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Shawn Mendes on being called gay


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7 minutes ago, Mister Money said:

How do you know how a str8 dude feels?

I'm using the information presented to me about a public figure to form an opinion. Could he be straight? Possibly. Do I think he is? No.

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1 hour ago, PunkTheFunk said:

In my humble opinion -- if he was secure in his sexuality, he would just laugh and brush this off the same way Gaga brushed off the "she's really a man" rumours. Waking up with night terrors and dating women to prove you're not gay is just not something a straight man would do. But I guess it's none of my business.

Every person handles situations in different ways.

What you want Lady Gaga🥂 What you want with Christina🥂
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2 hours ago, Killa said:

Lord just the sheer width of that mouth is enough for it to be a waste him not getting them inside

LMAO true his smile is nice tho. Small mouthed people have weird smiles

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1 hour ago, PunkTheFunk said:

 Waking up with night terrors and dating women to prove you're not gay is just not something a straight man would do.



Imagine every time you went out in public being filmed, and then having hundreds of people comb through those films dissecting your mannerisms, so they could prove you were something you are not, either to make fun of you, or to prove your secretly like them. It's a very strange situation, so I'm not sure we can say how we would react if we were in his place.

The fact is, being an openly gay male pop star still isn't okay in America. Artists like Adam Lambert and Sam Smith haven't been able to parallel their momentary successes into longevity. So, if Shawn Mendez is interested in having a career, I imagine being hounded by the rumor that he is gay, is going to be a little stressful.

In my opinion, he is handling himself pretty gracefully.

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4 hours ago, Why am I on GGD said:

A person who's private life gets analysed by literally thousands (or millions?) Of people. Everyone is telling him who he is, and disregarding what he has to say about it himself. I can imagine that getting to your head.


4 hours ago, monster78619 said:

Because it’s 24/7 in his life :green:

that's showbiz baby. celebrities earn millions/billions and the price is living a public life. the problem with asking for fame at a young age is that you don't know yet if you're the type of person who can live like this (not everyone can!). if shawn is this upset, maybe he should take a break and reevaluate his choices. 

4 hours ago, Antichrist said:

you would certainly not be upset about gay rumours only if you'd think being gay is bad. there's this thing called lying about people & about who they are, so... honestly if someone would call me straight i'd be pissed as ****, and i don't think being straight is wrong, but i'm simply not straight, so why should someone talk lies about me? same thing applies to shawn.

why people's speculation about his sexuality impacts his life? well, that's a good one. my answer is because he's human, and not everyone has the solid concrete self-esteem and can just brush anything off & go on with their every day life.

his inherent homophobia... i'm pretty sure he's been quite LGBT supportive since ages ago, so i'm not sure what you're trying to go at there.

agree with the last sentence though, but as i've said, we're all human, it can get the best of any of us, just because he's famous doesn't mean he has to be flawless 100% of the time

sis. get out of town.

you're really gonna sit here and tell me that you would wake up from a NIGHT TERROR in a COLD SWEAT because you're worried about people thinking you are STRAIGHT? no ma'am, you will not lie to me here on this night. no no. 

other peoples' perception about your sexuality does not impact your life. he is obviously offended because his masculinity is being scrutinized. 

so instead of Shawn doing some soul-searching and coming to the conclusion that masculinity expectations are toxic and outdated, and realizing that what strangers think about him doesn't matter, he does an interview and demands that WE ALL stop talking about his sexuality instead of him growing up. 

that. is. so. immature. omfgggg. this is only going to make people talk about your sexuality MORE! just learn to live like a celebrity or take a break hun. jfc. 

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1 hour ago, OBEY said:

Well its about being called something you're not, repeatedly and by thousands of people on the internet and in real life.

If someone would repeatedly tell me that I'm liar, or that I'm a thief or that my favorite color is pink or whatever, it would bother me. I know I'm not a liar, I know I'm not a thief, pink isn't my favorite color. So what? Yeah okay, brush it off. But then, over time, if people don’t stop calling me that, and I would see articles written about that, comments everywhere that I am, it surely would annoy me :shrug:

people genuinely made fun of gaga and spread the obvious lie that she had a penis for years. same with michelle obama. justin bieber's sexuality was questioned for a decade (and it's still going on with the hot preacher). i could go on forever.

these things are often hurtful and should be called out when we see them. that's on us. 

i am a white person, but people mistake me for asain/latino/etc almost every day. strangers come up to me and demand to know my ethnicity and i swear to go they almost never believe me and they'll keep bugging me about it. this used to bother me all the time. 

but then i grew up and realized that this does not impact my life whatsoever and i stopped caring about it. 

even back then, though, i would NEVER say that i was offended by being called asian because being asian is NOT BAD. we cannot say the same thing about shawn mendes.

this whole thing is in such poor taste and it is really profoundly ignorant on many parts -- including his! 




