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Whitney Houston's Best Friend Robyn Details Their Romantic Relationship

BUtterfield 8

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BUtterfield 8


Crawford says the two became romantically involved. “We wanted to be together,” Crawford writes, before explaining how Houston chose her music career over their relationship.

The two ended their physical relationship once Houston signed a deal with Clive Davis and Arista Records. “She said we shouldn’t be physical anymore because it would make our journey even more difficult,” Crawford wrote. “She said if people find out about us, they would use this against us and back in the ’80s that’s how it felt.” Houston was also receiving a lot of pressure from her mother, gospel singer Cissy Houston, who claimed it wasn’t “natural for two women to be that close.” 

Their closeness sparked rumors regarding Houston’s sexuality, but Crawford notes that the two “never talked about labels, like lesbian or gay.”


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Had the world been a better place and they were able to stay together, I bet she'd still be alive. A damn shame.

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Ally Campana

Oh wow. Oh wow. Is this true? Never heard of it before. Who knew Whitney swam in the lady pool.

Does it matter? Damage is done
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Pop Music

I didn't know Whitney liked women as well

Queen of Bi/Pansexuality (besides gags) 

truly ahead of ha time 

Gaga 💝Taylor 💝Carly Rae 💝Rina 💝MARINA 💝Britney💝Lights 💝Shania 💝Sigrid💝
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Am I the only one who thought of THE Robyn :ladyhaha:


We need DarkGa with Bops so we can rule the industry again and learn the other popgirls how to snatch 'em wigs to ultimate baldness!!
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That said, it truly breaks my heart to think in that era (or, even now, in many regions), that a love could have flourished if it were in a different time, or a different life.

If this were true, then maybe, in a another world and in a another life, Whitney and her could have loved each other to their fullest extent, and maybe things would have turned out different for them.

3 points in and ready for more
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There were always rumors of this relationship and the fact that Whitney was in fact gay. Many have said that her inability to express herself how she really is was a large factor in her depression and substance abuse. 

That being said, I find these after death confessions to be unnecessary and inappropriate. We never heard it from her mouth because she didn't want people to know. I think that Robyn should have respected her decision. 

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