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MEGARATE || The Born This Way Ball Tour Performances


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Welcome to my NEW MEGARATE!

This MEGARATE is about The Born This Way Ball Tour Performances.

You will be able to rate each song's performance from "The Born This Way Ball Tour "!




1. "Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)"

2. "Government Hooker"

3. "Born This Way"

4. "Black Jesus + Amen Fashion"

5. "Bloody Mary"

6. "Bad Romance"

7. "Judas"

8. "Fashion of His Love"

9. "Just Dance"

10. "LoveGame"

11. "Telephone"

12. "Heavy Metal Lover"

13. "Bad Kids"

14. "Hair"

15. "Hair (Acoustic)"

16. "Born This Way (Acoustic)"

17. "The Queen"

18. "You and I"

19. "Princess Die"

20. "Electric Chapel"

21. "Americano"

22. "Poker Face"

23. "Alejandro"

24. "Paparazzi"

25. "Scheiße"

26. "The Edge of Glory"

27. "Marry The Night"

28. "Marry The Night (A Capella Version)"

Videos for reference:




1.) Rate each performance from 1 to 10.9 , decimals are highly encouraged. You can rate one performance with an 11, to represent your love for it and a 0 for your least favorite performance.

2.) Comments aren't necessary, but are highly encouraged! 

3.) The deadline for voting will be on August 8th, 2019. 

4.) Please Don't troll. 

5.) Send me your submissions through PMs, until the deadline. Please don't post them here on the thread!

6.) The results ceremony is scheduled for August 17th, 2019

7.) Have fun! 


You can rate each performance by the choreography, vocals , story......ANY RATE YOU THINK IT DESERVES  


Comment Below if you will be participating, i'll add you to the Taglist 



@Enzo@DiamondKing@Animal Claws@IrishMonster@Davian@Lazz Monster@SamanthaC@Curunir@Franchesca@MANiCURE 6@OpenHeartedMonster@Ally Campana@Mirages@Twitter@Ladey Gaygay@Jadeykins@Anveeroy@LazyTurtle@GreenDiamond@Auralegends@ProjectJoanne@Phoebe Buffay@FentyGa@RudraCNG

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I don't think I can participate because my last exam is on August 2nd :bradley: but tag me anyways :)

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I’m in hopefully I won’t miss the ceremony tho :messga:

Used to be HighRoad
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I’m in!!

Here’s a tease for the winning performance:vegas:


What you want Lady Gaga🥂 What you want with Christina🥂
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