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This is stressing me out. I thought after the hope and the fear of Gaga winning an Oscar or not my stan heart could take a rest but no, here we are hoping and fearing another week..... :madge::selena::heat:

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little legend

Stream Shallow and send the link everywhere 

Post the link on Facebook and post Instagram videos with Shallow at the background 

Go to chat rooms and send the link from Shallow 

Make posters and post them on the streets 

Someone should make a Playlist with Shallow, so when we aren't on pc, we can let it play Shallow from hours 

Come on think something 

It is really our last chance 


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13 minutes ago, dannydrummen said:

Why can’t Arianators be nice & give the spot for 1 week to Shallow ugh, 7 Rings can go back to #1 next week tho :saladga:

GIVE US 1 WEEK AT #1!! :wtfga:

So they can laugh their butts off when Shallow drops out of the top 10 the following week??? Thanks but no thanks. 

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Just now, Rifek said:

please don't RIPort me :ladyhaha:

I rarely report someone on this thread:poot:

edit: oh i understood the jk gfbfvblf

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4 minutes ago, monster78619 said:

Does gifting the song still count?

yall US stans better get your credit cards out otherwise I don’t want no meltdowns when she’s at #2 :grr:


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Does ANYONE KNOW if the 10 streams count per day rule for spotify is true?

The sun will rise each day. Will you?
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Just now, Rifek said:

If f.ex. 80s Pop Version of Shallow was released would the streams/buys of it count too? 


The sun will rise each day. Will you?
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54 minutes ago, Gypsy Life said:

What estimation :triggered:

The one includig the us streams from youtube chart.

The only prisons that exist are ones we put each other in..
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13 minutes ago, corvus albus said:

Already streaming C2C while doing that :triggered:

It’s only acceptable if you stream “Nature Boy” aka the best song on C2C :ohwell:

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