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Dr Luke Suing Kesha Over False Claims

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Guillaume Hamon
9 hours ago, derpmonster said:

He's won one lawsuit already. He doesn't need to keep doing this.

I mean if he's really innocent and actually wrongly accused of rape... I understand the diffamation lawsuit....

9 hours ago, derpmonster said:

He's managed to stifle her career enough and damage her in a lot of ways.

Well if ever it's an actual false claim Kesha made she would also be the one who stifle his... He was working with nearly all the big popstars before and now many wouldn't collab' with him even if he use an other name cause it could still start a huge controversy.

10 hours ago, derpmonster said:

And yes Luke shouldn't be in jail but he needs to go away from her. 

True! I don't even understand why contracts aren't broken in contexts like these... Even when it's not proven the doubt should be enough seing the accusation...

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I tend to believe Kesha in this situation more I mean why would she put herself in such a shitty situation if what she said was false? That right there is a huge risk that is totally not to joke about and she's famous and rich, she didn't need this, something must have happened between them to trigger her like that. As for Gaga herself, I think she did the right thing to be there for her even if she's lying for example, I mean Gaga is a kind person we all know her and what she thinks about this especially when you think that she had this terrible experience too, she was there to calm her and make her feel better (I think she saw or felt some things that we don't know, she knows a lot more about the music industry and the "monsters" from it than all of us because she has experience)

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I think, considering the amount of time Kesha has kept these accusations up (it started in 2014), suggests that she's genuine in what she says. If she had lied, I'm sure this would've been settled in an out of court settlement a long time ago. I notice this almost seems to be code for "the accusatory party secretly admits they were wrong but doesn't want their dirty laundry to be found out in a subsequent court battle so decided to break a deal to leave the other person alone for some kind of sum." That's what happened in the Melanie Martinez/Timothy Heller case. Ever wondered why that one disappeared so fast? Because Timothy decided on an out of court settlement and everyone moved on after that. That tells me that she had embellished her story or flat-out lied. But this Kesha case? It goes way back and neither side is budging which suggests something did happen. Luke must have done something foul to make Kesha decide never to work with him again. The fact that she isn't the only woman to make claims against him is also very telling. When Wendy Williams said insensitive comments regarding the case on her show, Kesha claimed that she had been offered the chance to break all her ties with Luke if she agreed to take back all her allegations but she refused. Wendy immediately apologised for doubting her.

Has Kesha ended his career as a successful producer? Yes. His last proper hit was R. City's Locked Away in 2015 and the last huge name that he put out a song for was Jennifer Lopez in 2016 (the first Dr Luke song put out post-Kesha lawsuit, incidentally). But has he got more than enough money already? Yes. He's had his time in the sun and made a ton of money, still earning royalties. He's not going to starve. And as a producer, he was never in the spotlight anyway, behind the scenes, where he should be. It's hard to put someone in jail when there's no proof and I'm not suggesting that happens but he should be publicly vilified forevermore. Any woman still prepared to work with him, no matter how desperate, should hang her head in shame.

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Regina George
14 hours ago, Ladey Gaygay said:

Thats bullshit and we know it. There is plenty of evidence that Dr. Puke abused her; from an eating disorder, gaga stepping up and insinuating that Dr.Luke had a run in with her, him calling her a fat fxcking refrigerator to her mom and dad backing her. There is no way in hell that kesha would make such a big deal over nothing anyways

How is any of this evidence of him sexually abusing her tho? :air: “gaga said it” so it has to be true. I’m not taking sides here I’m just pointing out what you’re saying.. 

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11 hours ago, hankhatesyouall said:

Sue her into oblivion, King. 

Excuse me no

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Sanne Godijn
12 hours ago, Economy said:

Not so sure about that. Hypathetically if he was innocent (not saying he is)... he got his image destroyed and hed have good reason to be pissed


so i dont think if he was innocent hed leave her alone hed more likely wanna get back at her

Ya except he already sued her so many times so i feel like its time for him to stop now and move on

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2 hours ago, Candy Gaga said:

And what in this quote exactly proves that she's not 

She's just stating her opinion that a lot of people share it with her

she's basically publicly siding with dr luke, despite what her fans claim, and not sure about " a lot of people" 

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14 hours ago, Economy said:

Do we know for sure hes lying?


honestly nothing was ever proved either way


this is still a he said she said situation as far as i know


Edit: Im still inclined to believe Kesha im just saying there’s been no certaities here

you're so ugly

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18 minutes ago, ReginaGeorge said:

How is any of this evidence of him sexually abusing her tho? :air: “gaga said it” so it has to be true. I’m not taking sides here I’m just pointing out what you’re saying.. 

18 minutes ago, ReginaGeorge said:

How is any of this evidence of him sexually abusing her tho? :air: “gaga said it” so it has to be true. I’m not taking sides here I’m just pointing out what you’re saying.. 

Believe and support survivors or stfu there's plenty people on this site you're triggering commenting **** like that out of your ass

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Sanne Godijn

Dr luke is the most phatetic person ive ever seen he really needs to stop clinging to the past and move on with his life because this kesha lawsuit is just phatetic he needs to leave her alone now

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Candy Gaga
35 minutes ago, FlopSlurper said:

she's basically publicly siding with dr luke, despite what her fans claim, and not sure about " a lot of people" 

Unless proven guilty I don't mind him or what she had to say about him

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54 minutes ago, Spooky Needles said:

you're so ugly

We all have different taste.

@Economy is pretty hot

"I'd rather be poor and happy, than rich and alone"
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1 hour ago, Spooky Needles said:

you're so ugly

if you keep reading he says he sides with kesha- no need to be rude đź’€

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