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Harry Styles: not gay, straight or bi; “Who cares”


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It's so sad to see the word "queer" lose all of the radical specificity that it was suppose to bring with it when it started circulating in the 90s. The whole point of "queer" (as opposed to LGB) was that it was open and marked an uncertain and opaque relationship to sexual and gender norms. The reason this was taken up was precisely because of the problem we see over and over again: that groupthink based on essentialist definitions of identity seem to inevitably consume themselves with policing the boundaries of an identity, deciding whose "in" and "out" rather than actually working towards radical progressive goals. The lesbian separatist movement, once the most "radical edge" of feminism, did this to themselves by tearing each other apart over whether or not trans women were "really" women.

Just something to keep in mind since we can't seem to have conversations about gender or sexuality without resorting to the same-old propertied understanding of identity and social being that thinkers have been systematically dismantling for years on end.

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22 hours ago, myluis617 said:

Yo I had this conversation with my friend and I thought she was wrong when she said "the gay community has this entitlement where people need to have labels. If not there is an issue with it." Like why can't people come to terms that there are people out there who do not want labels thrown on them, they don't feel comfortable; that's their choice to not follow through labeling themselves for the whole world to categorize you in a box. Some day people will have to learn to not be so nosey about people's labels and just let them be. People should not be forced to open up completely about their sexuality. You wanted and answer you got it, not satisfied too bad. 

I'm happy you've realized that. LGBT people are some of the MOST entitled people EVER and they don't realize it/want to admit it.

"I'd rather be poor and happy, than rich and alone"
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but you are one of the three:poot:

unless you’re ace:poot:

or pan if u wanna get technical:poot:

he doesn’t have to disclose if he doesn’t want to, but don’t dress it up as “i don’t care” lol

chances are he’s closeted or he just isn’t sure, which is fine too, but why not just say that lol

obv people can do what they want, it’s just irritating when people beat around the bush like that

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14 hours ago, thatboyisarobot said:

It's so sad to see the word "queer" lose all of the radical specificity that it was suppose to bring with it when it started circulating in the 90s. The whole point of "queer" (as opposed to LGB) was that it was open and marked an uncertain and opaque relationship to sexual and gender norms. The reason this was taken up was precisely because of the problem we see over and over again: that groupthink based on essentialist definitions of identity seem to inevitably consume themselves with policing the boundaries of an identity, deciding whose "in" and "out" rather than actually working towards radical progressive goals. The lesbian separatist movement, once the most "radical edge" of feminism, did this to themselves by tearing each other apart over whether or not trans women were "really" women.

Just something to keep in mind since we can't seem to have conversations about gender or sexuality without resorting to the same-old propertied understanding of identity and social being that thinkers have been systematically dismantling for years on end.

This is exactly why I use queer still when I talk about ideology and self identification :golfclap: Though I do use LGBTQ+ for the layman since they don't even know what queer means tbh.

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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