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Spiked on Sam Smith: "You're still a he"


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This thread is is just yeah... No. When someone pulls out a fictional character to support an argument about real life, you know they are a probable mess. 

It's not hard to be nice. You don't have to understand now. But slowly making a point to understand is the way to go. 

If it takes you so much effort to deny such things, why not look at yourself instead of tossing blame upon the innocent?

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You guys are wining about toxic masculinity, but you will fall for any masculine man :vegas:
I doubt anyone wants Sam Smith, poor their 
Yes, the article has made a lot of points. 
We are not going to change the English language for you:trollga:

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21 minutes ago, LordEnigma said:

Then what makes a woman a woman and a man a man? That's what I'm failing to see in your argument. You say they need to choose either or and I'd like to know what you think that means. Because if you think that people can act however they want, then why do we even have the male/female gender in the first place? And what is the necessity of keeping it so strict to not include other classifications?

Im saying you are born a man or woman. Trans people feel as though they are born in the wrong body so they call themselves what they feel they are. My problem that you're not seeing is that we allow society to put together a criteria of how a man or woman should act. Not what they are born as, but literally how a man should carry himself and how a woman should. The problem should be that, not pronouns. Why is it that a man cant feel like a real man? Why do we have criteria on how a man should act? That is what im saying should be the target issue. If someone cant be a man I'd ask them what they feel a man is and why is it that whatever they do think a man is eliminates them from being one? Men can act any type of way and their shouldnt be a set blueprint of "acting like a man" or vice versa. 

May I Read You? 😎
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5 minutes ago, KingRedd said:

Trans people feel as though they are born in the wrong body so they call themselves what they feel they are.

As I've previously replied to you, it's not a "feeling" when their brain structure forms like their Cis counterparts.

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1 minute ago, ltlmnstr said:

As I've previously replied to you, it's not a "feeling" when their brain structure forms like their Cis counterparts.

That has little to do with anything I'm even saying. You replied that and I ignored it. Its a feeling and a state of being to me, sorry. A trans person is born a certain gender yet feel and identify as another so they can get procedures to correct that or just live life being the sex they want to be. Not that deep to me

May I Read You? 😎
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4 minutes ago, KingRedd said:

That has little to do with anything I'm even saying. You replied that and I ignored it. Its a feeling and a state of being to me, sorry. A trans person is born a certain gender yet feel and identify as another so they can get procedures to correct that or just live life being the sex they want to be. Not that deep to me

That's really dangerous and unscientific thinking. 

Gender Dysphoria is the basis of Transgender issues. 

By saying "they feel like changing" akins to the transphobic argument that it's a choice.

I'm not putting out an allegation that you're transphobic but, yikes dude. 

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8 minutes ago, KingRedd said:

Im saying you are born a man or woman. Trans people feel as though they are born in the wrong body so they call themselves what they feel they are. My problem that you're not seeing is that we allow society to put together a criteria of how a man or woman should act. Not what they are born as, but literally how a man should carry himself and how a woman should. The problem should be that, not pronouns. Why is it that a man cant feel like a real man? Why do we have criteria on how a man should act? That is what im saying should be the target issue. If someone cant be a man I'd ask them what they feel a man is and why is it that whatever they do think a man is eliminates them from being one? Men can act any type of way and their shouldnt be a set blueprint of "acting like a man" or vice versa. 

I kind of hate to tell you this, but this is something you will have to research yourself. It's not something you can get clear answers from a bunch of angry people on a forum. 


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13 minutes ago, hankhatesyouall said:

You guys are wining about toxic masculinity, but you will fall for any masculine man :vegas:
I doubt anyone wants Sam Smith, poor their 
Yes, the article has made a lot of points. 
We are not going to change the English language for you:trollga:

Masculinity =/= toxic masculinity

Just like cookies are great but we won't eat moldy ones :gaycat:

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Smh at all the people denying Sam Smith the respect of calling then the preferred pronoun. Would you insist that a MTF trans person is still a male ? Or an FTM trans person is still a female?

Just stop being so selfish, you little sh*ts. It's not up for discussion. You either call someone their preferred pronoun or you are an absolute cu*t. Are we clear? :huntyga:


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5 minutes ago, ThatBinch said:

Smh at all the people denying Sam Smith the respect of calling him his preferred pronoun.


6 minutes ago, ThatBinch said:

Just stop being so selfish, you little sh*ts. It's not up for discussion. You either call someone their preferred pronoun or you are an absolute cu*t. Are we clear? :huntyga:

Agreed :gayhat:

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Just call them whatever pronoun they want you to call them is that so hard to do? 

There could be a 1000 doves in the sky...
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3 hours ago, geopang said:

I mean 🤷🏻‍♂️ If you look like a lumberjack and you get offended when people address you as he, seems like it’s your issue not theirs

Wtf is this trash

It’s not a matter of getting offended by how people react to you. It’s whether or not those people chose to respect you and your wishes to be called certain pronouns.

If you’re not going to be an ally, what the f*ck are you doing on this site, let alone existing in 2019.  

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1 hour ago, hankhatesyouall said:

You guys are wining about toxic masculinity, but you will fall for any masculine man :vegas:
I doubt anyone wants Sam Smith, poor their 
Yes, the article has made a lot of points. 
We are not going to change the English language for you:trollga:

I’m sorry but what a mean-spirited outlook you have on life...

like, would it kill you just to be kind to other people? Open minded to the experiences of others? To not be so exhaustingly contrarian? 

Jesus Christ... I got banned for months for saying this site was becoming alt-right, but posts like this riddle this forum. I’ve been using Gaga Daily for years and it’s appalling to see attacks like this. 

The worst part about it is that I HATE Sam Smith and I’m stuck defending their human dignity. Yikes. 

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3 hours ago, sampool said:

Non-binary doesn’t = Trans, since they don’t acknowledge the existence of gender, so what’s are they ‘transitioning’ to? 

And so what if we have non-binary members? That’s like saying we have Christian members here so we have to agree with whatever they say. 

As humans we’re not obligated to share others believes or practices, as long we’re expressing our opinions in a respectful manner. 

I’m not a Christian, but I acknowledge their right to exist and don’t deny the legitimacy of what they believe deeply and genuinely in their hearts to be true. 

You don’t have to buy what their selling, but you’d be small minded and ignorant to not show them the bare minimum level of human dignity and respect. 

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