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King Farhan is back


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I'm always intrigued by the idea of people having such old tracks.  They get hold of them through hackers? And then they try to sell them... and then when nobody will buy it at a ridiculous price they just sit on it for a decade instead of lowering the price????? I don't understand why people do it.

Find solace in the privilege to pursue, Most people are crushed into servitude
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1 minute ago, L A D Y G A G said:

The name of the twitter account user

No I mean who is that? Have they leaked anything in full before.

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Gracious Gaga

I’m gonna keep my expectations real low.  All were getting for Xmas is a Gaga insta story of her crying in Las Vegas

♥ Kindness Police.
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Oh hell, reading this thread I feel such a shitty monster for not knowing/saving every Gaga demo/unreleased leaked up to this day :triggered: and I'm gravitating around Stef since 2011 :neyde:

I really should have joined this crazy cult site when I had time in my hands :saladga:

☄️ Before there was love, there was silence 🌌
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1 hour ago, FfFfFfFF said:

Leave home more often. :pray:

How do you know nobody bought them? If hackers had them means they exist and still float around. This fanbase was and still is so rabid, I refuse to believe nobody wanted them.


we're talking like 9 years... gaga wasn't that big around the time since it was before TFM (if my memory is correct, may have been 2010) and they were high priced, and there were many songs. So to believe someone bought it back then out of the others yet a SINGLE snippet besides the original hasn't surfaced is... unlikely

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