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Lady Gaga on Pope's views on homosexuality


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So Gaga. :giggle::fan:

She cracks me up to be honest. She obviously doesn't care what others say. But I must say myself, I'm not a religious person but I won't say that religion doesn't matter, because to a lot of people it does. I think she should have said it in a... nicer way. Not so bluntly, but hey that's Gaga! What can you do? :shrug:

True. He's just another person.

He probably has a dirty mind like the rest of us. :hor:

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The world is finally realizing that the pope never mattered. You dont need an old man, dressed in royal silks, while children are starving and dying in the world to talk to God.

The Church says they follow Jesus' message, but then why does the Pope dress himself like a KING while Jesus was a very simple man? Why does the Church is so rich and does not give away all their gold and lands to poor people? They keep opressing people for having different kinds of s-xualities, yet many of their members are involved with child molestation. The Church are full of hypocrites.

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I think I was clear.....

that has a name: marketing :P

You honestly think she does all this for marketing purposes? :fail: If she just wanted to cling to a group for better sales she has a lot bigger options than the LGBT community. I think it's honestly kind of disrespectful to write it off as little more than that. :crossed:

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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The Church says they follow Jesus' message, but then why does the Pope dress himself like a KING while Jesus was a very simple man? Why does the Church is so rich and does not give away all their gold and lands to poor people? They keep opressing people for having different kinds of s-xualities, yet many of their members are involved with child molestation. The Church are full of hypocrites.

The church's wealth stems all the way back to the Italian Renaissance; I would explain it better, but there is too much to explain :P

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If she doesn't follow the Pope, she shouldn't call herself Catholic. Not a Catholic myself, but I still feel the word should have a clear meaning.

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When I was at Australia, I entered inside a church. I looked around, and on my way out I found this "guestbook" where you could write anything. There was this guy who wrote the coolest thing. "When will the Vatican be investigated?" :clap:

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Disagree with the Pope or the religious position on homos-xuality, fine........

Bash the church...8-/

I find the Bible fascinating personally, a window into the history of man......

There have been periods of western civilization when the church was the only thing holding it together....Right after the fall of the roman empire for example....

Faith is the real question that needs to be asked imo..... and where do you place yours....?

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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If she doesn't follow the Pope, she shouldn't call herself Catholic. Not a Catholic myself, but I still feel the word should have a clear meaning.

Not all Catholics follow the Pope.

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Duh, Pope and priests is just flawed human being too,

I am Catholic but i don't aways listen to him and his orders.

Esp if there is any of his orders or sermon

that doesn't fit with how i value life and people.

Being religious but not jaded.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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i'm honestly done with this. i'm over it already. i said what i wanted to and i don't give a ****.

Honey, you should realise youre on GAGAdaily, not on UNKNOWNdaily!

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Well, it depends how you measure. For comparison, racism still exists, but look how much progress has been made in the last fifty years or so. I think s-xual orientation is well on the way to a similar transformation in society's view of it.

Yeah, that's true. It would be nice if it turns the same way. But I don't know. It's like the politicians struggle to make a clear statement... there will always be homophobia just like racism, but if government would support gays and treat them like any other citizen...then it would be hard for homophobics, just like for racists nowadays. I don't see the efforts from government though.

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omg - she is CRAZY to be saying this stuff now - or perhaps quite masterful in her marketing...

It's like regardless of the content of what she is saying - but say ANYTHING against the Pope anywhere in Europe is NUTS!! In Europe, the Pope is THE man - all of Europe practically worships this person. So to say anything against him is like blasphemy - Europeans are NOT open to hearing stuff like this.

Unless if she's just trying to juice up PR for when she tours in Italy. I remember that Madonna did the same thing - and not only was she banned from the Vatican for like Life - she was not allowed to perform in all of Italy from what I remember. Sooo...if Gaga's looking to make headlines in Europe then she may have succeeded, but it could easily backfire on her. Europeans can be nuts, especially Italians. You don't just land on a continent and start trashing the most revered figure for like centuries. One of these days, all of Gaga's pushing the envelope and crossing the line is going to backfire on her so badly if she's not more careful. I know she loves to create controversy - - but hey, all it takes is one nut.

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