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Game Of Thrones S8 | Finale


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Masterpiece after masterpiece, it makes me so emotional  :bradley:

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5 hours ago, LadyLuca said:

Just saw the episode. Loved it. 

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Arya suprisingly kills NK yass! 

RIP at danny and night king building an army for seven season and everyone dies. They were so ice and fire.

The whole episode people were hoping for their faves to not dye. Tho large party of their army died I whished more people died at the end. But I guess they hold that until cercei. And after that Sansa. 

Everybody thinks danny is becoming villain but she fight a war which she mustnt. gurl could have gone back. Its a distraction. We think Danny is maybe a villain, but after or while the battle against cercei it will be sansa. The last suprising plot twist. She will go by the motivation : I will end all the suffering blah and free the north. we dont want another monarchy., (eventho danny wants to stop the wheel)


I wish is that John dies again. I loved that he wasnt the hero of the episode. Without him we would be screwed but he is kinda basic and doesent deserve winning. He can be dead or under someones command. Cant wait for the bitter sweet ending but danny and him living happily with a child on the throne would kill me. too basic

Can some of you guys help me solving what I didnt understand?


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1. Why did they send dothraki to suicide? Couldnt they just fire their flaming rocks until the dead comes. Honestly almost all of dannys army is dead now and I dont trust the north (sansa) to stand behind her.


2. Why did Melissandre quote sirio forell? what do we say to the god of death? 

Of course it was a motivation for Arya but how could she know. I felt like this moment should belong somewhere else and not to melissandre. Like  between arya and a facelessmen. so we could know sirio was a facelessmen and she was trained by them since the very begining. 

anyways-the rest of that diolog was great....


3. Why didnt Varys die? Melissandre said they would both die in some seasons before. (I mean more peole could have died in general. especially in the crypt)


4. Did anyone count all the deaths? I dont remember them all. Complete me please: Jorah, one eyed man with the firesword, edmund, mormund gurl, Nightking + WW? army people ...was that all? 


5. Why is the NK stupid? He knows hes key to his people. So his plan should be to protect himself as good as he can while still attacking. It would have been enough to just kill and revive until everyone (+bran) are dead. Hes such a show off…





1. I think at war they send the cavalry first because they are more mobile and can kill many without taking serious damage..

2. I think more to say that she's sorry and she should be spared, it's more a trust than motivation, Arya was motivated anyway, but she was in a room with some of her enemies.. she needs to build a trust moment.

3. a politician dies in a war between people - I guess his death will come at the next war.

4. Qhono (Dothraki), Ed, Lyanna Mormont, Beric, Theon, NK + WW, Wight Dragon, Jorah, Melisandre

5. He was too confident that he's winning so he didn't even think that lil Arya can sneak and kill him (I think she used the face of a WW, before we see her there is a WW that looks at the screen)


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I need to stay off social media because everyone is complaining about this episode and I genuinely loved it. One of the few episodes that my whole body was shaking with anxiety and I was crying. The only complaint I partially agree with is that this episode happened too soon. I think it could have been pushed a little further out in the season considering just 3 episodes ago we had the dramatic S7 finale with the army crossing the wall. But other than that it was perfect for me.

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2 minutes ago, Logan said:

I need to stay off social media because everyone is complaining about this episode and I genuinely loved it. One of the few episodes that my whole body was shaking with anxiety and I was crying. The only complaint I partially agree with is that this episode happened too soon. I think it could have been pushed a little further out in the season considering just 3 episodes ago we had the dramatic S7 finale with the army crossing the wall. But other than that it was perfect for me.

I totally loved the episode. How can you be satisfied with the NK's storyline, though? They butchered it. Yes, the visuals were amazing. The storytelling? There was barely any storytelling

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10 hours ago, THATFoxyFeeling said:

I’m so conflicted after watching this episode. It was epic and I was literally on the edge of my chair. But I was kinda disappointed how NK died, like I get Brann gave Arya the dagger but I wish we got more backstory on him? 

There is so many unanswered questions. Why did Melisandre go to Essos? I expected her to return with an army of the fire god followers or something. What was Brann doing for the entire episode? He just warged into crows? 

