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Will Gaga add new items such as the DWUW Hat and the other shirts on her online store?


most likely at the end of the tour unless they sell out of all the ones they ordered


I can't imagine it's a huge seller

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I wanted to buy the Swine Fest/Seashell Bikini shirt at my Dallas date, but since we crashed on the way to Dallas, I had to spend all my money on that, so I didn't buy a single thing :giveup:

I was wanting to buy it on her official store, but didn't have money. Now that I do, it's not there :( Ugh.

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I can pick these up for you in London and post, if you want. Just cost price plus PayPal fees.

I was in Berlin yesterday and I was so worried that the tourbooks will be sold-out after the show that I didn't even look at the rest of the merch, I was sure I will be able to get some t-shirts online. Now I regret it so much :( I really want those two white Inez & Vinoodh t-shirts, does anybody know if they will be available in Gaga's official store after the tour is over? Did that happen after the BTWB?
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I can pick these up for you in London and post, if you want. Just cost price plus PayPal fees.


 I'll PM you :hug:


Edit: I can't send you a message. It says: The member Gagafan1974 can not use the messaging system :shrug:

I would really like to get these t-shirts, please tell me how can I contact you :heart:

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Hi, can someone please post prices (if you can from Germany, because I hear they are different - depending on the city. I am going to artRAVE in Vienna and I would like to know how much money to take with me. Thanks!  :haha:

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In Dublin, the normal shirts were 30euro, the I&V shirts were 40euro, the LEDdrealocks were 20euro (seriously, WTF? They probably cost like 1euro to make - total rip off!), the dummy/pacifier was 8euro. I think the program was 20euro, but didn't really look for it.


I bought the Lady F*cking Gaga shirt and the itunes festival shirt (which I already have from the US but I wanted one with the Aus/Euro dates on the back too). I had wanted to buy the I&V one where she's holding her boob, but they didn't have my size. :(

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No they do not have the dates on the back.
how much are they?

how much are they?
if anyone knows uk prices I am going on Thursday
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