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Cleopatra trends worldwide as Lady Gaga is rumored to cast on it


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5 hours ago, ZiggyZiggs said:

people are more upset that they're gassing up cleopatra again and making a movie about her instead of actual african queens like nefertiti etc than about gaga or angie playing cleo


5 hours ago, XC1792 said:

As I mentioned in the previous thread there is no truth to this story. It’s published by the Daily Star. A UK newspaper renowned for making up stories frequently with little if any credibility. It’s a trash newspaper, I don’t understand why people are believing in this.:saladga:

the two realest takes up here ^^

and y'all reading people for learning down here vvvv

5 hours ago, ZiggyZiggs said:

this is literally how it went down on twitter, this is the best example of being sensitive about anything and everything



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5 hours ago, GaGaAst said:

Is this edited or real?. She looks too different amd weird. 

The first one not, that one you quoted, yes, obviously, but still our woke queen 


We need DarkGa with Bops so we can rule the industry again and learn the other popgirls how to snatch 'em wigs to ultimate baldness!!
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5 hours ago, neptugne said:

they are correct lol doesn't correlate to Gaga and the role, the american education system is very eurocentric and ignores most african history

Well, I think we can all agree that Europe has the most impactful history. Also the fact that we discovered America and almost every important event was in Europe.

We need DarkGa with Bops so we can rule the industry again and learn the other popgirls how to snatch 'em wigs to ultimate baldness!!
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6 hours ago, PrincessVenus said:

Gurl idk if y’all are being sarcastic or not but Ariana grande is like 95% white. She’s pure Italian

We know sis, dont you worry, but on black twitter they often claim her as non-white and that they are proud that a non-white female is running the charts.

We need DarkGa with Bops so we can rule the industry again and learn the other popgirls how to snatch 'em wigs to ultimate baldness!!
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34 minutes ago, DutchHooker said:

Well, I think we can all agree that Europe has the most impactful history. Also the fact that we discovered America and almost every important event was in Europe.

Omg the republican jumped out. 


Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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6 hours ago, ARPiT said:

Not beautiful, then how did she kinda seduce two most powerful men of history, Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony? :air:

I imagine her to be damn beautiful :pole:

Because she was a queen and incredibly intelligent for a woman back then. It is very likely that back then men were mesmerized by a woman with her experience.

More importantly , Egypt was incredibly rich. Enormously , out of our mind rich, far more than Rome. Julius Caesar needed Egypt support to stabilise Rome (which had suffered from major civil wars and lots of political fightings) and to conquer all Asia. As for Mark Anthony, he was at war with Augustus so he needed Egypt's help as well. Power and money , the greatest marriage of all time.

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54 minutes ago, DutchHooker said:

Well, I think we can all agree that Europe has the most impactful history. Also the fact that we discovered America and almost every important event was in Europe.


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1 hour ago, DutchHooker said:

Well, I think we can all agree that Europe has the most impactful history. Also the fact that we discovered America and almost every important event was in Europe.

I love you but no. :ladyhaha:

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1 hour ago, DutchHooker said:

Well, I think we can all agree that Europe has the most impactful history. Also the fact that we discovered America and almost every important event was in Europe.

I usually agree with all you write and say but there... giphy.gif

As a European myself it's cruel to think we "discovered" America, when there was clearly civilization before us. The cities of maya-civilization were bigger and actually more innovative than those of europe at that time. Just no one is talking about it. We were just the ones rewriting the books to our fortune and erased other cultures that didn't fit our believes and faiths.

Most impactful history? maybe - we could argue on that. But don't forget the middle east invented writing first, while mayan-culture invented water systems first.

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1 hour ago, DutchHooker said:

Well, I think we can all agree that Europe has the most impactful history. Also the fact that we discovered America and almost every important event was in Europe.

'We discovered America' yikes

I kind of agree with what you said but this sentence gave me a headache or two



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1 hour ago, DutchHooker said:

We know sis, dont you worry, but on black twitter they often claim her as non-white and that they are proud that a non-white female is running the charts.

I cackled :selena: im over this social justice people have taken it way too far

I'm the bitch that's fragile
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I love ancient Egypt art and history so I'm here for a HISTORICALLY ACCURATE and high budget movie with that plot. Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Hatsepsut or Ramses II idk

Of course, I would love to see Gaga as Cleopatra but I think I'm interested in a movie like this regardless. Coincidentally, what I thought with ASIB, a topic I'm interested in

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3 minutes ago, AlotofApollo said:

I usually agree with all you write and say but there... giphy.gif

As a European myself it's cruel to think we "discovered" America, when there was clearly civilization before us. The cities of maya-civilization were bigger and actually more innovative than those of europe at that time. Just no one is talking about it. We were just the ones rewriting the books to our fortune and erased other cultures that didn't fit our believes and faiths.

Most impactful history? maybe - we could argue on that. But don't forget the middle east invented writing first, while mayan-culture invented water systems first.



Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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13 minutes ago, AlexanderMagno said:

Because she was a queen and incredibly intelligent for a woman back then. It is very likely that back then men were mesmerized by a woman with her experience.

More importantly , Egypt was incredibly rich. Enormously , out of our mind rich, far more than Rome. Julius Caesar needed Egypt support to stabilise Rome (which had suffered from major civil wars and lots of political fightings) and to conquer all Asia. As for Mark Anthony, he was at war with Augustus so he needed Egypt's help as well. Power and money , the greatest marriage of all time.

"incredibly intelligent for a woman" :air: dark, dark times!! 

But yeah, I get what you mean! Also, didn't Cleopatra too need Caesar's help to overcome the civil war in her home and legitimise her claim to throne! Seems more like a political alliance than love here!


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1 hour ago, DutchHooker said:

Well, I think we can all agree that Europe has the most impactful history. Also the fact that we discovered America and almost every important event was in Europe.

Girl go Read a book or something. First: there is no 'we' in this story cause it's not 'us' who discovered America .

Second: America didn't need to be 'discovered', since it's people were doing perfectly fine without the Europeans murdering their relatives and destroying their lands. 

3rd: The fact that you think almost every important event happened in Europe is the result of our eurocentric education system. Ever heard of the Chinese dynasties? Zhang He? Genghis khan? Ancient Egypt? The kingdom of Zimbabwe? Even all important religions have their origins in the Middle East. :saladga:




Before there was love, there was silence
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