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Gov Hooka

Sad no one should have to care what other people think.

But also lowkey some internalized homophobia on his part. Why the hell do you care and get so affected by being called gay? If you truly weren't gay or even if you were in the closet, you shouldn't care what people say if you didn't already think that there is nothing inherently wrong with being gay. Not that it's his fault that he feels that way. It sucks that gay men, closeted men, or "more effeminate" straight men have to act this way because of societal norms smh. 

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Imagine thinking a celebrity would date a stan

Imagine thinking a celebrity has to be bi/gay irk for you to have Sexxx Dreams about them 

Imagine making the same joke for years and still claiming it’s a joke

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Mister Money
40 minutes ago, MJHolland said:

people genuinely made fun of gaga and spread the obvious lie that she had a penis for years. same with michelle obama. justin bieber's sexuality was questioned for a decade (and it's still going on with the hot preacher). i could go on forever.

these things are often hurtful and should be called out when we see them. that's on us. 

i am a white person, but people mistake me for asain/latino/etc almost every day. strangers come up to me and demand to know my ethnicity and i swear to go they almost never believe me and they'll keep bugging me about it. this used to bother me all the time. 

but then i grew up and realized that this does not impact my life whatsoever and i stopped caring about it. 

even back then, though, i would NEVER say that i was offended by being called asian because being asian is NOT BAD. we cannot say the same thing about shawn mendes.

this whole thing is in such poor taste and it is really profoundly ignorant on many parts -- including his! 




oh honey people handle things differently

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I appreciate him being open, but I wish he’d kept this to himself. His choice to speak on this (and especially because how much it’s talked about), but I don’t think this did him any favors. 


Also, if he ever discovered that he wasn’t “straight”, people will be quick to remember this moment. Whether he’s gay or not, I hope he finds peace within himself & doesn’t let the toxicity get to him. 

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OK. oK. Can we stop talking about him now?

It is obvious now he is not ally and just another guy with fragile masculinity :diane:

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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1 hour ago, MJHolland said:

that's showbiz baby. celebrities earn millions/billions and the price is living a public life. the problem with asking for fame at a young age is that you don't know yet if you're the type of person who can live like this (not everyone can!). if shawn is this upset, maybe he should take a break and reevaluate his choices. 

Let’s not try to justify shitty behavior by saying “that’s showbiz baby”. 

Actors and singers sign up to act and sing. They don’t sign up for ridiculous behavior by crazy ass “fans”. 

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7 hours ago, Borislshere said:

Another thing, why is he so worried about people calling him gay? Like if you’re not, you’re not. No need try so hard to get people to change their opinions on you. The fact that he tries to be seen in public with a girl just so people think he’s straight is bothering me so much. I hope the women he uses for this are also in on what he’s doing. 


7 hours ago, MJHolland said:

like... i get trying to be sensitive and the speculation is rude...

but what straight person is this upset about people assuming their sexuality?

like, if you thought I was straight (I am not), I wouldn't be offended or even think about it.

and no straight person keeps their sexuality in the closest a la his relationship with Hailey Baldwin.

I'll leave it alone moving forward, but there is obviously something there. 


Read the dozens upon dozens of interviews with gay actors who came out later in their career. Colton Haynes recently mentioned this, that he was basically forced to keep his sexuality a secret because he’d end up getting type cast and it could ruin his career. 

And he comes out of the closet, and the very next role he gets is getting pounded up the ass on a Ryan Murphy show. :trollga:

Shawn getting annoyed that people keep inferring he is gay, is understandable. If he is truly straight, we live in an era where it could theoretically have an effect on his career. 

And not everyone is required constantly to be some liberal martyr. If the man wants to get on stage, play guitar and sing, that’s what he wants.

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