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Jessie J. Can we like appreciate this?


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42 minutes ago, Akiki said:

I lover her voice but I cant stand her. 


Precisely :vegas:

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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53 minutes ago, Akiki said:

I lover her voice but I cant stand her. 

Why? Not trying to be rude or anything, but just asking

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All her performances on that show were so good:kara: She is so underrated:messga:

What you want Lady Gaga🥂 What you want with Christina🥂
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She's like a textbook version of a good vocalist. Great skills but in terms of conviction, raw emotions and owning the song that's where she and most singing show contestants fail. It feels somehow empty, soulless and very often showoff-ish.

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Incredible vocalist. Her version of "I will Always Love you" is the best live recorded version of anyone. 

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She's hands down the best singer in the world.

There may be others who excell in certain areas making them better with their range or emoting, power or placement, but she does it all and is at the highest level.

Her personality is incredibly honest and sincere, which people HATE. She doesn't do soundbites she is entirely open. 

The downside? She hasn't begged Scooter Braun to be her manager. She would be selling out stadiums the world over.

Her lack of big time success makes me sad.

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Good voice. She’s known in the industry to have a bad attitude and be “diva” like so that’s why she isn’t as big as she could be. 

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9 hours ago, KatieJudasGaga4 said:

Why? Not trying to be rude or anything, but just asking

I can't explain it I think. I loved her when she released Do it like a Dude. But I always tought that there was something off with her. She just seems fake. It's crazy cause I have this "I hate, I love you" relationship about her. Nothing really special.  When I look at her there is something off about her. Like she puts a show (and I don't mean she is terrible by any mean. She is very nice) I just don't buy her whole persona somehow. 

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9 hours ago, KatieJudasGaga4 said:

Why? Not trying to be rude or anything, but just asking

Her comment about bisexuality was just a phase made me feel like she used to LGBT community for popularity and money. And she is rumoured to be difficult to work with however my brother worked in this Chinese singing contest show and he said she was really nice to all the staff. It could be she had to be more humble in the non English speaking world coz she was literally just a C-list star to the chinese world before this show. But then the bisexual remark made me question about her persona.

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It's a good cover but she just has that tendency to oversing like Demi and Christina do and that's why it's a no from me.  

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it
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9 hours ago, NCgaga said:

Incredible vocalist. Her version of "I will Always Love you" is the best live recorded version of anyone. 

crazy how you accidentally added a period then clicked submit before you could finish "except Whitney Houston" :whitney:

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