don't think the news of their abandonment came about on Kate's birthday by coincidence, do you? If the royals really wanted to use them as a scapegoat, why would they keep them in the press to overshadow the positive occasions as well? There's a common thread here - there was never any trouble within Harry, William and Kate until Meghan came along. It's almost like she's the cause of the rift.

Wrong - stories about them grew thin on the ground when the Andrew scandal broke. For once, the press weren't talking about them. They were on their break, after all, so there was nothing to report on. It's only now, when the scandal has died down a bit and they've returned from their break that the press started talking about them again. If anything, I thought they were laying low because of the scandal and thought it best not to do anything to draw attention to them for a while.

Meghan acts like no one ever asked her how she felt. Obviously Harry did that, as did her mother and all her close friends. She doesn't say "no one" asked her how she was. She says "not many." Which means several must have asked but that wasn't enough for her. Exactly how many people does one need to ask them if they're alright before they feel assured? Most of us are fine with just one. That was a calculated moment to make the public feel sorry for her (doe eyes, biting lip and all) and it was so clearly fake when she said it.

"Special brand" of racism and misogyny? What exactly is that? What part of anyone's criticism has been race or gender related? Being close to her mother - one single, solitary family member, does not mean she is close to her family. By the way, she wasn't close to her mother until she became famous. Her dad raised her, paid for her tuition (which she lied and she said she paid for herself in a speech), she didn't bring up her mother once in interview before she was famous but mentioned her dad often. She dumped him when he was no longer of use to her. Her mother fits her agenda more, so naturally, she brought her back into her life and acts like they were always this close.

Meghan's friends have been trying to make her look good in the press every time she gets criticised and she's been using them to put out tip offs about the royals. I'm not believing the tabloids, I'm believing the information that exists about her that tabloids exposed. I don't know how anyone could read all the dirt on her and possibly still support her.

We have our own minds, thank you. I've never needed anyone else to validate my thoughts about her. I saw 3 major red flags and I had made up my mind. #1 - she did a solo interview for Vanity Fair in the early days of dating him and Harry's previous girlfriends (not to mention, future royal wives) had never done that, suggesting that she was maybe into the fame game a bit much. #2 - in the engagement interview, she said she didn't really know who he was when she met him even though Prince Harry was widely considered the world's most eligible batchelor at the time and he was widely covered in America because of Diana. #3 - the day after the engagement, all her previous acting roles came out, almost all of them playing hot party girl roles (including THAT 90210 scene) and being a briefcase girl on Deal or No Deal and that cringey sexy burger-eating shoot for Men's Health. It was clear this was not a girl cut out for royal life and she was addicted to fame. Ever since then, everything that's come out about her has validated my initial impression. I didn't even know about Pier's ghosting story back then. But that did add to the pile.

It's nothing to do with her being a woman. It's all to do with the behaviour which I would have criticised no matter who it was.

Your situation's completely different. He was the one doing wrong and showing himself up, you don't mention anything from your side, so it sounds like you were chill and he was the one freaking out, so people were probably glad to be rid of him. Harry, on the other hand, is defending a woman who is shady herself. If I was famous and I'd just got married to an American who the press exposed as flirting up a storm on Twitter towards every British C-list celebrity (they all turned her down, by the way) before moving on to me, I'd feel totally played and demand to know the meaning of this. I wondered if that was the moment where Harry was going to realise he'd made a huge mistake but alas, he's too blinded by her. To quote one commentator "she was hunting for minnows and ended up catching a whale." If Harry loses his title, she'll be outta there and won't look back.

Are you sure, like, REALLY sure that you're not Piers Morgan?

Because I don't even know what to say for this level of obsession :wtfga:

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The Royal Family killed Diana,

there’s literally a letter she wrote to the boys stating she knew the Queen and her Son, their father were trying to kill her off.

& some of you don’t obviously get the concept of marriage. He no longer has to sit around and do what his immediate family wants because HE HAS HIS OWN.
He’s a married man, who has a child and a wife, the desires and wants of other people no longer come first. He has his own bloodline to think about. That’s why it’s called a VOW 

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8 minutes ago, ProdigyARTPOP said:

The Royal Family killed Diana,

there’s literally a letter she wrote to the boys stating she knew the Queen and her Son, their father were trying to kill her off.

Her butler Paul wrote that letter tho based on a journal entry of one of her nightmares about crashing she wrote down. Am all for Meghan and Harry leaving the family and live their own lives but I'm almost sure the family had nothing to do with her death.

Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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Diana’s former bodyguard, retired Metropolitan Police inspector Ken Wharfe, also noted the royal was worried about being on the road.

“She said to me, ‘I can be killed in a car accident,’” recalled Wharfe. “I said, ‘Do we not every Friday night see an accident somewhere on the N4? So it’s possible we could be involved in an accident.”

Ingrid Seward, the editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, has been covering the royal family since the ‘80s and has written over 20 books on the subject. Seward claimed on the podcast she was aware of Diana’s concerns over suffering a possible car crash.

