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Reactions when Gaga changed her look for the first time?


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What was your reaction during Gaga's  metamorphosis pre-TFM?

I wasn't a fan during then and I would like to know how it felt to see her change her looks and style almost completely starting on the VMAs 2009 and the Bad Romance MV. Like, this must've been something important, since it was the first time Gaga tried on a new look after the beginning of a new era.

If you were a fan during then, what did you think about it?

Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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Ariana Grindr

I was so used to the bangs and the make up and aesthetic of the fame era that when the Bad Romance video came out I had a hard time believing she was the same girl :cryga:


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I think i would have lived for anything she did back then so.. :staymad:

but I remember thinking she was just SOOO beautiful, like.. stunning. Not saying she was ugly during the fame era, but we all make questionable choices 


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I remember coming home late in the evening ( around 7pm :derpga: ) I turned on the TV and there was this music video (Bad Romance; it just started which ofc I didn't know) and thought "huh, this song sounds amazing, who is this chick?" and then at the end there was the title "Bad Romance - Lady Gaga" and I almost had a heart attack. I immediately ran downstairs to my mom and step-dad and begged them to buy me the song (as I didn't have my own internet connection and couldn't buy music by myself.......... I know :green: ). I was obsessed with the song then :firega: 

Ew, David!
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I was absolutely shook. I watched BR on a library computer & had zero shame. Amazing.

This kitten over here (meow)
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oh mawma I LIVED. I remember watching the bad romance video premiere on ladygaga.com and replayed it for like an hour. she is and always has been that bitch

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I remember I lived for the music and visuals and everything, but being a fan of the bangs and nude makeup of the Fame era since Just Dance’s single era, it admittedly took me some time…(quite possibly almost the entire TFM era :cryga:) to finally adjust. But by that time, BTW era had started and I was disappointed I didn’t appreciate much of TFM’s amazing hair and makeup in the moment. But I was also only 12 at the time so I didn’t appreciate complex makeup yet. Obviously now I do though. Oh well. :ohwell:

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1. First I thought BR  was Pink's song, after I've heard it on the radio, but didn't see the video yet. I thought it was called "I want your love". I never found it on yt tho

2. Then I saw MV on the tv, but the sound was muted so I thought that must've been Madonna in her younger days (back then I didn't really pay attention to pre-Confessions Madonna).

3. Poker Face was number one song of 2009 in Croatia and while they were introducing it on the radio, they said that "it seems like her newest single Bad Romance will be number one song AND the video of 2010). I thought yeah right since Gaga really annoyed me up until then, but I googled BR and BAM! I was slayed so hard that my favorite singers chart has changed forever and I became a stan.

It was a combination of how differently she sounded and looked compared to TF videos.

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super ultra

It didn't shock me, I mean, she changed her look every day but when I saw a picture of her with bangs/from 08-09, I already named it as "yeah, that's from TF era" so :giggle:

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holy scheisse

I was flipping when she debuted a look without bangs for bad romance!  She looked sooooo different and up til that point the straight across bangs were her signature/only staple, basically.


Also around that time when she started wearing super short and slicked back looks like this one... I died   this is still probably my favorite style her natural hair has ever been. 


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