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R Kelly Fiasco - Too Much?


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We need to stay strong and focused on not to make flames even bigger.

Many Angela Changs will appear now and try to use every opportunity to narrow her Oscar chances.

I know world isn't all about Gaga but still, those smear campaigns are real deal.


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It just skipped on Spotify for me. This is really breaking my heart. The song is quite dear to me and I have this sense of loss right now.

To everyone who is like, 'yeah whatever'; this is more than just a deletion of one song. This is about an artist deleting one of her pieces that helped shape who she is now. It's like deleting a part of the artist's history. And to think that the song was talking about how the world can do and say anything about the artists' 'body' of work i.e. art, reputation, persona - with three very controversial artists. It's genius to me. And now, it's gone.

It was great social commentary.

Sonically, it really is a masterpiece. There's no denying that this is one of her better songs (megarates have proven this time and time again). I'm genuinely sad. Please don't @ me, I need to process this. And no, I am not being melodramatic. I am genuinely sad right now.

Inside, we are really made the same. đź•Š
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3 hours ago, ARealWildMan said:

I agree, she loved that song, you can tell

I love that song so much and it's sad that it's gone, I still have the physical ARTPOP CD so it isn't lost forever but that song deserved so much more


For all of the people saying move on. If it was Sexxx Dreams or Dance in the Dark you wouldn't be like this

This exactly. 

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Its a planned attack on lady gaga exactly before oscar season..GaGa haters should get a life..

No other artist except GaGa is being judged rn for involvement with R Kelly. And they could have raised it long time aho but waited to sabotage her Oscar potential.

Love it when you call me legs In the morning, buy me eggs
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I have to agree. Dwuw is a song that is really special to me. And the song that got me into gaga. 

Slap honey on a young pancake.
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Personally, I joined just because of this. Let me just say that I'm not a Lady Gaga stan or anything, I just sort of have a soft spot for her out of nostalgia and also because she strikes me as a genuine person, but I wound up siding with her because not releasing the video was proof enough that she realized she screwed up long ago. 

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