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CEREMONY || Lady Gaga music videos megarate


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My 11: G.U.Y

My 10s: Applause, John Wayne, Born This Way, The Lady Is a Tramp with Tony Bennet, Judas

so Judas better win

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9 minutes ago, RudraCNG said:

My top 5

1. Judas

2. Telephone

3. Bad Romance

4. Marry the Night

5. Paparazzi

So far everything is going according to plan :ally:

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Celloo Deng

Judas does not deserve to be top 3 :triggered:

i try to live in black & white but i'm so blue
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Bad Romance can go. Yeah, I said it I don’t care missy is so overrated!


💋 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡 𝕐𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕌𝕡💋🍪
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Just now, Talenti said:

Bad Romance can go. Yeah, I said it I don’t care missy is so overrated!


I thought we were friends :triggered:

Stream Kylie-Janet Discographies!
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5 minutes ago, Andreu said:

MTN should have left before paparazzi but it can leave now

oh hell no mtn is coming for that first place yes

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Just now, dllcll said:

oh hell no mtn is coming for that first place yes

mtn is out hun :ally:

Stream Kylie-Janet Discographies!
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Just now, Cello said:

Judas does not deserve to be top 3 :triggered:

omg it's coming :omg: 

툭 까보면 어김없이 소리질러와
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4 minutes ago, PinkPop said:

4. Marry the Night


Overall Score: 9.143243


Highest: 11 @Cello, @Talenti, @Monster7, @dllcll, @Davian, @Glittertinks, @Oriane

Lowest: 4.5 @Inferno



Glittertinks - This one starts out on such a sad note, but becomes this powerful message towards the end and I think this is the video with the most heart and the strongest story & message. I relate to this one a lot 

OpenHeartedMonster -  I find this confusing

Imitalian - Perfect way to close a beautiful Era. Fantastic mv and of course deserved more views. My favorite scene is the one when she's in the parking lot with cars burning. 

Enzo - underrated masterpiece

Inferno - i respect it more now than i did then, theres stuff about it i like. but overall its just too long and for me, i love the energy of the track so much and the video just doesnt bring that hard pumping energy across at all. even in its climax. so that always bothered me.


AndiGaga – Love it... the story... the empowerment!

Andreu - it  gives me very strong mixed feelings: I kind of like it, but on the other hand it has zero replay value for me. The Gaga MV I have watched the least by a huge margin.

Oriane - The best one, hands down. I love the concept of it, telling her story but from a distorted perspective, her artistic style helping her cope with that experience. So we’re not simply seeing the facts, in a bland and unoriginal way. We can actually feel what she felt. Everything is orchestrated in a clever way, but she takes her time to tell the story. Sure, the chronological order made a lot of people confused. But just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean you can’t feel her pain. These feelings are real and raw, and the artistic polish around it doesn’t change anything about it. In terms of technique and style, I love everything in it, the shots and the editing are well done, they fit the tone of the music video. And I love the fact that she directed it. She really has potential.

Didymus - This one is way too long, I feel. Some of the scenes are great but there wasn't enough meat on the bone storywise to justify such a meandering pace in my opinion. As soon as the actual song starts I also lose all intensity. I find the video to be quite unoriginal and unchallenging visually and it leaves me pretty cold by the end. It feels like a film student project that didn't get great marks. Not a fan.


1 minute ago, dllcll said:

oh hell no mtn is coming for that first place yes


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Just now, Anveeroy said:

I thought we were friends :triggered:

I’m sorry sis but y’all hype this video up so much- I mean yeah it’s iconic we all know that but I’m sick and tired of MTN getting payed DUST!


💋 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕡 𝕐𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕌𝕡💋🍪
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