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Dunno what people were expecting from Ke$ha. I personally won't brush off her claims of having a rock influenced album as BS just yet as some of the other stuff heard so far sounds promising. They were obviously gonna play it safe with a generic track for the lead single considering she's been away from the charts for so long.

Sounds just like Levels/Good Feeling but are we really that surprised considering it's Dr. Luke?

I look forward to seeing what Rihanna does, she said it's something laid back and not dancey, "different to what people would expect". So I hope she delivers.

Kesha said this song was the best one off of her record. :lmao:

I mean, I can tap my foot to it but this is not giving me the same feeling I got with WRWWR :worship2:

I love WRWWR

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I mean, I can tap my foot to it but this is not giving me the same feeling I got with WRWWR :worship2:

Yes but that was the Kesha equivalent to Bad Romance - song that can't be topped without decending into self-parody or radio unfriendly land.

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Yes but that was the Kesha equivalent to Bad Romance - song that can't be topped without decending into self-parody or radio unfriendly land.

True. But sometimes "radio unfriendly land" isn't necessarily bad for a lead single. Especially if it performs like BTW :shrug:

Kesha said this song was the best one off of her record. :lmao:

I love WRWWR

:legend: it ****s

and :wtf: at what K$ said

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True. But sometimes "radio unfriendly land" isn't necessarily bad for a lead single. Especially if it performs like BTW :shrug:

BTW was reasonably radio friendly. I'm thinking of Judas, the song that aspired to out-BR Bad Romance.

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So, the Ke$ha sucks, but I think it could do really well for her. It seems (and I can't fathom why) that people can't get enough of that Dr. Luke magic.

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BTW didnt seem radio friendly at all to me at the time. Sounded like nothing on the radio.

It was fresh, but not really abrasive like the lead single from Bey's 4 or Nelly's new album, or even MTN.

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I'm still rooting for Your Body. :nails: Watch it soar after The Voice performance tonight. :derpga:

I wouldnt mind, I still like that song

It was fresh, but not really abrasive like the lead single from Bey's 4 or Nelly's new album, or even MTN.

Ill agree with that

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It's not gonna help her with her main issue: Touring/album sales.

What would though? She's established a very clear trashy-fun image. She never going to be the all-American good girl like Swiftie or win over pop hipsters from Gaga, so no point flopping on radio or alienating her fans.

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What would though? She's established a very clear trashy-fun image. She never going to be the all-American good girl like Swiftie or win over pop hipsters from Gaga, so no point flopping on radio or alienating her fans.

Why would an artist ever settle for being a singles act?

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It's not gonna help her with her main issue: Touring/album sales.

I can see her album going Platinum. The soundtrack for Burlesque sold 600K in the US and did so having a very mediocre opening debut, #18, 63K in it's first week (less than Bionic) and sold over 1 million WW (also more than Bionic). So if one of her soundtrack albums can do it, why can't one of her studio albums? :shrug:

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I can see her album going Platinum. The soundtrack for Burlesque sold 600K in the US and did so having a very mediocre opening debut, #18, 63K in it's first week (less than Bionic) and sold over 1 million WW (also more than Bionic). So if one of her soundtrack albums can do it, why can't one of her studio albums? :shrug:

i meant kesha lol

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