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Sam Smith changes their pronouns to they/them

Morphine Prince

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I’m just going to say, how are you surprise that gay men on this thread are being harsh on another minority group? Did you all suddenly forgot how racist white gay men are towards Black and Latinos? Just because someone is a “minority” doesn’t mean they’ll be sympathetic of other minority groups.

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7 minutes ago, GhettoFabulous said:

:saladga: you’d think this site is a right wing republican forum the way y’all so damn ignorant and backwards 

If biology and facts are considered right wing republican, sign me up

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ear condom

there should be a special section for the iconic science-side-of-GGD :huntyga:

I'm giving up on this legendary thread

Love yall xx

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51 minutes ago, Dex said:

So maybe we should help him feel better about himself as a man rather than pretend he's not. If your father decided to be a baby and you had to feed him every morning then that would be incredibly damaging to you. When people are deluded about who/what they are, they need love and assistance to come to reality. Maybe Sam is dealing with some deep trauma, maybe his reality is not good enough, so he's created a fantasy. Maybe fame has messed him up a little? Who knows. But he needs help. Nobody is saying he should be ridiculed.

Effectively, "If your father decided one day that he was gay, that would be incredibly damaging to you." :spin:

 I think that you may be too far gone to understand this. 

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ear condom
1 minute ago, TheQueenLG said:

This thread is so toxic and troglodytic. It's not worth my time. 


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43 minutes ago, geopang said:

If biology and facts are considered right wing republican, sign me up

*ignorance  :awkney: then tea. Because anyone that has spent a day in biology class or payed attention would know gender=/= sex so sex and gender are completely different things so no it is not “biology” and “facts” :lana:

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1 hour ago, Mordred said:

 how could you know ? As of now (and as far as I know), it's referencing somebody the wrong way that causes harm.

Being denied from the start for who you are and your identity being swept under the rug because " we don't even want to try nor change our old habits " is way more painful than the potential  " new genders "  mistakes  and the potential offenses  stemming from it; I mean at least people would try something  new ? Which would be a first sign of respect. Not even trying to reference someone the way they want is the real and first lack of respect. 

And anyway, this is not a contest, lol. It's about thinking with your heart rather than your head and make people feel good about themselves.

but if it makes you feel more comfortable to think otherwise then good for you I guess ^^





Exactly and because there are so many pronouns now, it’s hard for people to know how to reference others, therefore causing more offence 

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corvus albus

Some people in here are beyond redemption. It's a very simple task:

use their correct pronouns = being a normal human being with standards of decency

use the pronouns they reject for themselves = you're an asshole and everybody has every right to call you one. Your warped sense of "biology" doesn't actually apply so f off. Sam Smith chooses their own pronouns and you have no say in it. If you delibaretely choose the rejected pronouns YOU are just plain wrong. End of story. Your feelings don't matter because it's none of your beeswax.

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On 9/13/2019 at 7:52 PM, ReginaGeorge said:

InB4 new categories “Best they video” and “best they album”. :neyde:

Together with the group awards :messga:

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21 hours ago, Dex said:

Yes, white societies. Have you noticed that?

Because French, German, Spanish with their gendered pronouns are all non white :sharon: How delusional. 

India has always acknowledged 3 genders. Native Americans had 5 before the whites came in and forced their binary on to others. 

21 hours ago, Dex said:

Your genitals dictate your gender identity. If you are born with a penis, it is your duty to be a man. If you are born with a vagina, it is your duty to be a woman. This is so that children have a strong male character for a father and a strong female character for a mother, because - you won't believe this - mothers and fathers have different, clear roles when it comes to raising a healthy(!) and well-rounded child. The mother is responsible for regulating the negative (hunger, thirst, pain) while the father is responsible for stimulating growth (take the kid outside and nurture its skills). People who don't have a stronger gender identity therefore make for weaker parents.


The homophobia and transphobia jumped out. Sorry you are not welcome here. Lady Gaga preaches much better than that. Genitals do not dictate gender, only sex. And stfu with your moralizing "duty" language. By your logic gay dads or moms can't be good parents which is incredibly homophobic. 

You have ZERO evidence for this pseudoscientific BS you're spouting that's only based in ignorance and hatred. You are ignorant of basic biology that has shown that gender and sex are separate entities. 

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14 hours ago, Dex said:

Right now yes you're right it has no affect. But over time things will get worse. We must nip these things in the bud. 


Please enlighten us. Are you gay, straight, bi? Cisgender?

I'm trying to understand where this decided lack of empathy is coming from. Sometimes you really need to be part of a group to truly understand. 

Til it happens to you, you don't know how it feels. 

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17 hours ago, Ally the Maine said:

physically changed gender

Nonsensical. Gender can't be changed physically as it is psychosocial. 

Sex is physical/biological and can be changed. 

This distinction is super important. 

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corvus albus
4 minutes ago, derpmonster said:

Because French, German, Spanish are all white :sharon: How delusional. 

India has always acknowledged 3 genders. Native Americans had 5 before the whites came in and forced their binary on to others.

German, a "white" society, doesn't have proper pronouns for non-binary people. I should know that because I am German. It's a true shame because my language can be so expressive but our third person pronouns are simply horrible.

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