Mel went to Essos cause Dan and David had no idea what to do with her till this battle. Notice how they also wrote this and she literally just shows up again out of nowhere, right on time? 

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6 hours ago, RudzXinc said:

And why Mellisandre suddenly die? Is she because she's too old and use all her magic? She might still be alive if she didn't take off the necklace.

Mellisandre was me after watching this episode. It shook me so hard I was almost dust. :diane: 

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5 minutes ago, Evolve said:

I totally loved the episode. How can you be satisfied with the NK's storyline, though? They butchered it. Yes, the visuals were amazing. The storytelling? There was barely any storytelling

I’m hoping that there is more to the NK storyline next episode. What if Bran becomes the new NK or something? I really loved the episode, but the ending is bittersweet. 

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2 minutes ago, brownie said:

Mel went to Essos cause Dan and David had no idea what to do with her till this battle. Notice how they also wrote this and she literally just shows up again out of nowhere, right on time? 

Yeah I get that but didn’t make sense how she returned on her own. I expected her to come with fire God followers that we had seen in Essos. 

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in terms of visuals and suspense, it was a great episode. but the way the night king died... gurl. :neyde: i'm not a huge fan, so i don't know the names and i don't remember the previous seasons that much, but is there a possibility that the wheelchaired boy (:selena:) gets possessed or something and will act like the night king's host? like, the whole ww and ng threat can't be solved that easily, right?

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2 hours ago, Jadeykins said:

After this i'm even more convinced Arya is going to be the one to kill Cersei 

Melisandre says to Arya "brown, blue, green eyes, eyes you'll shut forever....

i'm going to assume it's Walder frey who has brown eyes but the night king has blue and then Cersei has green and it would be in order too! 

Little Fingers eyes are described as "Gray-Green"

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So we have 3 episodes left... This is probably way off but my guess is Ep 4 is them recovering after the battle and finding out about Cersei's army and making plans. Dany and Jon probably continue their heir discussion and she might have a change of heart. Episode 5 they probably arrive in King's Landing. Probably a lot of deaths in Ep 5. Expect Cleganebowl and Jaime and/or Tyrion confronting Cersei (or Arya, she still has to kill the green-eyed person I believe) Daenerys very likely to die/dragons shot down. Probably another Sept of Baelor scenario if Cersei panics at the end of this episode, which bleeds into the final episode with the closing scenes and fates for each character. 

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We all know Cersei is the bigger villain. NK and the WW were pretty straight forward with their aim. But Cersei is cunning and will only hit them with carefully thought out blows. 

And I have a theory that when Cersei starts to lose the battle she'll have Maester Qyburn create something monstrous. Something to the likes of a NK level threat that they'll lose control of. 

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Lion Heart


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5 minutes ago, VOLANTIS said:

We all know Cersei is the bigger villain. NK and the WW were pretty straight forward with their aim. But Cersei is cunning and will only hit them with carefully thought out blows. 

And I have a theory that when Cersei starts to lose the battle she'll have Maester Qyburn create something monstrous. Something to the likes of a NK level threat that they'll lose control of. 

How is Cersei bigger than death itself tho? It just doesn't make sense. The first scene of the show is with the White Walkers. NK wants to remove the world's memory and history. Cersei is my favorite character, but someone who just wants to sit on the Throne and kill anyone else who doesn't agree with her doesn't sound more evil than the Night's King. Cersei literally feels as the Mad King 2.0, except for the sex.


I think D&D butchered the WW & NK storylines.

20 minutes ago, brownie said:

Mel went to Essos cause Dan and David had no idea what to do with her till this battle. Notice how they also wrote this and she literally just shows up again out of nowhere, right on time?  


16 minutes ago, THATFoxyFeeling said:

Yeah I get that but didn’t make sense how she returned on her own. I expected her to come with fire God followers that we had seen in Essos. 

I'm pretty sure Melisandre went to Volantis to meet up with Kenvara (the most powerful Red Priestess). That's why when she came back she had so many powers - she learnt them from Kenvara. Idk. It's a plot hole.

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A Song of Ice & Fire: The Game of Thrones is a distraction

Game of Thrones: The Long Night is a distraction

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