“She said, actually, ‘It sounds ridiculous now,’ as we were sitting there in the comfort of her sitting room in Kensington Palace, she said, ‘But I really did believe, genuinely, believe that someone was going to tamper with my car,’” said Seward. “She said, ‘I really believed that.’ She said, ‘I was too much of a problem. They wanted to get rid of me.’”


Ken Wharfe was the late British royal’s personal protection officer from 1987 until 1993.

Wharfe stressed Diana didn’t have enough people watching over her like she once when she was still married to Prince Charles. Wharfe insisted Diana’s security team used to “spend hours preparing the exact execution of her outings,” leaving no room for error.

The local police were not engaged, the British embassy was not engaged, you had a chauffeur who was not a chauffeur, he was a security adviser within the Ritz hotel and an alcoholic,” he claimed. “There was no proper liaison with Diana and [boyfriend] Dodi Fayed about how they were going to plan this departure. Going out of the rear entrance trying to escape the paparazzi, no one had talked to the press. There was no suggestion of actually setting up a photo opportunity [for the press pack] and looking for a police escort.

“All these basic things that we did on a daily basis over a number a years are proven and a well-tried system of protection that never failed. And yet none of these things were done!”

“When we used to travel down to Highgrove most Fridays on a motorway… there wasn’t a weekend that went by that we didn’t see an accident and she’d say, ‘Oh God, one of these days that’s going to happen to me,’” he claimed. “It’s quite spooky that she said that.”


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19 minutes ago, Varys said:

Her butler Paul wrote that letter tho based on a journal entry of one of her nightmares about crashing she wrote down. Am all for Meghan and Harry leaving the family and live their own lives but I'm almost sure the family had nothing to do with her death.

She knew they were going to kill her.

& they did.

If you’ve read her autobiography as well,

you’ll see that the Royal Family was abusive and manipulative towards her, for example at one point in time she tried flinging herself down a flight of stairs and the Queen was present and she didn’t bat an eye.

The woman is cold and detached and that family knows what they did and what they’re trying to do in this situation 

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8 minutes ago, ProdigyARTPOP said:

She knew they were going to kill her.

& they did.

If you’ve read her autobiography as well,

you’ll see that the Royal Family was abusive and manipulative towards her, for example at one point in time she tried flinging herself down a flight of stairs and the Queen was present and she didn’t bat an eye.

The woman is cold and detached and that family knows what they did and what they’re trying to do in this situation 

She said in recorded tapes: 

"I had told Charles I felt so desperate and I was crying my eyes out. He said I was crying wolf. ‘I’m not going to listen,’ he said. ‘You’re always doing this to me. I’m going riding now'," Diana says.

"So I threw myself down the stairs. The Queen comes out, absolutely horrified, shaking — she was so frightened."

Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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Nobody is begrudging him from leaving the royal family establishment, but the British tax payer shouldn’t be responsible for paying his security costs and home in Windsor!  And they shouldn’t have trademarked the name “sussexroyal” as a brand name when they apparently want to distance themselves from his family!

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42 minutes ago, Varys said:

She said in recorded tapes: 

"I had told Charles I felt so desperate and I was crying my eyes out. He said I was crying wolf. ‘I’m not going to listen,’ he said. ‘You’re always doing this to me. I’m going riding now'," Diana says.

"So I threw myself down the stairs. The Queen comes out, absolutely horrified, shaking — she was so frightened."

That’s not what’s in the book but okay.

(mean this in the most non hostile way possible) :hug:

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13 hours ago, mauvais said:

Most of us are just fine with our partners and mothers checking in on our wellbeing but most of us lead very private lives compared to the public lives of royals. Is it a surprise Meghan appreciated a cordial question during an interaction with the press? She'd probably love to say that the relentless press coverage didn't affect her wellbeing but it clearly does and what's the issue with that? Of course it's easy for us to be like 'who cares about bad press!' but the press is a necessary presence in their lives. It's nice when they're nice!

Your rhetorical question about  how many people need to reassure Meghan is ahistorical in light of Diana's countless statements about her own neediness as PoW. Both women articulated their tremendous need for assurance but it falls on deaf ears. If this is happening to generation after generation of royal women, maybe they're not the problem!

She jumped on that question with glee, knowing it was a great opportunity to make the public feel sorry for her. Her response was like watching a bad Hallmark movie, I didn't feel like I was watching an interview, more like a scripted reality show or a clip from a Razzie Worst Actress category.

Meghan has a much bigger support network around her than Diana ever had. People really need to stop comparing them, they're not on the same level. I actually think, had Diana still been alive, Harry would never have ended up with someone like Meghan and Diana would've seen right through her.

11 hours ago, KingRedd said:

Who are you to say what’s fake and what’s not?

Because I've studied the traits of a narcissist. This woman is textbook. She might actually be the next step up from narcissist. Her habit of rapidly changing her lifestyle when new opportunities come up and dropping people when they're no longer of use to her certainly suggests that.

2 hours ago, Glamourpuss said:

@StrawberryBlond  The part in bold is your post that I'm quoting because it was in reply to me. 

