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JLo dragged by animal rights activists


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24 minutes ago, Adarsh said:

Well I think you already know my opinion on this. Wearing fur is not OK, both when people I admire and when people who I do not do it.

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5 minutes ago, Adarsh said:

Oh so you’re ostracizing me for merely “liking” a comment that mocked you? (Which I still don’t remember)

What about the hundreds of ridiculous and offensive comments you make on a daily basis? I thought you were just naive and ignorant but this is a new low, even for you. This is the last time I’ll be conversing with you. It’s about time I blocked your misogynistic Trump supporting ass 

Im ostracizing you for liking a racist comment, not for liking a comment that mocked me. You are doing a HORRIBLE job at defending yourself and proved to everyone here that you are actually a racist.

Typical Liberal racist, they think they are entitled to be racist, and if you call them out on it, they will accuse of you being a racist, sexist, Trump supporter which im not any of these. 

You did what I wanted, which is to block me and dont talk to me, thank you.

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@Adarsh, honey don't feel sad.

Apparently a South Asian can not be racist. Reverse racism never works, so please educate before talk! 🌸

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6 minutes ago, Zander said:

I wish gaga would cut the real fur and feathers out tbh (and exotic leathers). Never makes any sense to me people with pets wearing fur. 

i eat meat and i also own pets. so i get gaga. (in having pets and eating meat,not wearing fur because i dont own one:selena:)

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Just now, Anveeroy said:

@Adarsh, honey don't feel sad.

Apparently a South Asian can be racist. Reverse racism never works, so please educate before talk! 🌸

But I don’t remember saying anything racist to them :air:

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4 minutes ago, Adarsh said:

But I don’t remember saying anything racist to them :air:

Just ignore. Just a major edit - can't be racist. 

And I have ignored that user a long time before. I have no sympathy for misogynist, xenophobic people.

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Tutti hanno provato il pollo?
Ho pensato che il pollo fosse adorabile.




I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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Couldn't be me because I'd drag right the hell back. f1272bea351e79f935f32e2a3eef9a35.gif

I wish she would have been a diva about it; one of the very few moments I wouldn't look down upon that type of behavior.

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46 minutes ago, Adarsh said:

Wearing real fur is never okay. How would you feel if a human being was skinned alive for vanity? Animals feel pain just like we do. 

OT: real fur in 2019? How outdated of her! It’s not a trend anymore. Get with the times Jenny! 

If animal cruelty is involved (being skinned alive), then maybe people should be mad at the designers and not the people who purchase it.

But I eat meat for protein so idk if my opinion is valid or not.

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Just now, sillynate said:

If animal cruelty is involved (being skinned alive), then maybe people should be mad at the designers and not the people who purchase it.

But I eat meat for protein so idk if my opinion is valid or not.

Yes I agree, the designers should be held accountable for what they do. But I’m glad that major labels like Gucci and Versace are going fur free one by one. 

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Not a fan of real fur, but yelling angrily to those who do wear it is not going to make a difference.

People react negatively to hostile people, so no matter what they say, it will be ignored. 


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