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Body Revolution 2013

Silver Keith

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As a notorious contrarian, I'm going to just say, I don't agree that you should "think you're perfect no matter what". Our purpose throughout life is to grow and change - to learn more about our world and ourselves and adapt accordingly.

Therefore, if I'm obese, I should look at myself and say, "you know what? I could stand to be more healthy - and make a healthy choice to exercise more and eat a healthier diet." It doesn't have to be a choice between anorexia and eating. If we're perfect as we are, then what's the purpose of life? The truth is, we are constantly learning more and becoming new people. I get being proud of certain things you can't change, but being proud of an unhealthy lifestyle isn't so great.

I wouldn't go ahead and say i'm proud i'm overweight, however I look at it as a motivational way of saying "I look beautiful like this, but imagine what I would look like if I put more effort into a healthier lifestyle" When I feel fat and gross, I am so not motivated to go to the gym or to even bother eating healthy because I think - what's the point?

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aw, i seriously love her. never fights back with evil comments,

just genuineness and bravery. legend in the making :clap:

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Miss Murder

That's exactly what I tell myself, i'm 183 pounds and i'm 5'5" so I got some chub going on - but then I think and see lots of people who are a lot bigger who I think look beautiful, but deep down inside maybe they wish they lost 50 pounds and they were 183 pounds too.

I really think this is really inspirational and people are coming forward and posting their pictures too.

I know it makes me feel a lot better.

You made me feel better... reading this. I'm 5'5" and I have no guts to weigh myself, because I'm afraid of the number.

I don't see the fatness there, she looks amazing. But some of the BTWB outfits are unflattering. That's all.

yes she should... I want the purple outfit back

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Your post inspired me to share my story. I too was born 3 months premature in the emergency room. My mother had no idea she was pregnant with me and took birth control pills the entire time. I had open heart surgery twice and have a scar from a chest tube on my left rib cage- a very long surgical scar that starts above the chest tube scar but starts at the middle of my spine and it wraps around under my left breast. I also have scars from the holes they put in me on my stomach, I have the same thing on my neck too-from an unknown procedure-My neck had a bunch of staples put in it and then on my left neck I have another surgical scar but do not know where it is from. My lungs were not functional either and I was born with cold stress. Put in in incubator and lost my hearing ( I'm Deaf ) from it and my vision in my left eye is 20/300 from the incubator. I'm adopted and have no idea what was done to me-my neck scar is a mystery-can you tell me what it was on you? I know it's the same thing! I was adopted at 11 months and my records are sealed-I was taken away from my bio parents from physical abuse and suffered a skull fracture, broken wrist and ribs at only 4 months of age. I think that is where the chest tube scar came from but I do not know. Maybe what they did to you can shed some light as to what the scar on my neck, both sides are. Thanks so much for posting!!!!

P.S I'll post mine too to the same body revolution site!

you're so brave, you need to post this on littlemonsters.com!

i'm finding this whole thing so touching and inspiring gaga and so many monsters have been through a lot, it's great that we can all share our experiences that gaga can also relate to, this woman has a heart of gold!

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You made me feel better... reading this. I'm 5'5" and I have no guts to weigh myself, because I'm afraid of the number.

I used to be TERRIFIED of weighing myself, I only weigh myself when i'm feeling confident with my body - which isn't very often.

I remember when I used to be 160 and I thought I was fat. Now I wish I was 160 haha

but I use that number to try to challenge myself and to motivate myself to try to be a better, healthier person and stop running out of breath every time I run for the damn bus LOL

Just remember it's only a number though - no way does it define you as a person.

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Miss Murder

I used to be TERRIFIED of weighing myself, I only weigh myself when i'm feeling confident with my body - which isn't very often.

I remember when I used to be 160 and I thought I was fat. Now I wish I was 160 haha

but I use that number to try to challenge myself and to motivate myself to try to be a better, healthier person and stop running out of breath every time I run for the damn bus LOL

Just remember it's only a number though - no way does it define you as a person.

I used to be TERRIFIED of weighing myself, I only weigh myself when i'm feeling confident with my body - which isn't very often.

I remember when I used to be 160 and I thought I was fat. Now I wish I was 160 haha

but I use that number to try to challenge myself and to motivate myself to try to be a better, healthier person and stop running out of breath every time I run for the damn bus LOL

Just remember it's only a number though - no way does it define you as a person.

Thank you... you really did make me feel better

Edited by MCRmyLover
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So proud of her for doing this - it's going to help a lot of people. The people who have posted are incredibly brave. I have eating/weight problems but I'd never be brave enough to post on there.

Edited by gagaismywhore
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This is why I love her. Without her, I don't know where I'd be today. She is the one who made me like me for who I am. :cryga:

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As a 'recovering' anorexic/bulimic (though I barely managed a week without purging) this really hit me hard. Not only Gaga's bravery, but the whole fanbase. I've been going through the body revolution 2013 tag for hours, and it made me feel terrible - here were all these people being so wonderfully brave, and here's me that puked earlier because I ate a breakfast bar. It made me realise how selfish and reckless I'm being. I literally cannot think straight, I've been completely thrown off balance. It's like someone has turned on a light that I didn't know existed.