Check out the clips of her on the Craig Ferguson show. Flirty, bubbly, vivacious, laughing knowingly at every innuendo (even a really obscure dirty one). So different from the softly spoken delicate flower she was in that engagement interview. It's like two different people. Once you've watched the two personalities back to back, it's clear which one's real and which one's an act. It's like the former stripper who pretends to be a good girl when she meets her boyfriend's parents for the first time so they can accept her. I think playing a conservative role as a royal was too much for a former LA party girl with a fondness for mini-dresses and sexy modelling shoots. Let's make it quite clear - Harry is not the kinda guy a girl like this normally goes for. He's so different to her, why would she even be attracted to him? Harry does nothing for me, looks or personality. What does an LA party girl see in him other than his money and connections?

I'm a similar kind of girl to Meghan so I can empathise with her. It's not that she has two personalities. We all can have an outgoing part of us and a more reserved side. As a female yourself you should be able to be understanding of that. We can all get a bit rowdy at times like if we were invited to a hen do for example but we also know how to sit tidily with our legs together and behave like a lady when the time requires it. 

Harry may not do anything for you but I could see that he was a handsome man before Meghan came along. I liked that he had a personality of his own and had that cheekiness that the tabloids loved. He is a catch. 

I do think she's a social climber and is very good at networking. I think that perhaps in the beginning her intentions were selfish but I now believe that she's fallen for him and that their love is genuine. 

I think it's good to be sceptical but I also think the British public need to cool it with the hate because its looking toxic now. I think they have the right to complain about tax payers money and how they are going to fund their lifestyle but they need to lay off attacking her. She's now the mother of his child and we should respect that Harry is a grown man who can choose his own family. He knows more about her than we do. We're only judging how it looks on the surface, we don't know intimate details about her. 

As already mentioned, the British public parrot whatever is being said by the media and unfortunately if Piers says some trash about Meghan, the British public who live for drama (especially the northerners obsessed with the soaps), all jump on board to drag her. 

She had no chance in winning the hearts of the British public because they've hated her from the start so I don't blame them for wanting to take a step back. 

Personally, I've noticed that most people find it very difficult to change personalities to suit their situation. I can because I have many sides to me but most people don't, they have a set personality and feel like they're stifling themselves if they have to keep a lid on things even the smallest bit. Their true self starts to leak at inappropriate times and it shows who they really are underneath.

Harry's been a playboy and a wild Jack The Lad and while so many Brits find that personality endearing, its never done anything for me. He got into a lot of questionable activity back in the day that the public seem to have forgotten about. It's beyond me how he became such a popular royal. Never got why many started to say he was better looking than William either. Even without his hair, William edges it. It's clear hearing them speak which one is more mature and gentlemanly. Did you know that in her pre-Harry days, Meghan was asked which prince she'd like to be married to and she chose William?

How can you be a social climber but be a nice person? It's an oxymoron.

Thing is, I find it very difficult not to say anything when I see someone who is so blatantly manipulative and controlling. I don't have to be a fan of close to their victims, it's just basic human empathy to show concern for them. I just don't like to see bad people succeed and want their bad ways exposed so more people don't fall victim to them. It's too easy to keep saying "we don't know anything about her, so who are we to judge?" There would never be any conversation about anything if we kept taking that neutral stance.

We don't just parrot whatever is said by our media. We have our own minds. I don't listen to particular forms of media that support my views, I just listen out for news from all sides. If I see evidence and facts, it doesn't matter to me where it comes from. Once my view has been challenged with undeniable evidence to the contrary, there's no going back. Plenty of the Brits hate Piers, his fans are almost all right wingers and even they don't support everything he says. Brits don't like to be made fools of and we're very good judges of character. We don't take well to fake niceness and hypocrisy, especially when it comes from celebrities.

The British public didn't hate her from the beginning. The reality was, a lot of us supported her initially, supported a "regular" non famous feminist mixed race woman with her own money  joining the royals. Thought she'd be a breath of fresh air and modernise them. But the tide turned when her true colours started to show. "I liked her at first but..." is one of the most common beginnings from British online commenters about her.

All I can say is, don't be surprised when the inevitable divorce announcement arrives and Meghan attempts to stride out on her own as a solo star, maybe even replace Harry and get engaged all over again. Bookmark me. I've already correctly predicted so many things that turned out happening but her supporters wouldn't listen.

2 hours ago, littlefreakster said:

Are you sure, like, REALLY sure that you're not Piers Morgan?

Because I don't even know what to say for this level of obsession :wtfga:

I'm just a stickler for exposing bad people. If someone's bad behind the scenes, others deserve to know. I find celebrity culture interesting. I've always been highly interested in detective work as well. I've also been fascinated by why celebrities seem to get away with stuff that ordinary people don't and still maintain fans.

47 minutes ago, lego said:

Funny how you blindly believe these rumours of William cheating (which had no proof whatsoever) but accuse others of blindly hating on Meghan and believing whatever trash the media prints. There's actually evidence for the bad things Meghan has done but there's no evidence of William cheating.

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