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ASIB was ruined for me


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Yeah i feel like i jacked up my first watching experience by listening to the soundtrack before watching but after seeing it a second time it doesnt really matter 

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now after reading your thread, i'm scared to have that experience too. i'm going to see it in a pre-screening event in Bangkok next wednesday (in a packed theatre) and i will certainly wait for moments that will impress the GP in the theatre and the bf sitting beside me (who is always a hard judge of gaga).

i have listened to shallow and is that alright snippet and none of the rest of the soundtrack, watched most of the interviews about 1 vs 99, pasta leftover, make-up wipes and more. read many many reviews and i know the vague plot.

do you think i will have the same problem in this case?

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Eddie A Michael

I don’t know what the movie is about. I haven’t read any reviews. I havent watched any of Gaga’s recent interviews,. I haven’t heard any of the songs except Shallow.

t am proud of myself 

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I think the problem is that a lot of LMs don't go in with a "let's watch a movie" mindset and more with a "let's watch a Gaga performance" one. My guess is a lot of the fans wouldn't have paid money to see a country rock musical like this if Gaga hadn't been in it, so they really have to get all of their satisfaction from her, like it's a concert more than a movie.

Add to that the nervousness of many fans to see Gaga do well, and impress not only themselves but the whole audience (as @GAGAXO poignantly noted) and it's normal for a simple night at the movies to become something disappointing. But like many people here have noted, I think you just need to re-watch it to remove that "omg this is it" layer of the experience.

Of course it's also totally possible this just isn't a movie for you or you genuinely weren't impressed with it :ohwell:

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11 hours ago, Jester said:

I saw the movie yesterday and I think reading reviews and watching all trailers, interviews and previews ruined it for me. :messga:

I couldn't forget that I was looking at Gaga acting. And constantly thinking ok she did good here, ok Gaga I see your here, etc. :saladga:

And I knew how amazing the reviews are so I was kinda waiting for something to happen and shake me up, but it just didn't. And I never truly started seeing them as a couple.

Titanic makes me tear up and ASIB didn't, I'm so sad tbh. And I see that the story is emotional and great and I should resonate, but it didn't happen.

What's wrong with me, should I try again? Is it because of too much info before? Or maybe because I'm obsessed with the lead actress? Anybody with a similar experience?

I have this problem with all pop stars in the movies:madge:

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Felt that way my first time, too. Second time was wayyyyyy better and third time was just a ****ing blast.

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This is perfectly normal. Sometimes, watching a film for the second time could be more enjoyable than the first time. It's like you're expecting the movie to entirely change your life and blow your mind away, and when it ends, you're like 'That's it?'

There are some movies which you get so excited for that you tend to form very high expectations on the film, which makes the expectations hard to be met, when the movie seems perfectly enjoyable to other people. The average audience goes into the theatre without expecting the movie to like cure cancer or anything, and that makes their expectations easier to be met.

It's also the reason why I've been trying to avoid listening to the soundtrack (apart from those not in the film and Shallow) and avoid looking at stills, spoilers and teasers. I obviously saw the trailer and the four teasers they released, but those behind-the-scenes footage along with new scenes are all avoided.

I've also done the same for American Horror Story: Apocalypse where I don't watch the weekly episode trailer because I want to be completely blown away by the episode when it airs.

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13 hours ago, Jester said:

I saw the movie yesterday and I think reading reviews and watching all trailers, interviews and previews ruined it for me. :messga:

I couldn't forget that I was looking at Gaga acting. And constantly thinking ok she did good here, ok Gaga I see your here, etc. :saladga:

And I knew how amazing the reviews are so I was kinda waiting for something to happen and shake me up, but it just didn't. And I never truly started seeing them as a couple.

Titanic makes me tear up and ASIB didn't, I'm so sad tbh. And I see that the story is emotional and great and I should resonate, but it didn't happen.

What's wrong with me, should I try again? Is it because of too much info before? Or maybe because I'm obsessed with the lead actress? Anybody with a similar experience?

kind of the same but i didn't listen to leaks or anything, i was just overhyped but when i saw her i was being too critical. i wouldn't say my experience is ruined though

i saw it yesterday and gonna see it again on Sunday with my mom, i'll be more relaxed and enjoy more

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This is why you have to avoid the spoilers. YOU WILL RUIN YOUR EXPERIENCE. Hopefully you learned your lesson. Also, when people are Stans, they tend to focus on the artist and not their characters in movies, and you tend to just be critical. You have to remember to forget that it's Gaga, and that you're actually watching Ally. If you can't do that, then it will be hard to enjoy the movie. 

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I think it's normal. As fans we are heavily invested not just in the film and story, but the success of the movie as a whole - particularly Gaga's performance. When I was watching it, the novelty of seeing her on screen definitely took over me and I had to try and concentrate really hard to stop looking at the film so critically. Around half way through I managed to lose myself in the story and it was fine.

Watching it a second time helped, too. I perhaps enjoyed it more the second time.

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18 hours ago, Jester said:

I saw the movie yesterday and I think reading reviews and watching all trailers, interviews and previews ruined it for me. :messga:

I couldn't forget that I was looking at Gaga acting. And constantly thinking ok she did good here, ok Gaga I see your here, etc. :saladga:

And I knew how amazing the reviews are so I was kinda waiting for something to happen and shake me up, but it just didn't. And I never truly started seeing them as a couple.

Titanic makes me tear up and ASIB didn't, I'm so sad tbh. And I see that the story is emotional and great and I should resonate, but it didn't happen.

What's wrong with me, should I try again? Is it because of too much info before? Or maybe because I'm obsessed with the lead actress? Anybody with a similar experience?

lol I didn't cry either time I saw it (teared up this time, but I was boozed up then lolol). You need to watch it not looking for Gaga! Just relax a bit and you'll come to experience it as it is and not as "GAGA'S DEBUT FILM", if that makes sense.

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I cried at the end. Not because of the story as much as how far she has come from just dance to this and ive been woth her all the way. When she was signing the last song i kept thinking she did THAT 

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