I've posted my pictures in the Body Revolution 2013 tag, too. It took some self-convincing because I hated how big my arms and legs looked, but I realised that we all need to be brave if we want to fight the cruel and unfair expectations society has placed on us, then we all need to fight for it. It's no good sitting around and expecting everybody else to do the work on our behalves.

I hope this campaign inspires and helps people as much as it has me. I feel like this is a real turning point in my life.

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I love this, it's amazing. No other diva would ever even think of doing this or be brave enough to stand up to the pressure from scrutiny in the media.

but - I have this feeling that when ARTPOP comes out Gaga will go back to being Gaga and forget about the message and forget about trying to be real. when she makes her big comeback on the music scene this will seem like a distant memory. Not trying to be negative it's just a sense I get.

same with the whole gay marriage thing


i get ya

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Your post inspired me to share my story. I too was born 3 months premature in the emergency room. My mother had no idea she was pregnant with me and took birth control pills the entire time. I had open heart surgery twice and have a scar from a chest tube on my left rib cage- a very long surgical scar that starts above the chest tube scar but starts at the middle of my spine and it wraps around under my left breast. I also have scars from the holes they put in me on my stomach, I have the same thing on my neck too-from an unknown procedure-My neck had a bunch of staples put in it and then on my left neck I have another surgical scar but do not know where it is from. My lungs were not functional either and I was born with cold stress. Put in in incubator and lost my hearing ( I'm Deaf ) from it and my vision in my left eye is 20/300 from the incubator. I'm adopted and have no idea what was done to me-my neck scar is a mystery-can you tell me what it was on you? I know it's the same thing! I was adopted at 11 months and my records are sealed-I was taken away from my bio parents from physical abuse and suffered a skull fracture, broken wrist and ribs at only 4 months of age. I think that is where the chest tube scar came from but I do not know. Maybe what they did to you can shed some light as to what the scar on my neck, both sides are. Thanks so much for posting!!!!

scheisse! :clap: happy for you. hope youre happy with your adopted parents :hug:

Edited by thejudas
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As a notorious contrarian, I'm going to just say, I don't agree that you should "think you're perfect no matter what". Our purpose throughout life is to grow and change - to learn more about our world and ourselves and adapt accordingly.

Therefore, if I'm obese, I should look at myself and say, "you know what? I could stand to be more healthy - and make a healthy choice to exercise more and eat a healthier diet." It doesn't have to be a choice between anorexia and eating. If we're perfect as we are, then what's the purpose of life? The truth is, we are constantly learning more and becoming new people. I get being proud of certain things you can't change, but being proud of an unhealthy lifestyle isn't so great.

Body image is a separate issue entirely from unhealthy eating- and gaga is fostering a campaign on the former. Moreover, a persons body image is certainly not always indicative of their personal health (contrary to popular belief) and It is incorrect to pass judgemt that all people with body image issues are supposed to look unhealthy to you. The body image campaign does not work against the healthy choices campaign- one focuses on mental health and the other on physical health.

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This really hits a nerve with me for various reasons...

As most of you probably know, I was born with a birth defect. I've been in a wheelchair my entire life and I've had 29 surgeries so far (many more to come, but what can you do?). I struggled with depression literally starting around the age of seven. One of the reasons I never post pictures of anything but my face is because I have always been too self-conscious to show the "real me."

I finally did post that "real me" on LittleMonsters today, and it was an absolute weight lifted off my shoulders (granted, it's not the most flattering picture, but hey!). I am so inspired by everyone's stories of bravery. Gaga's, Tara's, and fans included. To know the hardships they have gone through and in some cases, continue to go through is sad, but they are strong, and independent. We cannot get lost in their imperfections; we must focus on what makes them a great asset to the world and the great things that they CAN do.

This is something I thought I would share with you all - if you can, please take a minute to sign the CurePity pledge sponsored by a hospital that is very near-and-dear to my heart (I have been receiving treatment here for the last 17 years or so). By signing the pledge, you are helping cure pity. I think it goes for all of us - no matter what personal struggles you suffer through, whether it be illness, disability, depression... it all starts with curing pity. Look on the bright side and see all the beautiful things about yourself that make you, YOU! Stay strong! Smile! Paws up!

Cure Pity Today!

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I wouldn't go ahead and say i'm proud i'm overweight, however I look at it as a motivational way of saying "I look beautiful like this, but imagine what I would look like if I put more effort into a healthier lifestyle" When I feel fat and gross, I am so not motivated to go to the gym or to even bother eating healthy because I think - what's the point?

this :worship:

I'm thin, but have a very big ass and barely any muscles and the motivation of going to gym is just the same as for you. thanks for articulating that :hug:

Nous sommes tous obligés, pour rendre la réalité supportable, d'entretenir en nous quelques petites folies. — Marcel Proust
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