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Lady Gaga on Pope's views on homosexuality


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The world is finally realizing that the pope never mattered. You dont need an old man, dressed in royal silks, while children are starving and dying in the world to talk to God.


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She is completely right. I'm roman catholic; but I find it completely ignorant to follow and believe every single word one man says.

What I don't get about you religious people is that you always label yourself somehow, then deny the fact that attributes come with that label. If you believe in a "god" or something supernatural, it seriously has nothing to do with you being a christian whatsoever.

The bible is a part of christian religion and people are making up EXCUSES to keep the ancient book relevant.

It's old, the things stated in there can't be taken serious, so why the heck do people still acknowledge this stupid book as the truth.

Kind of like how people try to keep Madonna relevant.

You don't go to school and study from books that are a little more than a few years old.

They don't apply anymore.

Throw the Bible away and start believing for yourself.

The churches are corrupted anyway and people are seeing that; the people are leaving churches.

They are thinking for themselves, and eventially, religion won't be a label anymore but something you do for yourself.

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how is it sad? i've read it in the bible with my own eyes.

"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

is that supposed to be metaphorical or what?

http://bible.cc/leviticus/20-13.htm here's a bunch of translations, which all seem to say the same thing. am i missing something?

You realize the bible of today isn't the bible of a thousand plus years ago, and has constantly been re worded/miss translated..

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You realize the bible of today isn't the bible of a thousand plus years ago, and has constantly been re worded/miss translated..

'edited' cough cough ... By whom.? It's how the text is interpreted that causes most religious argument....follow god in your heart if you have faith....the bible or The Bible is up for interpretation ....

Unfortunately, the bible has been used and is still being used by thousands/millions to persecute others, and their prejudices were/are often defended by many countries' governments as "faith".

It is illogical to use a collection of likely mistranslated desert scribblings that often contradict each other to support one's actions/positions, but that's what's happening.

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You realize the bible of today isn't the bible of a thousand plus years ago, and has constantly been re worded/miss translated..

how on earth does that change the fact that it is written there and is still taken as the literal gospel? you said it isn't written in the bible - yes it is. if you're going to show me some evidence that that section of the bible is a mistranslation or was only added in later, don't bother. it changes nothing because it's all still the supposed word of god and was, regardless of mistranslations or rewording, written by various people at various times, which completely demolishes its credibility.
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she should really stop speaking on behalf the gays, it's getting old, she should leave that to the gays, bis-xuals and lesbians. they are not a minority anymore and they don´t need her, she has talked enough...

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She's wrong, but whatever.

You can get out now, and NOT come back :nails:

Anyway, that **** is the Tea and the basics who don't agree will just have to deal :nacho:

she should really stop the gay speech, it's getting old, she should leave that to the gays, bis-xuals and lesbians. she has talked enough...

GaGa fights for what she believes in, regardless of what others, including YOU, think. She won't ever stop fighting for the gays so you can just give up now and trying to get her to :staymad:

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she should really stop speaking on behalf the gays, it's getting old, she should leave that to the gays, bis-xuals and lesbians. they are not a minority anymore and they don´t need her, she has talked enough...

We aren't a minority any more? Since when?

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We aren't a minority any more? Since when?

I think I was clear.....

You can get out now, and NOT come back :nails:

Anyway, that **** is the Tea and the basics who don't agree will just have to deal :nacho:

GaGa fights for what she believes in, regardless of what others, including YOU, think. She won't ever stop fighting for the gays so you can just give up now and trying to get her to :staymad:

that has a name: marketing :P
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I think I was clear.....

that has a name: marketing :P

I think what she does has a different name: CARING and STANDING UP for EQUALITY for all

You can try again tho :teehee:

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I think what she does has a different name: CARING and STANDING UP for EQUALITY for all

You can try again tho :teehee:

you naive.....
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